Into Unscientific

Chapter 653 The time of the nuclear explosion is determined!

"Comrade Qian Wushi, are you willing to accept this task?"

As Zhu Guangya finished speaking.

A very familiar figure to Xu Yun quickly stood up at a certain position in front of and to the right of Xu Yun.

This person is obviously

Qian Wushi.

Qian Wushi, whom he had not seen for many days, was still in good spirits today. He slowly stood up from his seat:

"Comrade Guangya, I have no problem. Please rest assured, I will personally lead the team to complete this task."

Zhu Guangya also nodded politely towards him:

"Comrade of the Fifth Division, thank you for your hard work."

at the same time.

Xu Yun in the audience also recovered from the initial accident, and secretly said in his heart that he would make arrangements.

Although Qian Wushi is a standard SSR-level magic card, in fact, he is indeed the most suitable person in the base to be responsible for developing plane wave generators.

First of all, Qian Wushi himself is not a member of the 221 base, that is, an "idler" who is not expected to have a mission plan.

If the organization hadn't known Xu Yun's identity and left Qian Wu Division at the base to make millstones, Qian Wu Division would have returned to the missile project team in the capital.


Although Qian Wushi is responsible for ballistic design, he is a top expert in structure.

Moreover, the shock wave in the concept of waverider deduced by Qian Wushi actually belongs to the same category as spherical wave and plane wave:

The shock wave can also be divided into spherical wave and plane wave, and further it can be divided into front surface wave and inclined surface wave.

Therefore, this kind of cross-professional task is really not difficult for Qian 5th Division, and it is one of the few projects that Qian 5th Division can connect with during the development of atomic bombs.

how to say

This is somewhat similar to Xu Yun’s situation in hydrogen bomb design:

He didn't understand hydrogen bomb configurations or intermediates, but he could help with the fusion section because it overlapped with his major.

Although Xu Yun will never expand to the point where he can compete with the Qian Fifth Division, the logic of this matter is actually the same.

Therefore, it is indeed a very clever arrangement to let Qian Wushi be responsible for the research and development of plane wave generators.

However, Qian Wushi himself probably didn't think that much. His consciousness is here, and it is a good thing to contribute his own strength.

And with the distribution of the plane wave generator completed.

All that remains is the distribution of the construction of the atomic bomb.

The final neutron reflecting layer.

Zhu Guangya at the front coughed slightly and moved the bamboo pole to the outside of the design (what should this thing be called? The bamboo pole is weird):

"Comrades, now that Comrade Qian Wu of the Fifth Division has taken over the research and development of the generator, we only have the last neutron reflecting layer left in the atomic bomb component."

"The thickness of the neutron reflection layer was calculated by Comrade Min. The parameter is 4.554 centimeters. The thickness is divided into a free neutron generation layer and a real neutron reflection layer."

Say it.

Zhu Guangya gently moved the bamboo pole down and locked on a certain icon:

"The structure designed by Comrade Yu Min has a very small neutron absorption cross-section, about 1,400 bars, and the whole structure is a rectangular rod."

"It will create a coolant flow channel on each side, which can be filled with some neutron reflectors, and the material is beryllium."

In the future life where Xu Yun traveled through time.

When it comes to the elements involved in atomic bombs, many people subconsciously think of uranium-235.

But in fact.

In the design structure of the atomic bomb, beryllium is actually the most versatile element.

Beryllium and its compounds in daily life are highly toxic. As long as there is one milligram of beryllium dust in every cubic meter of air, people will be infected with acute pneumonia.

However, inside the atomic bomb, its appearance frequency is almost the same as that of Brother Donkey.

For example, it is needed for the ignition neutron source, the inner tank, the beryllium tube connected to the hollow solenoid, and the neutron reflection layer.

As for the reason for using beryllium as the reflective layer material.

Naturally it is because of the properties of beryllium.

The natural frequency and stiffness of beryllium gadgets are very high, which can avoid resonance situations.

At the same time, it has a large scattering cross section of neutrons and a small absorption cross section - that is, it can reflect neutrons back to the inside of the atomic bomb with maximum efficiency.

More importantly, after a high-energy neutron hits the beryllium nucleus, more than one neutron will be produced. This is also called the neutron proliferation effect of beryllium.

The neutrons produced can enter the interior of the atomic bomb to participate in the reaction. It is strange that this material is not used as a reflective layer.

And the other side.

As Zhu Guangya reported parameters one by one, the eager expressions on the faces of some of the people in charge gradually dimmed.

These people in charge originally thought about taking on this task, but as the specific parameters were reported, they had to give up the idea one after another.

Although everyone at the scene has a sincere heart to serve the country, everyone's abilities are different and limited.

They know their own business and know the upper limit of their team's capabilities.

Nowadays, the difficulty of the neutron reflective layer has exceeded their ability. If they bite the bullet and apply for project qualifications, it will only be a waste of financial and material resources.

But while these people in charge were shaking their heads, many people were still doing another action:

While they shook their heads secretly, they turned their attention to a man sitting in the first few rows.

This man was about forty years old, and his facial features were not handsome, but he had an air of elegance and righteousness.

A few minutes later.

After introducing the specific parameters, Zhu Guangya looked around the scene and asked:

"Regarding the preparation of the neutron reflective layer. Can any comrade volunteer for this?"


The words just fell.

The middle-aged man raised his hand:

"Director Zhu, I can do it!"

Seeing this man standing up so eagerly, Zhu Guangya couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face:

"Old Wu, can you, a chained man, maintain your health?"

Chain Man.

Hear these three words.

Xu Yun, who was vaguely familiar with his face, suddenly thought of something, turned to Lao Guo and asked:

"Gong Guo, could this be Comrade Wu Ziliang?"

At this time, Lao Guo already knew Xu Yun's origin, so he was not too surprised when he called out this person's real name:

"Well, yes, he is Wu Ziliang."

Xu Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Is it really him?

Apart from Wu Xuelin, this was the second name today that made him feel a little bit subtle.

Wu Ziliang.

One of the last 23 winners of two bombs and one star in the world, and the last person in the nuclear weapons project who has never met Xu Yun.

Even though Wu Ziliang’s name sounds a lot like Jijiliang, in fact it entrusts the beautiful expectations of Wu Ziliang’s parents:

The name "Ziliang" means that his parents hope that he will become a virtuous and upright person through continuous self-improvement.

Wu Ziliang came from a good family since he was a child. He finished college at an early age and later went to study abroad at his own expense across the sea - there were not many international students who could afford to pay their own way back then.

During study abroad.

He studied physical metallurgy under the tutelage of physical metallurgist C.S. Barrett and physicist R. Smolokovsky.

Later, when he heard about the establishment of New China, he resolutely returned to his motherland.

Then in the atomic bomb project, he cooperated with Yang Chengzong and solved the problem of developing type A separation membrane.

At that time, because there were very few people in the same direction as him in the country, Wu Ziliang often took on multiple tasks at the same time, so he also called himself a "chain man."

Of course.

If it were just based on these resumes, Xu Yun would only feel admiration for Wu Ziliang, and would not have any other subtle emotions.

The reason why Xu Yun had this emotion was mainly because the boss had two very special experiences.

The first thing is that before he came to the United States, he worked as a researcher at a logistics company called Lei Yun Aircraft Manufacturing Factory. He left the job after witnessing corruption within the logistics company.

In 1942, the Lei Yun aircraft manufacturing factory was bombed, and Logistics was preparing to build a new core aviation factory.

So in order to show his "sincerity" in seeking talents, a certain bald man specially wrote ten letters of appointment, one of which was sent to Wu Ziliang.

But Wu Ziliang ultimately rejected the appointment. Knowing this, Bald Head ordered Wu Ziliang never to be hired, and also said angrily:

"If you don't understand current affairs, it's impossible for such a person to become a talented person, so don't do it!"

As a well-known poisonous milk contestant in China, someone once again demonstrated his magical ability on Wu Ziliang.

As for the second experience?

That is, after the founding of New China, Wu Ziliang actually smuggled himself back to the country from across the sea.

That's right.

He did not collectively choose to return to China like Zhu Guangya and Zhao Zhongyao. Instead, after his first application to return to China was rejected, he immediately realized that there would be obstacles on the other side of the sea.

So he found an opportunity to take a long leave from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Syracuse University. He took advantage of the gap in the control of Chinese students across the sea and ran to Detroit. Then he took a freighter to sneak into Neon, and then transferred from Neon to Neon. Xiangjiang, and finally returned to the mainland.

And since there was no communication between Xiangjiang and the mainland at that time, Wu Ziliang temporarily stored his luggage at the home of a friend who was an international student in Xiangjiang, and he swam to the outpost on the other side of the mainland by taking a detour.

This kind of experience was quite explosive even among international students in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

His eyes returned to reality.

Needless to say, Wu Ziliang's ability to become a recipient of the Two Bombs and One Star Medal. Although Xu Yun did not know the specific list of personnel in advance, he estimated that Wu Ziliang should be selected by the organization.

After all, the neutron reflective layer is common among atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and even neutron bombs, but it will be slightly adjusted according to different properties.

at the same time.

With the distribution of the neutron reflective layer completed, the rest of the atomic bomb is the production of other parts that are not particularly core.

Some of the teams for this part of the parts production were already established when the base was built, and Zhu Guangya also announced the person in charge:

"The atomic bomb base frame will be produced by Workshop 203 of the First Branch Factory, and the responsible comrade is Wang Hongyu."

"The outer tank structure is produced by the 211 workshop of the first branch factory, and the responsible comrade Qiao Aiping"

"Mixed explosive triggers are produced by the Second Branch Factory."

ten minutes later.

Zhu Guangya closed the notepad in his hand and said:

"Okay, comrades, that's about it for the atomic bomb project allocation. Do any other comrades have any opinions?"


The next second.

A bunch of arms were raised in the audience, and many people wore white shirts. Zhu Guangya thought he was in Paris, Gaul.

Then Zhu Guangya didn't wait to ask.

A scholar in his thirties wearing a white shirt stood up from his seat and asked:

"Director Zhu, I have a question - why is our workshop not assigned production tasks?"

Xu Yun has met this person several times, and remembers that his name should be Wang Hai. He is also an overseas student who returned from across the sea, and his direction is mechanical engineering.

Although Wang Hai was not well-known in later generations, based on the impression Xu Yun got from chatting with him, he was actually a quite capable expert.

Seeing Wang Hai rolling up his sleeves to ask for an explanation, Zhu Guangya smiled easily:

"Hey, Comrade Wang Hai, don't be anxious."

"Didn't you realize that besides you, there are many comrades on site who have not been assigned tasks?"

Wang Hai was startled and said subconsciously:

"Director Zhu, what do you mean?"

Zhu Guangya stretched out his hand and pressed it on him, signaling him to calm down:

"Comrade Wang Hai, you must have heard the news a few days ago, right?"

There was doubt in Wang Hai's eyes:

"what news?"

Zhu Guangya was silent for a moment, and a trace of deepness appeared on his face:

"Bear's Tsar nuclear bomb went off."

Tsarist bomb.

This was the so-called Big Ivan in later generations, one of the most powerful hydrogen bombs in human history, equivalent to about 3,800 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

According to the original historical development.

The Great Ivan was supposed to have successfully exploded at the end of this month, but under the instigation of Xu Yun’s Little Wings, the detonation time of the Tsarist nuclear bomb was advanced by two weeks.

Organizationally, this news reached the hands of each project team leader two days ago, and Wang Hai was no exception.

But now Zhu Guangya suddenly mentioned the Tsarist nuclear bomb

Think of this.

Bang bang bang——

A hint of excitement suddenly appeared on Wang Hai's face, and his voice became a little hoarse:

"Director Zhu, what do you mean?"

"The organization wants to start the production of hydrogen bombs simultaneously with the development of atomic bombs?!"

Zhu Guangya looked at Wang Hai steadily for a few seconds, then looked around at everyone present, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"That's right, so Comrade Wang Hai, are you willing to try the bigger challenge of a hydrogen bomb?"


Wang Hai's Adam's apple rolled up and down a few times, and he was so shocked that he didn't speak for a long time.

But soon.

Another old expert beside him raised his hand:

"Director Zhu, how much time can the organization give us for parts production? - I mean the total production time."

Zhu Guangya looked at him deeply:

"Comrade Yang Jian, you only have 10 months for production and debugging. By the end of August next year, all parts must be produced and debugged."

"End of August?"

The old expert was suddenly startled and asked subconsciously:

"What about the detonation time of the atomic bomb?"

This time.

Zhu Guangya was silent for half a minute, and then he faintly uttered:

"Before the meeting, a certain chief once said something to me."

"He said. Some people think that we will perish after a certain day, so let's stand up the next day and show them!"

"So the organizationally determined time for the nuclear explosion is"

"September 19th next year."


I forgot to mention it yesterday, I asked for leave on the day of the surgery on 15, and it will be automatically updated normally on 16-18.

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