Into Unscientific

Chapter 672 Mr. Yang’s hesitation

What happened in the East?

Faced with this question raised by Gell-Mann.

John's eyes once again looked blank for a moment.

After a moment, he took a deep breath, a wry smile appeared on his lips, and said to Gelman:

"Murray, to be honest with you, I actually don't know what happened in the East."

"After all, some things involve national secrets. Even if that Eastern country is completely poor now, they will not reveal these secrets to others easily."

"Not to mention putting aside my personal relationship with Zhao, my relationship with their country is only based on transactions. To put it bluntly, I am a businessman."

"As for businessmen, it's obviously very difficult for them to win over others."

Gelman was silent for a few seconds and nodded slowly.

This is true.

Although from a standpoint, both John and Gell-Mann currently favor the Chinese side, the reasons for their preference are completely different.

Gell-Mann's preference is based on strong personal emotions. To put it bluntly, it is a matter of worldview.

Most of John's biases stem from his various transactions with China and fall into the category of money views.

Therefore, people like John can only be regarded as a "helper" to the rabbits. At most, they will become "international friends" after many years, but they cannot become comrades on the front in any case.

Even a visitor from later generations like Xu Yun would not be able to have such conjectures.

In this case, it is naturally impossible for John to understand too much of the truth. At most, he can only understand some superficial knowledge.

Then Gelman thought about it and guessed:

"Mr. John, do you think these changes are related to the atomic bomb China is developing?"

Mentioned earlier.

It is no secret that China is researching atomic bombs. Anyone with a certain understanding of physics and the international situation can guess that China is working on atomic bombs.

The real core secret in this regard lies in the specific development progress of the atomic bomb. Some of the content in this paper is vaguely related to neutrons, so it is normal for Gell-Mann to think of the atomic bomb.

"Atomic bomb."

Opposite him, John touched his chin and vaguely thought of something:

"It's possible - by the way, speaking of atomic bombs, I've vaguely heard of one thing."

Gelman looked shocked and quickly asked:

"What's up?"

John pondered for a moment and said with some uncertainty:

"I heard. I just heard that in many of the incidents known so far, I mean those related to the atomic bomb, it seems that the shadow of an individual codenamed 'Donkey' can be seen."


Gelman immediately frowned and said subconsciously:

"Mr. John, are you referring to the Chinese Donkey in the paper, and the so-called report that the U2 reconnaissance plane was kicked down by a donkey?"

John glanced around a few times to make sure no one was eavesdropping and then shook his head:

"Not only that, as far as I know, many Chinese donkey parts are used in the products traded between the Chinese and the Germans."

Gelman was suddenly startled:

"Is this happening?"

John nodded slightly.

The Rabbits have been using donkey pulp films to exchange linear oscillation detection components with the Germans in the past period, and the middle party in the entire transaction is John himself.

So after going back and forth, he also learned some inside information:

The German side actually analyzed the samples as soon as they obtained the donkey pulp film, and finally concluded that the gelatinous structure of the film is somewhat similar to the apical secretion of donkeys.

At the beginning, the German thought that he had easily deciphered the secret, and he excitedly thought that he would no longer need to rely on the supplies of the rabbits in the future - after all, doing business with the East in this current situation would be very difficult.

But when they replicated the production process using European donkeys, they discovered that the finished products they produced were far from meeting the load standards of rabbit films.

After careful inquiring by the German side, they finally learned a piece of information:

This kind of film must be made from the apical secretions of local donkeys in China. The leak of this news has nothing to do with the insider, but was actively released by the rabbits.

For this reason, the rabbits' "inner ghost" even earned $8,000 in foreign exchange for the country with tears in his eyes, but the Germans probably won't know the truth for a long time.

all in all.

After a period of trying, the German side finally confirmed that the news was true.

So they gave up the idea of ​​replicating the film and honestly started a deal with China.

"I see."

After listening to John's introduction quietly, Gelman touched his chin thoughtfully:

"So the so-called Chinese Donkey is not necessarily just a confusing name?"

John shrugged at him:


Say it.

John warmly hugged Gelman’s shoulders again and said:

"Okay, Murray, let's end the matter with those Chinese people. Anyway, with the information we currently have, we can only make wild guesses."

"So instead of being a curious baby, why not go to my house and have a glass of wine - my house is quite big. When you get tired of playing, you can just go to bed, no problem."

And at the same time that Gelman was taken away by John in a daze.

UC Berkeley.

In a secluded small courtyard.

Three men who were obviously of yellow race were also having a secret conversation that no one knew about.

"Xiao Yang."

Sitting on the right side of the table is an older man with an extremely large nose:

"Xiao Yang, has the Immigration Bureau come to see you recently?"

Hear this.

Mr. Yang, who was sitting opposite him. No, it should be said that it was Xiao Yang who hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly:

"Well, they've been looking for me, but I've never agreed."

Li Jingjun looked at another man who was about the same age as him and had extremely obvious bald spots on his forehead:

"Save yourself, what about you?"

Chen Shengshen nodded slightly:

"They also came to me, you two. To be honest, I have reached a preliminary agreement with the Immigration Bureau."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly stagnated.

Li Jingjun couldn't help but sit up straight, leaning forward quite a bit:

"Save me, have you signed?"

"Well, that's not true."

Chen Shengshen seemed a little surprised by Li Jingjun's reaction. He was stunned for a few seconds before he realized:

"But it will be soon, probably at the end of next month or the beginning of next month."

Then Chen Shengshen hesitated for a moment, then said to Li Jingjun after careful consideration:

"Jing Jun, you rushed to see me with Xiao Yang today. Are you trying to persuade us to return to China?"

Li Jingjun nodded heavily.

Hearing this, Chen Shengshen couldn't help but look at Xiao Yang, and they both saw deep surprise in each other's eyes.

To know.

If we were to rank the three people present, or to be precise, all the Chinese scientists who are still across the sea, in the order of "least able to return to China", Li Jingjun could theoretically sit there and compete for the top spot.

after all

Li Jingjun escaped from the country.

Li Jingjun was a native of Jinmen. He was admitted to the College of Agriculture of Jinling University in 1932. After graduating in 1936, he went to Cornell University to study genetics and biostatistics and received a doctorate.

Later, he studied analytic geometry, probability theory and statistics at the University of Chicago and Columbia University, and returned to China in 1941.


This passionate scientist who returned to serve the country when the country was in its most difficult times was set up in a trap in the year of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

So a year later, Li Jingjun said goodbye to his relatives and friends, and returned to the other side of the sea with his wife and daughter.

But even so.

In the more than fifty years that followed, Li Jingjun still did not change his nationality to the one across the sea.

At the same time, every Chinese Spring Festival, Li Jingjun often organizes some Chinese students to have fellowships. His favorite song is "Defend the Yellow River".


Although Li Jingjun's patriotism is extremely fervent, the current domestic views on him are obviously not friendly to him, and can even be said to be extremely bad.

Under such circumstances, why would he change his mind and take the initiative to contact Chen Shengshen and the others?

Perhaps he guessed what Chen Shengshen was thinking.

Li Jingjun suddenly looked around a few times warily, and then very carefully took out a letter from his body:

"Save yourself, Xiao Yang, look at this."

Chen Shengshen glanced at him, took the letter, put it in front of him and read:

"Yours sincerely, Comrade Li Jingjun"

The number of words in this letter is not very large, but the content clearly expresses the thoughts that the writer wants to express:

The other party welcomed Li Jingjun to return to China and would not impose any academic restrictions on him. At the same time, the country had already mastered certain new technologies, so Li Jingjun did not have to worry about changing jobs to other directions after returning to China.

After a while.

Chen Shengshen raised his head from the letter and looked at Li Jingjun again:

"Jingjun, just this letter makes your heart flutter? What if it's a bad check?"

Li Jingjun was obviously prepared for this question. He pointed to the end of the letter:

"Save yourself, look at the name on the signature."

"Sign up?"

Chen Shengshen blinked and looked at the end of the letter again.

After seeing the two names clearly signed, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he even knocked over a tea cup on the table in his excitement.

However, this cannot be blamed on Chen Shengshen's lack of concentration. After all, anyone in this era would express heartfelt admiration when seeing those two signatures.

These are two names that, just by reading the words, will make up the image of each other's voice, appearance, and appearance in your mind.

In front of these two names

Not to mention the person who set up the trap for Li Jingjun in the first place, any bastard or ghost is just a chicken or a wag!

Think of this.

Chen Shengshen returned the letter to Li Jingjun and asked:

"So Jingjun, are you planning to recruit more people to return to China?"

Li Jingjun nodded heavily:

"That's right, the person who sent me the letter told me that as long as I can convince anyone, they can find a way to get it released across the sea."

"Although our formation this time is not as big as Guangya's before, I am still confident that we can pull back twenty or thirty people."

As soon as Li Jingjun finished speaking, Xiao Yang on the side frowned:

"Brother Jingjun, we have a lot of international students across the sea, and they cover a lot of professional fields."

"For example, if a scholar like me who engages in theoretical physics goes back, brother Jing Jun, don't you not want to listen to what I say. The letter only promised that I will not change the direction of your work."

Chen Shengshen also nodded.

Whether it was Chen Shengshen or Comrade Xiao Yang, for a long time after they stayed across the sea, they were always concerned about domestic news.

For example, the Diaoyu Islands later unilaterally claimed at the Chinese Embassy in Neon that the Diaoyu Islands were Neon territory. It was Chen Shengshen, Xiao Yang and others who raised their voices and launched a movement to protect the Diaoyu Islands in the Diaoyu Islands.

It's not a big deal if they are in Cao Ying and their hearts are with the Han people. After all, they have made contributions to the other side of the sea to some extent, but it is obviously not objective to say that they are really just greedy for the good life on the other side of the sea.

The key factor for them to stay across the sea is that there is no soil suitable for their professional development in China today - as for the deeper issue of whether they can accept the job change, it belongs to the category of awareness.

Some people have high levels of awareness and are worthy of admiration, but some people have limited levels of awareness and there is nothing to complain about.

After all, strictly speaking, it is the logistics group that provides them with the opportunity to study abroad.

Of course.

The same rice feeds all kinds of people, and with such a huge base of international students, there are some who really want to stay across the sea just for glory.

For example, so and so, so and so, right? Anyway, I won’t list them here for the time being.

Hear Xiao Yang's question.

Li Jingjun once again looked at this compatriot who had just won the Nobel Prize a few years ago, and said thoughtfully:

"Xiao Yang, save your life, don't worry about this."

"The author of the letter also sent me a message through the messenger, saying that as long as the scholars can return to China together, the organization will arrange them properly."

"They can at least ensure that 90% of people continue their research in the original direction. If the remaining comrades have strong personal wishes, they don't have to change their direction."

When Chen Shengshen and Xiao Yang heard this, they both showed a trace of hesitation on their faces.

The reason why Chen Shengshen moved his family across the sea was because he was originally affiliated with a logistics group. For example, he served as the director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Logistics Research Institute, and was later selected as the first academician of the Logistics Research Institute.

So in the year when the logistics "tiger" was on the other side, he moved his family to the other side of the sea at Oppenheimer's invitation.

Now exactly 12 years have passed before he decided to officially become a naturalized citizen.

Xiao Yang's time will be longer.

He came to the other side of the sea in 1945. According to the original history, he would not be naturalized until 1964, which spanned a full 19 years.

One is 12 years, the other is 19 years, these are not short periods of time that pass by in the blink of an eye.


Only they themselves know the true inner thoughts of the two, and outsiders can only analyze them through various details and psychology.

But what can be simply judged is that they must have hesitated and hesitated many times during these years.

After all, they were all born in mainland China. They are real Chinese people, and their bloodline still carries a lot of weight.

After a while.

Xiao Yang took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for the two elder compatriots and asked:

"Brother Jingjun, I have another question I would like to ask."

Li Jingjun made a gesture of invitation:

"Xiao Yang, there are only three of us compatriots here. If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter."

Xiao Yang was silent for a few seconds and asked:

"Brother Jingjun, how many people have you summoned now?"


He was burned to a pulp, but he was still using it to save manuscripts. He was so confused that he seemed to be going to see Wu Fan.

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