Into Unscientific

It’s the last half day of double time. Please give me some monthly tickets.

First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone. This month, due to physical problems, the planned release at the beginning of the month was only released for three days, so the number of monthly tickets in the next few days was not that large.

If nothing else, this month’s update task should be 180,000 words.

To express my apology, I am going to add two small compensations:

1. If the 14,000 monthly votes are not reached before early tomorrow morning, I will be responsible for adding an additional 20,000 words of updates this month, which is 200,000 words for the whole month.

2. The next book will be published under this pen name and the number will not be changed. (Probably March or April next year)

At present, my body is close to recovery, but my mouth is extremely bitter. Subsequent updates should not be affected.

Now it’s the last 12 hours for the double monthly pass. If you have a monthly pass, please vote. The more monthly passes are exposed, I can get more blood. QAQ

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