Into Unscientific

Chapter 690 Suehiro Koyu’s little plan

". If you are willing to bet on the fate of the country, let's start discussing!"

At this moment.

Hearing these words from Yukawa Hideki.

The entire conference room once again fell into a graveyard-like silence, and no sound could be heard.

Even some participants who were spinning their pens or pulling their hair stopped their movements and looked at the neon physics leader on the stage in amazement.

Many scholars who were slow to respond or whose emotional intelligence was not that high did not understand Yukawa Hideki's purpose in organizing this meeting until now.

turn out to be

Yukawa Hideki actually asked them to conduct such a vote!

But if you think about it carefully, this statement seems reasonable.

After all, 90% of the top theoretical physicists in the entire Neon country are now gathered at the scene, and the remaining 10% are unable to arrive in time due to various matters.

For example, Matsuo Yuichi, whose Neon can now be ranked in the top ten, is currently on an academic exchange visit in Belgium. The visit involves political tasks, so he will not be able to return home in a short period of time like Yoichiro Nanbu.

Another example is that 93-year-old Fukui Teruyoshi has entered a state of dementia and may ascend to heaven at any time.

There are other individual scholars whose research is at a critical stage, so it is completely reasonable and acceptable that some top leaders are not present.

But even after deducting these big guys.

The remaining 90% of the participating scholars are still qualified to vote or decide on such a bet on the national destiny.

At the same time, it is not difficult to see from the appearance of Kohiro Suehiro from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry that Neon's upper management also has some disputes about this matter.

They have obviously realized the importance of the unified model, otherwise it would be impossible to organize such a summit meeting.

However, they lacked sufficient reference opinions and did not have the courage to make a decision directly, so they left the final decision to these industry insiders.

Objectively speaking.

This is actually a very appropriate approach. Professional analysis is left to professionals, and the state can only cover the application and implementation.

Also, when it comes to this kind of voting, let me refute the rumor.

There is a saying on the Internet in later generations.

It is said that the rabbits planned to spend 200 billion to build a particle collider, but it was eventually rejected by a vote of 6:5. The person who cast the final negative vote was Mr. Yang.

This is actually a very outrageous rumor

The figure of 200 billion is true, but it is the total investment of the entire CEPC project, and it will be divided into many phases.

For example, the current Liangxin project in Luzhou has a total plan of 100 billion, and the first phase investment is 7 billion.

Of course, the amount is not the point. The point is that this so-called 6:5 vote does not exist at all.

As long as you search for this news, you will only see the names of Academician Wang Yifang and Mr. Yang. You can't even find the names of the other nine people.

In addition, the organization and location of the voting are also extremely vague, and you can’t find any official reports.

What is the truth of this rumor?

The truth is that Mr. Yang did oppose CEPC back then, but his method of opposition was not to vote, but to directly publish an article "It is not appropriate for China to build a super-large collider today."

The article used seven reasons to oppose Mr. Qiu Chengtong's views, and quarreled with Academician Wang Yifang and Qiu Chengtong who supported CEPC.

After seeing the article that morning, Academician Wang Yifang wrote an article titled "China is building a large collider, today is the time" to refute it.

This war of words lasted for more than a month, and many relatives and friends of both parties also posted articles to help. However, at that time, the Internet social platform was not as chaotic as it is now, so the whole thing was not particularly out of the circle.

Then two years passed.

At the end of 2018, Mr. Yang, who was still in good physical condition, went to the Institute of High Energy to give a lecture.

During the lecture, a graduate student from Mizuki insisted on teasing him and asked him if he was still opposed to the collider. As a result, the old man came to the end again.

At that time, there were already many accounts that could be called ghosts and snakes on the Chinese social platform.

Against this background, a public account called Wu Guojian published this article.

Then a bunch of netizens believed it inexplicably, and began to criticize him by saying, "I would rather spend this money and donate it to children in mountainous areas."

Either Mr. Yang’s anti-fans or netizens who support the accelerator began to attack Mr. Yang, saying that he was unkind in voting against and that he would not see the results of domestic physics.

After seeing the comments made by these anti-fans, many of Mr. Yang's fans became upset and came out to fight back - some of Mr. Yang's idiotic fans are no less outrageous than the anti-fans.

At that time, the three-party war was almost gone, but the rumor maker smiled slightly and quietly withdrew from the battlefield.

This rhythm is exactly the same as that of stray dogs in 2023 - a picture of a little yellow dog grinning when it was caught in a net bag, which looked a bit like a smile. It was paired with [it was still smiling until it was caught] Then it spread crazily on the Internet, saying that it was a stray dog ​​that was killed not long ago.

But in fact, this is a screenshot of a video posted by a certain Red Book user called "Magizoologist" in April. In the video, you can see that the dog is actually extremely vicious - and even so, it was still not killed. Soon I was still stealing takeout before.

Another interesting thing is.

Among the many so-called big Vs who forwarded this picture in 2023, many people had forwarded Wu Guojian’s rumors back then.

Whether it was a coincidence or another reason is unknown.

Okay, let’s return to reality.

Looking at the silent meeting room in front of him, Yukawa Hideki paused and continued:

"Everyone, it is no exaggeration to say that our decision today will affect the physical development of neon in the next thirty years, so please think carefully."

"In addition, you don't have to worry about the so-called seniority and inferiority. You can speak freely if you have any ideas - there is no distinction between seniors and juniors here today."

Yukawa Hideki's words seem to be talking about the age issue, but in fact they refer to the qualifications and achievements of everyone present. To put it bluntly, you don't need to care about Yukawa Hideki's own opinions.

After all, Yukawa Hideki now has a high reputation in the neon physics community. Even the big guys at the scene have many admirers of him.

Therefore, Yukawa Hideki is a little worried that some people will choose to support his ideas out of respect for him.

This is not his general letter or yy. As the first person in neon physics at the moment, it is normal for Yukawa Hideki to have such concerns.

As a scientist with relatively extreme ideas, Yukawa Hideki also has his own so-called pride:

Although he was eager for his Yukawa unified model to be recognized by everyone, the reason he could accept the recognition was that everyone really believed that the project was feasible, not out of admiration for himself.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit out of the ordinary, in the current situation, it is objectively correct.

Hearing what Yukawa Hideki said.

A man with a round face and short hair in the audience, who looked a bit like the human body actor of Ultraman Seven in later generations, quickly raised his hand:

"Professor Yukawa, I have a question."

Yukawa Hideki made a gesture of invitation to him and said very politely:

"Mr. Sagagen, if you have any questions, it's okay to just ask."

The full name of this round-faced man is Sagane Ryokichi. Although it sounds a bit like a trick taken out of the face-rolling keyboard, he is actually a real person in the history of neon physics, and in a sense, he can be called "legend".

He is another son of Hantaro Nagaoka. He was adopted into the Sagane family in his early years, so he was named Sagane.

That's right.

He and the Nagaoka Sansaku present are half-brothers, but according to neon or the adoption rules of the East Asian civilization circle, today's Sagane Ryokichi has nothing to do with the Nagaoka family.

At that time, Sagagen Ryokichi also participated in the research of Neon nuclear weapons, and provided an analysis report for Neon's decision to develop nuclear weapons, which was eventually adopted.

Before the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Sagane Ryoyoshi also received a letter from three atomic physicists across the sea who participated in the Manhattan Project, headed by Luis Alvarez.

At that time, Hiroshima had already been bombed by an atomic bomb. It was not a big deal to have an atomic bomb across the sea, so Luis Alvarez made a request directly in the letter:

I hope that Sagagen Ryokichi can persuade the Neon government to surrender. If the war continues, there will be serious consequences, otherwise there will be a rain of atomic bombs.

Luis Alvarez and Ryoyoshi Sagane are old friends who met across the sea, so from a personal emotional point of view, Alvarez is still reluctant to see his old acquaintance become an old acquaintance.

Then came Sagagen Ryokichi's sexy moves.

He realized from Alvarez's letter that Nagasaki might be used as an atomic bomb drop site, but at this time, if he came forward to persuade the emperor to surrender, he would probably commit suicide by caesarean section, so he cleverly left Nagasaki overnight.

In the end, Sagan Ryokichi successfully saved his life and had the opportunity to meet Alvarez again.

Hmm. In a sense, this is in line with Alvarez's original intention.

After getting permission from Yukawa Hideki.

Sagagen Ryouyoshi paused for a few seconds, organized some words, and then said:

"Professor Yukawa, I wonder how accurate the equipment you envision is?"

Yukawa Hideki had already known about this. He picked up a pen and wrote a number on the blackboard, and explained as he wrote:

"Mr. Sagagen, according to the calculation and fitting results of the unified model, the lifespan of a proton is about 10 to the thirtieth power of years."

"So the experimental equipment I envisioned is like this - use 50 tons of fluorescent liquid as the base, surround the liquid with 90,000 photomultiplier tubes, choose an abandoned mine with a mountain depth of more than a thousand meters, and create a super large detector."

"As for the principle of this set of detectors, it is based on the quantum energy level structure of hydrogen atoms."

As everyone knows.

According to quantum mechanics, the quantum energy level structure of a hydrogen atom in each state can be described as the energy E that depends on the quantum numbers n, l and j:


Among them, EBohr represents the Bohr structure, ENS describes the atomic size effect, and EQED represents the quantum electrodynamic correction.

in this case.

The entire energy level structure of the hydrogen atom can be derived from two unknowns:

One is the energy scale R∞ that represents all atomic physics and chemistry, and the other is the proton radius rp.

Vice versa, if the entire energy level structure of the hydrogen atom is known, then the latter two can naturally be deduced.

In the metahadron model released by Xu Yun with the assistance of Zhao Zhongyao and others, they used the Lamb shift method to extrapolate the entire energy level structure of the hydrogen atom.

Based on this parameter, Yukawa Hideki came up with such a set of measurement equipment:

The entire energy level structure of the hydrogen atom is deduced from the proton radius rp, and then the zero-momentum scattering vector is measured at the 2S energy level with up to 15-bit accuracy - the 2S energy level is not affected by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, so it is accurate Very high.

After measuring the zero-momentum scattering vector, measurements of the ultracold lifetime of neutrons began.

That's right.

neutrons, rather than directly measuring protons.

Yukawa Hideki planned to slow down the neutrons to an ultra-low temperature state by interacting with solid and cold deuterium to cause the neutrons to lose energy.

The neutrons were then placed into a bathtub-sized vacuum bottle containing about 4,000 magnets.

The strong magnetic field constrains the neutrons and prevents them from coming into contact with the surface of the bottle, so these ultracold neutrons can be stored for a long time.

Then conduct a constraint method test to collect the number of protons that appear, so that R∞ can be calculated.

With R∞ and proton radius rp, the parameters of Cherenkov radiation are also available.

After obtaining this parameter, we can start to build and develop a detector to observe the proton sample.

In the end, as long as we can find a proton with an abnormal magnetic distance and effective mass, we can definitely determine that it has decayed.

Therefore, the whole process is divided into three parts. The first is the collection of Cherenkov radiation parameters, the second is the construction of the entire detector body, and the third is the data collection after the detector is successfully built.

"2S energy levels with 15 digits of precision"

Seeing Yukawa Hideki write out the relevant parameters of the equipment principle, Sagane Ryoki showed a trace of hesitation on his face:

"Professor Yukawa, the cost of equipment with such precision should be very high, right?"

Yukawa Hideki nodded and admitted frankly:

"Yes, it requires at least 800 million U.S. dollars, about 300 researchers, and more than 2,000 graduate students."


Hear this number.

The scene was immediately audible.

$800 million?

To know.

These days, Neon's national GDP is only US$40 billion, and this money needs to be allocated to countless industries for operation.

For example, people’s livelihood infrastructure, medical care, elderly care, business expenditures, and neon’s military expenditures.

From 1950 to now, Neon’s total investment in technology is only US$300 million.

Yukawa Hideki's opening is worth a total of 800 million, which is equivalent to twice and nearly three times Neon's total investment in science and technology in the past ten years.

In addition, the subsequent researchers are also very scary.

Researchers these days, like those of later generations, have the same senior professional title as professors.

Although there is no specific number of professional titles that can be queried in later generations, some data can still be found:

Today, Neon has a total of 215 colleges and universities, the gross enrollment rate of higher education has exceeded 15%, and the number of enrolled students in the colleges is 626,000.

According to the experience of later generations.

The School of Physics in a university generally has 15-20 senior professors, and their fields are divided into classical physics, condensed matter physics, particle physics, etc.

Among them, the smallest number of theoretical physics students is only about two or three, and the largest number is about five or six. Let’s calculate it based on the median number of four.

That is to say, the number of professors in Neon's current university system is about 900.

As for Neon, there are currently only 38 theoretical physics institutes, most of which are still affiliated with the university system. For example, the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University is headed by Hideki Yukawa, a professor at Kyoto University.

Therefore, the maximum number of Zhenggao researchers affiliated with the institute is only 300 - the actual situation must be even lower than this number.

In other words.

Today, there are only about 1,200 senior talents studying theoretical physics in Neon.

Moreover, the gap in ability among these people is also very large. For example, the professors at Kiryu University in Gunma Prefecture are definitely at a higher level than their counterparts at Takasaki City Welfare University - Neon's prefecture is larger than the city.

Another example is that some people's area of ​​advantage lies in teaching, but academically they just meet the requirements for professional titles.

Therefore, it is very optimistic that 600 of these 1,200 people have real scientific research capabilities.

And now Yukawa Hideki has hired 300 senior scientific research talents in one breath

Even on the surface, this number accounts for 25% of neon theoretical physics practitioners. If we discuss it from the perspective of ability level, then it accounts for at least more than half!

In other words, within a few years or more than ten years, the level of neon theoretical physics research will be cut in half!

Think of this.

Many scholars showed a little wavering on their faces.

Huge costs and high talent investment, if only one of the two is established, then they can bite the bullet and give it a try.

But now that both are present, many scholars are retreating.

The risk is just too high

However, just as some scholars were about to vote against it, the Minister of International Trade and Industry, Koyu Suehiro, who was in the front row, suddenly spoke:

"Mina-san, can I say a few words?"

Yukawa Hideki was slightly startled, but quickly nodded:

"Of course, Minister Suehiro, please tell me."

"Arigado is enough to reach Yimasi."

Suehiro Koyu thanked Yukawa Hideki, then held the microphone in front of him with his hand and said:

"Mina-san, if you are concerned about the huge investment in both economy and personnel, then I can actually share some information with you."

"That is, from a certain perspective, the economic cost of these US$800 million can be ignored for the time being."


Hearing these words from Suehiro Kohiro.

The scene suddenly erupted in a dense discussion.

Even Yukawa Hideki, the initiator of the meeting, had incomprehensible doubts on his face at this time:

"Minister Suehiro, what do you mean?"


Suehiro Koyu was silent for a few seconds and continued:

"You are all Neon's top physicists. You have undergone double review by the Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Industry and the Ministry of Science and Technology before attending the meeting, so you are qualified to contact some policy matters."

"To put it simply, we have a way to pass on this technology expenditure to another country."

"Of course, this cycle may be relatively long - as short as five years, or as slowly as ten years, but the ultimate goal should be successfully achieved."

Pass-through expenses?

After Suehiro Koyu said these words, many scholars present once again showed a trace of confusion on their faces.

What does this mean?

Could it be that the father across the sea was kind and planned to bear the cost of Neon?

But this is unlikely, right?

To know.

Although Neon is indeed the RBQ of Haidian politically, Neon's domestic resistance to Haidian is actually always present and fierce.

At this time, the relationship between neon and Haidian is not very good.

At the beginning of last year.

A new father-son mutual security treaty is signed in Washington, DC.

February 5 of the same year.

When the treaty was sent to the Neon Parliament for ratification, it sparked heated debates about relations between the two parties and triggered violence in the parliament amid strenuous opposition from opposition parties.

Representatives from the opposition and social factions boycotted the session of the House of Representatives and tried to prevent members of the ruling Liberal Party from entering the House of Representatives, but the police forcibly dispersed them.

Although the Neon House of Representatives on May 20 relied on the numerical advantage of a certain faction to force the recognition of this treaty, large-scale student and trade union demonstrations broke out in the country.

At this time, Neon's resistance was so fierce that Eisenhower urgently canceled his visit to Neon.

Although it has been more than a year since the treaty was signed, the relationship between Neon and Haidian is still somewhat tense, so it is obviously impossible for Haidian to support such a large sum of money.

But if it’s not across the sea, then who is it?

Although most of the physicists present have never participated in politics, there are still some smart people out there.

I saw Touo Nakano, who was sitting next to Nishijima Kazuhiko, suddenly thought of something, took the microphone and asked:

"Minister Suehiro, are you talking about China?"

Suehiro Koyu turned to look at him and nodded slightly:

"Yes, the House of Representatives is now planning to provide interest-free loans to China. If nothing else, there should be an opportunity soon."

"Interest-free loan?"

Yukawa Hideki thought about this word in his mind, and soon a hint of understanding appeared on his face:

"Minister Suehiro, is the House of Representatives planning to carry out some operations on the exchange rate?"

Suehiro Koyu nodded again:

"That's right."

Yukawa Hideki's breathing stopped slightly for a few seconds, but the look of understanding on his face became clearer.

I see

He asked why the Ministry of International Trade and Industry agreed so quickly after learning about his idea. Is there another underlying reason behind the co-authorship?

at the same time.

Many scholars in the audience also began to chat in low voices, some were sharing their opinions, and some were explaining to their friends who had not figured it out.

Looking at the scene that was like a kennel barking, Suehiro Koyu also had a trace of emotion on his face.

Anyone who has taken high school politics should know this.

When emerging countries want to radiate their influence when established powers have occupied all high-profit markets, they often need to offer more preferential treatment in exchange for the favor of their trading partners.

Neon, which has been vigorously promoting education and economic reform since the war, obviously meets the definition of an emerging country.

Therefore, under this demand or ambition, Neon began to make plans to expand its influence three years ago.

And interest-free loans are one of them.

However, Neon’s initial aid targets were Asan and New Zealand, and China was not part of their plan—Neon and China have not yet established diplomatic relations, and even owe a large amount of war reparations.

But what I didn't expect was.

Last year, when the new father-son mutual assistance and security treaty was signed, strong protests suddenly broke out in Neon.

In this case, someone in the House of Representatives came up with an idea:

Minasan, can we do some economic deals with China? Is this considered a hedging risk?

Of course.

Until then, the idea remained just a memo.

According to historical development, Neon will not intersect with China until 11 years later.

But what no one expected was.

In the middle of this year, China suddenly started some trade with Mao Xiong.

Although the goods exchanged between the two parties were grain, it was still an export behavior, so there were some changes in the exchange rates between the Chinese currency and the ruble - the increase in export trade caused the Chinese currency to depreciate.


Due to the explosion of the Tsar Bear's nuclear bomb and the Bear's start in the aerospace industry, equipment across the sea also began to be upgraded.

Upgrading equipment requires money, so where does the money come from?

Of course it’s about doing business with foreign countries.

So the other side of the sea began to vigorously transport goods to Neon, which led to the devaluation of the US dollar and the appreciation of the Japanese yen.

And it is different from the original history.

At this time, Mao Xiong has obtained China's donkey pulp film, and the efforts to build a space shuttle are much greater than in the original timeline, so that the investment across the sea has also increased - they do not have the cheap material of donkey pulp film .

Therefore, although Neon and Haidian have not signed the Plaza Accord, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen against the US dollar has been rising.

Under this situation, Xiaozhi's bad intentions suddenly emerged:

Dear Baga-san, the current international situation will probably last for a long time. What do you think if we provide an interest-free loan to China and require Japanese yen to repay it in Japanese yen?

Then these old guys did the math, and their eyes suddenly lit up:

Amaterasu, the yen appreciated against the US dollar, coupled with the depreciation of the RMB.

If we pay in Japanese yen and repay in Japanese yen, wouldn’t we make a lot of money?

Look optimistically.

As long as the yen appreciates by more than 70% and the renminbi depreciates by 30%, if we lend 100 billion yen (about 18 billion U.S. dollars) to the Chinese, we will earn at least 50 billion when we repay it!

Converted into U.S. dollars, that’s a full 9 billion!

Although the settlement span of this loan may be very long, it may take five years or even ten years, but in the face of such hard-earned benefits, what does this time mean?

in addition

So what does Yukawa Hideki’s $800 million mean?

The more critical point is.

Today's Neon lacks opportunities to connect with China. This country has almost sealed itself tightly, so although the group of people in the House of Representatives have bad intentions, they don't know how to hook up with China.

But if you contact China on the basis of the exchange element hadron model, then the next thing will fall into the instinctive area of ​​​​Neon people:

[(Bowing crazily) Don’t dunk Nasser, Hongdou don’t dunk Nasser, Tusang, we are sorry for the harm we caused to China]

【What? War reparations? Tusang, you know me. War reparations are still too sensitive in this period. After all, it was the logistics side that signed the war reparations back then. Tusang, you don’t want to see international public opinion stir up waves again, right?]

[But it doesn’t matter, Tusang, in order to express our apology, we can support you with an interest-free loan. The only requirement is that you buy our neon domestic stuff.]

Think of this.

Suehiro Koyu licked the corner of his mouth, and his saliva was almost drooling.


I have written 7,000 words in six consecutive days. I also derived the Yukawa Hideki model myself. For the sake of your hard work, please give me a monthly pass.

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