Into Unscientific

Chapter 688 Mina-san, it’s time to bet on the fate of the country again! (superior)


At this moment.

Inside the office of Kyoto University.

Hearing Yukawa Hideki's words, Tomonaga Shinichiro and Koshiba Masatoshi were both startled, with obvious astonishment on their faces.

After a while.

Shinichiro Tomonaga licked the corners of his dry mouth, vaguely guessed something, and said to Yukawa Hideki:

"Yukawa-san, could it be that you want to convince the entire neon physics community to build a set of equipment that can observe proton decay?"

Yukawa Hideki nodded heavily and confirmed his idea:

"That's right."

Mentioned earlier.

The [Grand Unification] model derived by Yukawa Hideki and Tomonaga Shinichiro is only based on mathematics, and it is an idea that seems very powerful and very correct.

But if you want to completely verify the accuracy of this model, or make it convincing, you must have enough physical reality to assist the proof.

After all, no matter how beautiful the mathematical formula is, it is just mathematics, and reality is king.

And proton decay is obviously an excellent auxiliary example.

Because whether it is other previous physical studies or the meta-hadron model just proposed by the rabbits, the lifespan of protons is close to infinite, that is, it will not decay.

But this [Grand Unification] model of Yukawa Hideki, let’s call it the Yukawa Unified Model. Due to the non-conservation of baryon number and lepton number, protons have a decay period in the model:

Among all known interactions in the Standard Model, the "baryon number" is a very special quantum number that is conserved.

For example, the baryon number of each proton and each neutron is 1.

However, neutrons are heavier than protons, so they can decay into protons and electrons, making the entire body neutral and antielectric neutrinos.

Among them, the electron is used to offset the charge of the proton, and the anti-electric neutrino offsets the lepton number of the electron, another conserved quantity.

So the balance of payments goes from one heavier thing (the neutron) to a bunch of things that are collectively lighter (protons, electrons, and neutrinos).

But for protons, there is no such path.

Because there is no particle in the physical world with a baryon number of 1 that is lighter than a proton, the proton cannot theoretically decay.

If you really want particles to decay, there are only two possibilities:

Either one must find a baryon that is lighter than the proton.

Or find a new physical law that allows the violation of baryon number conservation.

For example, the supersymmetry theory that became very popular in later generations does allow the violation of the baryon number, that is, it supports the decay of protons.

Another example is the transition of the black hole state, which can theoretically turn protons and electrons into pure thermal radiation.

Another example.

Yukawa's unified model.

In the calculation process just now, Yukawa Hideki also briefly derived the proton decay time:

Probably 10 years.

There is currently only one known and effective way to observe proton decay:

That is to measure the effective mass of the magnetic moment.

Because the observation data of non-decaying particles such as protons and electrons will not be affected by weak decay, the effective mass of the magnetic moment is constant.

on the contrary.

If the effective mass of a certain proton's magnetic moment is different from a constant, then it has a high probability of decay.

This principle sounds simple, but in fact it is very difficult to complete - it requires a very complex and extremely precise set of equipment.

for example:

Its effective mass accuracy needs to reach 7 decimal places, the theoretical value accuracy needs to be accurate to nine decimal places, and the grouping probability even needs to reach 13 digits.

Put it this way.

The value, or cost, of an equipment with such specifications is probably more than a hundred times that of the 80MeV tandem accelerator owned by the rabbits.

To know.

The accelerator in the hands of the rabbits was not something they had made by themselves, but was the highest-energy tandem accelerator in the world developed by the University of Cambridge.

Although another set of 130MeV tandem accelerator is currently being developed across the sea, not to mention that it will be three or four years before it is put into use. Even if it has been put into use now, the accelerator of Cambridge University is still the second in the world. The value is unquestionable.

At this time, Neon's annual GDP is US$44.3 billion, and the total investment for such a piece of equipment, including the venue, is about US$800 million.

According to the original historical development.

Neon people would not be able to produce such a device until 1982 - seeing the word 1982, some smart students must have guessed the origin of this device.

That's right.

This equipment is the famous Kamiokande detector.


Although the Kamiokande detector did not discover proton decay in its original history, it brought Neon people two Nobel Prizes.

One of the Nobel Prize winners is Masatoshi Koba, who is next to Hideki Yukawa.

But this is just the original trajectory of history.

At present, the metahadron model developed by Xu Yun and Zhao Zhongyao has predicted the existence of neutrino oscillations. At the same time, no matter how hard Xu Yun deploys in the country, cosmic neutrinos will not be detected again in 25 years. .

In other words, the two most important achievements of the Kamiokande detector have been cut off by Xu Yun. Apart from these two achievements, the Kamiokande detector has not made many high-value discoveries.

More importantly.

The Kamiokande detector in the original history actually had two phases of construction. After the construction was completed in 1982, it was upgraded in 1996.

The funds for the second phase of the upgrade were the bulk of the Kamokande detector. At that time, the Neon people had already given up the study of proton decay to tinker with neutrinos - because this theory was not proposed by them.

But it's different now.

Yukawa Hideki seems to be preparing to go all-in into the observation of proton decay. What will happen in this case? The original history has little reference significance.


Looking at Hideki Yukawa, who had a ferocious expression in front of him because of his excessive excitement, Masajun Koshiba and Shinichiro Tomonaga fell into silence again.

after awhile.

Shinichiro Tomonaga also made a decision. He took a deep breath and asked Yukawa Hideki:

"Yukawa-san, when are you going to hold this meeting?"

Yukawa Hideki thought for a few seconds, waved his hand and said:

"There is an old Chinese saying that all things should be done sooner rather than later."

"So why don't we go to the leaders of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry now and report the situation to them, and the officials will organize an expert symposium as soon as possible."

"As for the candidates for the symposium, let's tentatively select the top physicists in the country and the heads of various research institutions, and try to hold the meeting within five days."

"Within five days"

Shinichiro Tomonaga's expression changed for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth:

"Okay, Yukawa-san, I support you, please add my name to the list of people calling for the meeting!"

Hearing this, Yukawa Hideki took a step back and bowed solemnly to Shinichiro Tomonaga:

"Thank you!"

Even though Tomonaga Shinichiro just put up a name, this approach is actually sharing responsibilities and pressure for Yukawa Hideki.

Then Yukawa Hideki looked at Koshiba Masajun again and asked him:

"Xiao Chaisang, what about you?"

Oshiba Masajun thought for a little longer than Tomonaga Shinichiro, but finally nodded:

"I don't have any objection, please add my name, Yukawa-san!"

Yukawa Hideki's face became happy again when he heard this:

"Aligado, Xiao Chaisang!"

Although Masatoshi Oshiba is far less famous than Hideki Yukawa and Shinichiro Tomonaga, he is very popular among the new generation of neon physicists.

If Masatoshi Oshiba agrees to go with him to report to the leadership, and with the prestige of Yukawa Hideki and Tomonaga Shinichiro, then not to mention the final result of the meeting, at least the application for holding this meeting cannot be rejected.

Then Yukawa Hideki thought of something again and put the palm of his left hand into the air:

“For Neon!!”

Koba Masajun and Tomonaga Shinichiro were slightly startled, and also folded their hands:

"For Neon! Mikado Onboard!"

After deciding to hold a joint meeting.

Yukawa Hideki quickly separated from Masatoshi Oshiba and Shinichiro Tomonaga, and the three of them went about their own preparations.

have to say.

Yukawa Hideki’s appeal in neon country is indeed huge.

After he, Shinichiro Tomonaga and Masatoshi Oshiba jointly stated that an important meeting would be held.

Both scholars in the neon physics community and major official departments readily agreed to Yukawa Hideki's invitation.

Five days later.

A conference room at Kyoto University.

More than forty scholars and officials from all over Neon gathered together and exchanged words in low voices according to their respective factions and social circles.

"Sakata-kun, do you know what meeting will be held today?"

".I don't know, Professor Nakajo, what about you?"

"I don't know either. Mr. Yukawa didn't introduce much on the phone."

"The standards of this meeting are really high-end. Look there, even Mr. Nanbu is here - I remember he should be from across the sea."

The exchange of ideas containing various ideas continued to ring out in the semicircular stepped conference room, and many scholars had obvious doubts on their faces.

after all

There was no introduction to the content of the meeting in the notice they received. It simply said that this meeting was initiated by Yukawa Hideki, and everyone was requested to be present.

So these scholars could only come to Kyoto University with doubts. Fortunately, Neon is a small country, so even if they set off temporarily, all parties still arrived in Kyoto relatively calmly.

Of course.

Although I didn’t know the specific content of the meeting, after arriving at the scene and meeting other participants, each participant had some premonition in mind:

This meeting must be unusual.


Today’s meeting is basically filled with Neon’s top physics experts of this era!

Hideki Yukawa, the first Nobel laureate in neon history, sat in the front row. Next to him was Shinichiro Tomonaga, who is currently likely to become the second Nobel laureate.

To the left of Shinichiro Tomonaga sat Shoichi Sakata, now the head of the Nagoya School, a scholar famous for his research on the two meson theory after the surrender of Neon.

He is also one of the few true pacifists in the history of neon physics. He has repeatedly emphasized that he should repent of the crime of invading China. In the original history, Hu Ning and others were able to develop the meta-hadron model. Part of the reason was because of Sakata Shoichi's visit to China and A certain big rabbit mentioned this information.

Shoichi Sakata and Hideki Yukawa both participated in the research of the atomic bomb back then, but this boss was a typical botched party and did not produce any results during the whole process. The reason why it is certain that he was botched rather than lacking in ability is that He is responsible for the calculation of the triplet model.

This kind of calculation is something that ordinary researchers can handle in Base 221. Across the sea, only seven doctors were assigned to calculate this model, and the problem was solved in six days.

Sakata Masaichi was stunned and delayed for two full months, and then handed Arakatsu Bunze a stack of blank paper.

In fact, Sakata Shoichi is not strictly pro-China. He is a true neutral and peace lover, and he loves peace to the point of being naive.

After Sakata Shoichi's death, he planned to buy some equipment and donate all his inheritance to China, but the Neon government shamelessly refused because the equipment involved an embargo. What they told Sakata Shoichi's relatives was that they could wait until the embargo regulations expired. It was transferred to China, and those devices were nowhere to be seen in 2023 when Xu Yun traveled through.

Sitting next to Shoichi Sakata were Touo Nakano and Kazuhiko Nishijima. The Nishijima in the Gell-Mann-Nishijima relationship that made Gell-Man famous in those days refers to Kazuhiko Nishijima.

In addition, Neon's Arakatsu Bunsaku, who studied atomic bombs back then, also appeared at the scene. Another Army atomic bomb researcher, Yoshio Nishina, has been dead for ten years. Naturally, he cannot be here today to diss Arakatsu Bunsaku, the Navy's Maika.

Someone even found a bald middle-aged man in the corner. His name was Nagaoka Sansaku.

This person’s academic achievements are not high, but his background is extraordinary:

He is the only son of the late Hantaro Nagaoka, the father of neon physics!

Hantaro Nagaoka is the true founder of neon physics, and the Nagaoka system has a wide influence in the entire neon physics community.

So regardless of Nagaoka Sansaku's lack of ability, his attitude has the power to determine the outcome of many things.


A few minutes passed.

It feels like the time is almost here.

Yukawa Hideki took the initiative to stand up from his seat and slowly walked to the stage.

See this situation.

The entire scene suddenly fell silent.

Yukawa Hideki put his speech on the podium, looked around the scene, and said slowly:

"Mina-san, I am Yukawa Hideki, and I am also the initiator of today's meeting."

"I am deeply honored and grateful to all of you for being able to attend the meeting without knowing the content of the meeting. This will be the most unforgettable blessing in my life!"

Bang bang bang——

There was also a round of applause from the audience.

More than ten seconds later.

The applause paused.

Yukawa Hideki paused and continued:

"Before the meeting begins, I would like to introduce to you today's special guest, Mr. Suehiro Kohiro from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry."

Yukawa Hideki just finished speaking.

In the middle of the first row under the stage, a short, fat man stood.

This person is only a little over 1.5 meters tall, with small eyes, but he has a very wise temperament all over his body.

The man stood up and waved back kindly, and the others followed suit and clapped again.

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry, its full name is the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

This is a relatively epoch-making product in Neon’s modern history. It is also the predecessor of Neon’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in the future and is mainly responsible for economic management functions in a specific period.

In related fields of scientific research, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and Neon's Ministry of Research and Science are jointly responsible for relevant policy formulation.

Suehiro Kohiro is the top leader in scientific research at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He is a neon man who does not have very high academic achievements but has a very precise strategic vision.

For example, Neon's Kamiokande detector, the University of Tokyo's XMASS for detecting dark matter, the world's first lithography machine NSR-S621D with 14nm node process capabilities, and the world's first laser fusion device GEKKO-XII are Neon's well-known top-notch products. The establishment of scientific research equipment projects was all done by Suehiro Kohiro.

In a sense.

Koyu Suehiro is actually somewhat similar to Hua Luogeng in China - their academic abilities are not weak, but they both moved to management positions to start industrial planning for national projects.

Later, Neon's scientific research equipment was able to rank among the best in the world, and Suehiro Koyu was considered a behind-the-scenes hero.

However, today's protagonist is not Suehiro Kōyu, so after briefly greeting everyone present, Suehiro Kōyu sat back in his seat.

The view of the scene was focused again.

On Yukawa Hideki in front of the stage.

See this situation.

The somewhat emotional look on Yukawa Hideki's face also disappeared, and his entire face became extremely solemn:

"Dear colleagues, those who can attend the meeting today are all top-notch Neon scholars who have been screened. I can speak frankly about some things that are not convenient to say in public."

Say it.

Yukawa Hideki looked around the scene again and said word by word:

"Mina-san, the time has come again to bet on neon national destiny."


As soon as Yukawa Hideki finished speaking, a huge discussion broke out on the scene.

Betting on the fate of the country?

These three words are not unfamiliar words to neon people, especially the neon physicists on site.

Since ancient times.

Neon is a country that is keen on gambling on its national fortunes. It can be said that the modern history of Neon is a book of huge bets.

Because they have a small territory and few resources, once they launch a foreign war, their resources will be exhausted quickly.

Therefore, Neon generally likes quick battles and pins the fate of the entire country on unexpected surprise attacks.

The first time was the Sino-Japanese War of 1888-1894, which initiated the gambling mode on the national destiny. Neon challenged the leader for the first time, which was essentially equivalent to eating a big piece of fat behind the back of the British and American bosses, betting on whether the bosses would fall out and blame them.

that time.

The Neon people exchanged 10,000 casualties for a large area of ​​new land, and also controlled the peninsula next door. They received compensation for four years of fiscal revenue. The entire Neon country was celebrating and ecstatic.

Neon's ambitions were also rapidly amplified, and it began to seek a status of being on an equal footing with the European and American powers and co-ruling the world.

So he made a second gamble, tearing apart Tsarist Russia, but this time, Neon suffered a huge loss.

For this war, the Neon Army expanded from 200,000 to 380,000, purchased a large number of new warships from British shipyards, and the total tonnage of the navy reached 278,500 tons. Most of the main domestic forces went to the battlefield.

But in the end, they only took control of the southern part of Northeast China and half of Sakhalin Island, and didn't get a penny.

By 1937.

Neon made its third big bet, which is the most familiar bet to the Chinese people on the fate of the country.

At that time, they launched a full-scale war of aggression against China without warning, and the number of troops invested in the Chinese battlefield reached one million.

The huge war expenses caused the good life of the people of Neon to become worse and worse. In order to make iron, Neon even took away the manhole covers on the road and the iron pots and barrels from people's homes.

The people of Neon gradually lived a hard life under the "rationing system", but the equipment and supplies of the Japanese troops on the front line were getting worse and worse, and they even had to resort to robbery on the spot.

Then the Neon people set their sights on the vast Pacific Ocean and started gambling on the fourth national destiny. We also know what happened next.

The army across the sea pushed all the way along the Pacific Ocean until it surrounded the Neon Islands.

Neon, which lost the bet, has completely become the RBQ across the sea, and you have to do whatever you are told.

Even in a sense.

The nuclear wastewater discharged by Neon in 2023 is also a gamble on the fate of the country.

Although today's neon scholars have never seen the discharge of nuclear wastewater or the elation of Dabao, they have seen several gambles on the national destiny in the early years.

Therefore, the moment they hear the word "betting on the fate of the country", many scholars' hearts twitch.

A younger scholar with poor concentration suddenly stood up from his seat and stared at Yukawa Hideki:

"Professor Yukawa, what do you mean?!"

At this moment.

Only a few big bosses or official responsible persons, including Shinichiro Tomonaga, Masatoshi Oshiba, and Kohiro Suehiro, still maintained basic calmness and composure on their faces.

Upon seeing this, Yukawa Hideki made a "sit down and talk" gesture to the scholar who stood up, then coughed lightly and said:

"Mina-san, please calm down for a moment. Next, I will fully explain the cause and effect of the whole thing."

Hear this.

The somewhat noisy atmosphere at the scene immediately subsided, but some faint conversations could still be heard.

Yukawa Hideki nodded slightly and continued:

"Everyone, in the past day, you must have read the paper published by the Chinese in "Physical Review Letters", right?"

Everyone in the audience nodded.

The people present today are all scholars in theoretical physics. Even official officials like Suehiro Koyu have high attainments in this area.

So in the past few days, they all knew more or less about the Chinese paper.

after all

This paper has completely become a hot topic in the entire physics community. I don’t know how many top institutions are studying this paper by the Chinese.

Some universities or research institutions that don't care much about political stance have even considered going to the East to discuss and exchange ideas with Zhao Zhongyao and others.

In addition, Neon people have been paying close attention to the trends of China, their old neighbor, since ancient times. Therefore, after the paper exploded, most scholars have read the relevant content of the paper to some extent.

Then Yukawa Hideki asked again:

"So everyone, what is your evaluation of this paper?"

Everyone in the audience was silent for a while, and finally Sakata Shoichi was the first to raise his hand:

"A very exquisite model, I think it will change the entire pattern of theoretical physics."

"This model is destined to leave a mark in the history of physics. The country of China will transform from a desert of theoretical physics into the mysterious Eastern pilgrimage country it once was."

"Perhaps people across the sea can find reasons not to award the Nobel Prize to the authors of the paper, but they cannot reduce the influence of this paper even a little bit."

The level of the neon economy these days is much higher than that of China. The table in front of each participant is equipped with a microphone, so communication is relatively easy.

Sakata Shoichi's words were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the microphone at the table.

Hear what Shoichi Sakata has to say.

Some scholars at the scene nodded in agreement, while others had no obvious expression.

However, it is not difficult to see from the solemn expressions of the latter that their actual inner thoughts are actually somewhat similar to Sakata Shoichi:

The Chinese people quietly made big news.

This paper is destined to have a profound impact on the global physics community, and no possibility can erase its value - not even a team across the sea and a furry bear can do it.

It is like a nail driven into the heart of theoretical physics!

In the future, when we talk about the world under the atom, we will inevitably mention this paper, the meta-hadron model, and those Chinese scientists.

So although I don’t want to admit it, many neon scholars are indeed envious.

After all, this matter is similar to the sealing of wolves and living in Xu in ancient China. It is the highest honor that a practitioner can only dream of achieving.

Even if you burp or come out as gay the day after publishing your paper, it will not affect your historical status in the industry at all - von Neumann is a typical example.

Think of this.

Another neon physicist also raised his hand and said:

"Yukawa-san, could it be that the purpose of organizing this meeting today is to discuss how to reduce the influence of the Chinese theory?"

The person who spoke was called Yukio Hayakawa. He was one of the winners of the second Neon Bachelor Award and a relatively well-known neon physicist.

He will also become the president of Neon Nagoya University in the future, and he will probably rank around twenty in the history of Neon physics.

Hearing what Yukio Hayakawa said.

Yukawa Hideki on the stage shook his head and looked at this friend with whom he had a good personal relationship:

"Hayakawa-kun, what you said is not entirely correct."

"The purpose of our meeting today is indeed related to the Chinese theory, but it is not to reduce the influence of the Chinese theory, but"

"To enhance the status of the neon physics community."

"If everything goes smoothly, then the Chinese people's so-called meta-hadron model that can build the basis of theoretical physics will completely lose its meaning, and the entire physics community will be wrapped in the embrace of neon physics!"

Hayakawa Yukio was suddenly startled:

"Yukawa-san, forgive me for being stupid, what do you mean by this?"

Yukawa Hideki looked up at him and said slowly:

"Hayakawa-kun, a few days ago, Mr. Koshiba-san, Mr. Ichiro and I discovered a brand new mathematical model."

"It is different from the situation where the metahadron only unifies electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force on the surface. It is one that can fully accommodate the three forces."

"The unified model!"


I have been out to review the surgical indicators in the past few days. The code input method in the Internet cafe is different from that at home. There may be many typos. I hope everyone can forgive me.

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