Into Unscientific

Chapter 662: Things about the Pisces Jade Pendant (this chapter contains a lot of popular science, s

Peng Jiamu?

I heard these three words coming from the mouth of the man in the military coat.

Xu Yun, who was sitting in a wheelchair and yawning, suddenly became stunned, and his breath stopped for a moment.

Xuanji suddenly turned his head and looked at the man opposite Lu Guangda.

This person has a very simple face, a thick chin, a liberation hat on his head, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He is dressed in a standard intellectual style.

At this time, Peng Jiamu was holding hands with Lu Guangda with a smile on his face, looking very talkative.

But looking at this simple and elegant face, Xu Yun's heart was shaking wildly.

Peng Jiamu

I didn’t expect to see this figure at the Malan base.

In fact, from an academic point of view, Peng Jiamu can only be regarded as a geological expert with a small ability and reputation. Without the title of academician, there is still a gap between his academic ability and other big names.

But even for such a scholar whose appearance and abilities are not top-notch, his reputation in later generations is no less than that of many well-known experts.

And every time the name Peng Jiamu is mentioned, it will inevitably involve a mysterious object:

Pisces jade pendant.

Peng Jiamu is a biochemist from Panyu City, Guangdong Province. I won’t introduce much about his early resume. He has been investigating geographical resources in the Lop Nur area of ​​Zhuzhou all year round.

In May 1980.

Peng Jiamu visited Lop Nur for the third time and served as the scientific expedition captain of Lop Nur, leading a comprehensive expedition team into XJ Lop Nur for inspection.

At 10 a.m. on June 17, the expedition team camped near Kumukuduk.

Considering that there was not much drinking water left, in order to solve the problem and continue the eastward expedition, Peng Jiamu went out alone to find water and walked deep into the desert, and unfortunately disappeared.

Later, after the capital learned of the news, it sent out more than a dozen planes, dozens of cars, and thousands of people four times to search like a net. Facing the sandbags, sand beams, and sand mountains blown up by the black storm, they could not find it. Clues.

Two years later, Peng Jiamu was posthumously recognized as a martyr.

In fact, if the matter ends here, there is not much abnormality in Peng Jiamu's deeds, and he will probably become an ancestor who will be remembered by future generations many years later.

But in 2009, a very outrageous post appeared. From then on, Mr. Peng Jiamu’s name began to be linked to metaphysics and even ghosts and gods.

This post first appeared on the well-known Tianya Forum on June 3, 2009, with the title "Does China have an official investigation agency to investigate strange incidents?"

At that time, a netizen named 218 said in a weather-beaten tone, "Stop guessing, if you know, you will cherish the peace now."

So the friends were in an uproar and asked 218 to tell the truth.

Then 218 said, [Don’t worry, I will release new information tonight. This incident has nothing to do with aliens or foreign enemies, because I was greatly implicated in this incident. But I don’t blame the country, nor do I blame the higher authorities. If it were me, I would do the same. 】

Then he appeared on time at 218 in the evening. He said that he was a veteran who had served in the Northwest Territories and had received second-class merit.

However, after saying 218, he was disconnected again. At 08:06 in the evening, a netizen called Daxue replied heartily [218, if you dare to say anything about the Pisces Jade Pendant again, I will strangle you to death].


The two of them have never been online.

Nine months later.

A netizen named I Want to Go West mentioned Lop Nur and Peng Jiamu on the 4689th floor, and once again mentioned the Pisces Jade Pendant:

In the 1980s, a Pisces jade pendant was unearthed in Lop Nur, which could perfectly copy one fish into another sample. Peng Jiamu went to study this jade pendant.

Later, Peng Jiamu was also copied into a clone and ran across the sea.

Attached to the post was a report from a well-known newspaper in Hong Kong in the 1990s, saying that an overseas student named Zhou Guanglei met Peng Jiamu Yunyun across the sea.

Ever since.

Peng Jiamu, together with the bilingual jade pendant, became the so-called "top ten unsolved cases since the founding of the People's Republic of China" - in fact, the full name should be "top of the ten unsolved cases since the founding of the People's Republic of China, no one knows what the other nine are."

Then, with the spread of some suspense novels and marketing accounts, Peng Jiamu’s disappearance became more and more bizarre.

You can even read on the Internet that 300,000 clones appeared in the northwest that year, and the rabbits chose Lop Nur as a nuclear explosion site just to eliminate these clones.

At that time, when Xu Yun was writing the novel, he also talked about this matter with his comrades in Atomic City, and the staff who contacted him were helpless and angry.

The Pisces jade pendant is nothing more, but the so-called development of nuclear bombs is to eliminate replicants.

The atomic bomb developed by countless ancestors with their blood, sweat and even their lives, the national weapon that divided Chinese history into two parts, was actually given such a color?

Are the so-called anchors of some suspense novels really not afraid of retribution?

As for the truth about the so-called Pisces Jade Pendant, what is it?

Let’s take a look at each one here.


The Pisces Jade Pendant does exist and is a cultural relic, but it was not found in Lop Nur.

It is a jade pendant from the Liao Dynasty unearthed from the tomb of Princess Chen of Liao and her consort in Tongliao NMQ. The tomb was discovered in 1986 and is 3,900 kilometers away from Lop Nur.

Moreover, 1986 was only the time when the tomb of Princess Chen and her consort was discovered. The jade pendant was unearthed on November 17, 2005.

Also very funny.

Peng Jiamu is a geologist and botanist. Although his research interests include plant viruses, just look at the title of his paper and you will know how different they are from human viruses:

"Zhuzhou Wheat Mosaic Disease and Bush Dwarf Pathogens", "Research on Hamimelon Mosaic Virus", "Electron Microscopic Observation of Mulberry Atrophy and Mosaic Atrophy Pathogens".

So even if some clones and human viruses really appear, Lou Zhicen in the base is more suitable to go to the scene than him, right?

Send a geologist and a botanist to study the clones, and leave it here to play Plants vs. Zombies.

The reason why Peng Jiamu went to Lop Nur was very simple, because Lop Nur discovered a large amount of potassium.

Potassium fertilizer is an extremely scarce resource in our country. Even in later generations, we have not achieved complete self-sufficiency, let alone that period.

Peng Jiamu led a team to inspect Lop Nur three times, and finally discovered the famous Lop Nur potassium salt mine.

Later, it was relying on the potassium supplied by the Lop Nur Potash Mine that our country increased its self-sufficiency rate from 11% to 68%.

Next, let’s talk about the so-called divine sticker in Tianya.

The section of that post is called Lotus Ghost Talk. If you haven’t seen the content, you should know what the section is about by looking at the section name.

You can even see various dragon and phoenix groups in it, which looks exactly like the style of Qidian’s urban novels fifteen years ago.

It’s better to believe that Xu Yun can update 50,000 words a day than to believe the posts there.

Moreover, the Tianya Forum was one of the earliest websites that the Internet police paid attention to and tracked. Some posts involving sensitive content disappeared in a matter of minutes. How can a post about the Pisces Jade Pendant exist for several years? Do you really think that the Internet police are vegetarians?

In addition, according to later confirmation by Tianya moderator Yun Danfengqing himself, [218] in that post was the same as [Heart of Heavy Snow], and the address was a vocational high school in Changsha.

The probability that a veteran from the Northwest who has received second-class merit goes to a vocational high school to study or work, and his comrades are still next to him when he is surfing the Internet, and come to the forum to reply without verbal warning is really ridiculously low.

In addition, let’s talk about Zhou Guanglei who met Peng Jiamu across the sea.

This name first appeared in a notorious cockroach newspaper in Xiangjiang. The time point is very sensitive. The content is as follows:

A Chinese student who called himself Zhou Guanglei wrote a letter from Virginia to Peking University President Zhou Peiyuan. He claimed to be Peng Jiamu's 30-year old friend.

He said that three months after Peng Jiamu disappeared, he met Peng Jiamu while having dinner with Peng Jiamu's student Deng Zhifang in a restaurant across the sea, and Peng Jiamu was surrounded by two people from across the sea.

He immediately stepped forward to greet Peng Jiamu, but Peng Jiamu pretended not to recognize him and left in a hurry.

Then he immediately wrote a letter and told Peng Jiamu's wife Xia Shufang about the incident.

But what is the truth?

Zhou Peiyuan did receive such a letter, but the Deng Zhifang mentioned in the letter studied physics and could not be Peng Jiamu's student.

Later, he also went to find Deng Zhifang himself. Deng Zhifang said that he did not know Zhou Guanglei at all and had not been to Washington at that time.

Peng Jiamu's wife Xia Shufang also said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that she had never heard her husband Peng Jiamu mention that she had a friend named Zhou Guanglei for 30 years, and she had never received a letter from Zhou Guanglei.

Moreover, Zhou Guanglei mistakenly wrote her name as "Xia Shufang" in the letter to Zhou Peiyuan.

At that time, the news was very popular. After all, it involved the so-called "defection" of Chinese scientists. If it could be confirmed, it would be a very useful weapon for foreign media in terms of public opinion.

Therefore, many foreign media also reported this matter, and the reporter of "America" ​​also conducted verification based on the U.S. residence address provided by Zhou Guanglei in the letter.

But in the end, he discovered that there was no file on the Chinese student named Zhou Guanglei in Virginia.

Therefore, the so-called defection of Peng Jiamu or the clone running to the other side of the sea are also rumors.

Finally, there is the rumor that DNA testing cannot be done on Peng Jiamu’s mummy.

In the future of Xu Yun's time travel, many marketing accounts were hyping up the fact that Peng Jiamu's descendants were unwilling to undergo DNA testing, and then started crazy conspiracy theories.

This is also a distorted fact.

In fact, in the past few years, almost every once in a while, someone would find a mummy suspected to be Peng Jiamu in Lop Nur.

Some media directly reported the discovery of Peng Jiamu's body before the results were released, and went crazy for the popularity bonus.

But after three failed tests in 2005, 2007, and 2008 and being pushed to the forefront each time, Peng Jiamu's descendants made a decision-unless the testing party was more than 90% sure that it was Peng Jiamu, they would There will be no more DNA testing.

This is actually a very easy-to-understand approach. Every appraisal is an emotional injury and everyone is unhappy when a bunch of media have to block the door. As a result, it is suddenly turned into a conspiracy theory.

Peng Jiamu had the opportunity to study abroad in 1956, but he gave up the opportunity to study abroad for the sake of national geological research. He was diagnosed with malignant tumors three years ago, and he endured the torture of cancer cells and personally led a team to collect data.

Later, the reason why he went to look for water alone was because it cost the army six to seven thousand yuan to deliver water by helicopter. After drinking it, his "stomach didn't hurt, but his heart ached."

The original Peng Jiamu may not be as familiar to future generations as Lu Guangda and Qian Wushi, but it is entirely possible that he will be popularized and respected as a relatively unpopular ancestor.

But just because of that fictitious post.

It’s really frustrating that such a respectable scientist has been caught up in various rumors and used to create new stories in various suspense novels.

Think of this.

Xu Yun couldn't help but glance at Peng Jiamu who was talking to Lu Guangda.

Like Yang Chengzong, Peng Jiamu's tumor was diagnosed three years ago and has now progressed to a relatively irreversible level.

Therefore, in terms of physical health, Xu Yun may only be able to contribute a small part, such as targeted drugs and the like.


Now that he has traveled through time, Peng Jiamu's disappearance should be avoidable.


Due to physical problems, Peng Jiamu might not have been able to live very long even if he had not disappeared - Peng Jiamu's cancer cells had spread throughout his body at that time.

But Xu Yun can at least prevent this respectable senior from being contaminated by those inexplicable buffs in future generations, so that he can gain the respect of the Chinese people normally.

And at the same time Xu Yun's mind was in a state of excitement.

Lu Guangda also led the man in military coat and others to Xu Yun and said:

"Comrade Zhang, this is Comrade Xu Yunxu, the deputy of this expert team and the special advisor of Base 221."

"Xiao Xu, this is the person in charge of Malan Base, Comrade Zhang."

Xu Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows. Could it be that Comrade Zhang was...

At the same time, Comrade Zhang also extended his hand and looked at Xu Yun curiously:

"Little guy, are you the Xu Yun who drinks three pounds of donkey blood every day?"

Xu Yun:


Then Comrade Zhang laughed, patted Xu Yun on the shoulder twice, and gave up his position to Peng Jiamu:

"This is Comrade Peng Jiamu, a well-known geologist and botanist in China, and the vice president of the Zhuzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"The purpose of Comrade Jiamu's visit to the base this time is to further investigate the geological structure of the nuclear explosion site."

Seeing this, Xu Yun quickly calmed down, forced his expression to look normal, and took the initiative to reach out to Peng Jiamu:

"Hello, Comrade Jiamu."

Peng Jiamu shook his hand politely:

"Comrade Xu Yun, I have admired you for a long time."

After parting hands.

Comrade Zhang then introduced the identities of the other people at the scene to Xu Yun:

"This is Comrade Ma Xiangqian."

"This is Han Zhengwei, the political commissar of the base's engineering corps. His name may be a bit difficult to pronounce."

"This is Comrade Murong En - surname Mu, first name Rong En."

ten minutes later.

After introducing each other, the expert group and the leaders of the Malan base separated again and began to hand over various materials.

Another half hour passed.

Lu Guangda led the team to say goodbye to Comrade Zhang and others and went to the dormitory building arranged by the base.

After tomorrow, the Malan base will be launched.

The first ever small nuclear test!

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