Into Unscientific

Chapter 694 Explode into puffs

Chapter 694: Explode into puffs.


In the ward.

Looking at Xu Yun with a smug smile on his face.

Qian Bingqiong couldn't help turning his head and looked at each other with Lao Guo and Zhao Zhongyao.

It must be said that Xu Yun's answer was indeed beyond their expectations.

After a while.

Qian Bingqiong thought of something again. He frowned slightly and asked Xu Yun on the hospital bed:

"Xiao Xu, isn't it? If this thing really develops as you said,"

"Then the neon people are definitely wrestling, and the big pit is definitely a thing, but is it a bit exaggerated to say it is a black hole?"

"No matter how big the pit is, it won't be like a black hole that will make the Neon people doomed - they will recover in five or six years at most."

"Neon is a country that is different from us. The international situation it faces is not that complicated. If you fall, you won't be completely dead, right?"

Hear this.

Lao Guo and Zhao Zhongyao also nodded subconsciously.


If there is only a problem with this SU (5) model, then the Neon people will indeed suffer heavy losses this time, and all the manpower and material resources invested will be in vain.

But even if they lost all their pants, it wouldn't be said that they had stepped into a black hole, right?

After all, if you really stepped into a black hole, it would be equivalent to being swallowed whole - this is much more serious than losing your pants.

The former is a broken muscle, while the latter is considered impossible to recover from.

According to Qian Bingqiong's understanding of Xu Yun, although this seventy-year-old man often makes some big news, the content of the news is basically worthy of the title.

Why is it that everything is going well this time, but it is making headlines?

Faced with Qian Bingqiong's question, Xu Yun continued to smile and said:

"Hey, Qian Department, please don't be impatient. I haven't finished speaking yet."

Qian Bingqiong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized another thing:

That's right, although the guy in front of me is not a big talker, he often talks halfway and then breaks it out of context.

Think of this.

Qian Bingqiong couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth and asked:

"Xiao Xu, from what you say, could it be that Neon Man made any miscalculations?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily when he heard this, pointed at the document and said:

"Department of Money, if you think about it carefully, what other ideas did the Neon people put forward for the transaction?"


Qian Bingqiong recalled for a few seconds and subconsciously said:

"Not only the cattle and sheep transaction, but also lending us an interest-free loan and so on!"

Qian Bingqiong's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Xu Yun blankly:

"Xiao Xu, is there something wrong with this interest-free loan?"

This time, the evil smile on Xu Yun's face disappeared, but he nodded heavily:

"That's right, and this loan will also trick us into trouble."

Looking at the development history of China after its establishment, there are two countries that have provided the largest amount of assistance to China:

The first is Mao Xiong. Although Mao Xiong did not give much money to China, it assisted 156 projects.

Among them, there are 106 civilian enterprises, 44 defense enterprises and 6 special projects.

Among the 106 civil enterprises, except for 50 located in the northeastern region, most of the others are located in the central and western regions, including 29 in the central region and 21 in the western region.

Of the 44 national defense enterprises, 35 are located in the central and western regions, except for some shipyards that must be located on the coast.

These 156 projects helped China build a modern industrial system and had a profound impact on China's development.

As for the second country?

It's neon.

Since 1979.

The Neon government has provided development assistance to China totaling approximately 2.7 trillion yen (approximately more than 290 billion yuan in Chinese currency), much higher than the second-placed Germany.

By the way.

Numbers three to six are Gaul, England, Spain, and across the sea.

Therefore, in the later life when Xu Yun traveled through time.

Some public figures often spread a saying on the Internet:

[Neon’s free aid to China is several times that of Mao Xiong. Mao Xiong is so hyped, but Neon’s contribution has been ignored because of national hostility.]

This is actually a very typical concept of sneak exchange.


Neon aided China in the 1980s. At that time, although China was not considered strong or it could be said that it was still relatively poor, it already had its own hematopoietic function.

Let me ask you, 58 years ago, who was willing and capable to provide you with a complete industrial system?

The answer is only woolly bears.

To say something extreme.

Anyone can give you money, and if you are willing to bend down, a so-called humanitarian loan can be provided to you from across the sea.

But something like the defense industrial system cannot be bought with money alone.


Neon's free loans actually come with a requirement, that is, China must export raw materials to Neon, and at the same time, the money can only be used to purchase supplies with Neon.

At that time, Neon sold the same set of equipment to China at a premium of up to five times!

To know.

Huadun Biotechnology, which Xu Yun was working outside, needed equipment to produce cockroach poison. Nutrien, the only company that could provide the technology, only offered a 30% premium.

The third thing is that Neon people later relied on the Plaza Agreement and the depreciation of the Huaxia currency to create leverage. When Huaxia repaid the loan, it was actually equivalent to bearing a loan shark with 50% interest.

This is not over yet.

more importantly.

The Neon Man missed out on war reparations.

That's right.

War reparations.

All veterans who have participated in the Anti-Japanese War know this.

In 1945.

China, the United States and Britain jointly issued the "Potsdam Declaration", which clearly stipulated that Neon would need to make necessary compensation after the war for the crimes it committed during the war.

But the "China" in China, the United States and Britain here is not related to the New China established in 1949, but another force that dominated the land of China at that time.

September 1951.

Across the sea, in violation of the "Potsdam Declaration", 52 countries, including Neon, were convened in San Francisco to sign the "San Francisco Agreement with Japan."

The most important content is to ask the allies to give up their compensation requirements for neon. This move is undoubtedly disrespectful to China and other countries that suffered neon damage during the war.

At this meeting, India, Burma, Yugoslavia and other countries refused to attend.

Countries such as Poland and Czechoslovakia who attended the meeting refused to sign the "plan" proposed across the sea.

And under the organization across the sea.

New China, the country that was most harmed by neon and had the most say at the meeting, was actually excluded from the meeting.

since then.

China and Neon have reached a stalemate over war compensation. The compensation payable is US$21.6 billion, accounting for 40% of Neon’s total war compensation.

Later, when China and Neon established diplomatic relations, considering various factors, China chose to give up the compensation.

Therefore, those interest-free loans can essentially be regarded as another form of war compensation paid by Neon people. After all, they are also sending money. Reparations represent an admission of crime, and loans are an equal trade model.

But even so, they still set up a leverage trap.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who say that Neon's assistance is selfless?

This tmd is outrageous.

Xu Yun then briefly explained the situation of the Plaza Accord, leaving aside the pattern of later generations. Qian Bingqiong, as a strategist, quickly understood the causes and consequences:

"So Xiao Xu, you mean that today's Neon people are actually replicating the Plaza Agreement in advance?"

"That's right."

Xu Yun nodded, changed to a side position on the bed, and explained:

"The exchange rate thing has a very simple calculation, that is, export trade will lead to currency depreciation, and import trade will lead to currency appreciation."

"Although our cola transaction with Mao Xiong is in exchange for food, the essence behind this transaction is the transfer of commodity costs, so the current Chinese currency is also in a state of depreciation."

"The Japanese yen is appreciating against the US dollar due to the strengthening of armaments across the sea. Although it is not as exaggerated as the Plaza Accord, it is still no problem to cheat us in terms of interest."

Qian Bingqiong touched his chin and said nothing.

Although he is a physicist, he still knows something about exchange rates.

As Xu Yun said, exports will lead to currency depreciation, while imports will lead to currency appreciation.

For example, in the past, 1 Chinese currency = 0.5 U.S. dollars. After the devaluation, 1 Chinese currency now = 0.2 U.S. dollars.

In the past, foreigners spent 0.5 U.S. dollars to buy 1 Huaxia coin, but now they can buy it for 0.2 U.S. dollars, so they will definitely buy more than before.

Therefore, our country exports more things, which is conducive to exports.

On the contrary, if the Huaxia currency appreciates, I used to be able to buy things for 0.2 US dollars per Huaxia currency. Now I can buy things for 0.5 US dollars. So shouldn’t I buy more?

Therefore, our country imports more things, which is conducive to imports.

Although Huaxia and Mao Xiong's cola are now exchanged for winter wheat, Mao Xiong's export of winter wheat will lead to a reduction in domestic food supply and trigger a series of economic changes. In essence, it is no different from a money transaction.

Therefore, in the past period of time, the Chinese currency has been depreciating internationally.

But it's different across the sea.

The emergence of donkey pulp film has led to an arms race between Haidian and Mao Xiong that is completely different from its original history. Arms require money, so Haidian has now begun to ship to several back gardens.

That is to say, Neon has had more import trade during this period, and the Japanese yen has naturally begun to appreciate.

Under this situation, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen against the US dollar continues to rise, and there has been a relatively obvious chronology between the Japanese yen and the Chinese currency.

Interest-free loans in this case are indeed usury in nature.

However, after realizing this situation, Qian Bingqiong's face was not unhappy at all, but instead glowed with an inexplicable light:

"Xiao Xu, so your idea is to take this loan?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily:

"That's right, pick it up!"


After hearing the last two sentences of the two, Lao Guo couldn't help but say:

"Xiao Xu, Lao Qian, didn't you say that this loan is a loan shark? Then why should we accept this money?"

"If you accept this loan, aren't you giving money to the devils?"

Seeing the anxious Lao Guo, Xu Yun and Qian Bingqiong looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Lao Guo:


After a while.

Qian Bingqiong stopped laughing and patted Lao Guo on the shoulder and said:

"Lao Guo, what Xiao Xu is talking about is just a normal development trend."

"Yes, if we follow this trend, we will definitely lose money when we pay back the money."

"But if our atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and even neutron bombs all exploded successfully, everything would be different."

"At that time, some of our transactions with Western countries are bound to be interrupted. I guess only Gaul can sell something to us, and the Germans' donkey pulp films and the like will definitely be gone."

"Coupled with the international community's panic about the atomic bomb, the RMB will inevitably appreciate significantly."

When Lao Guo heard this, he couldn't help but blinked.


How could I have forgotten the atomic bomb?

After the atomic bomb explodes, the currency will inevitably appreciate due to emotional reasons. This is a truth that the previous four countries have personally tested.

"This isn't over yet."

Xu Yun then added:

"If the Chinese currency only appreciates, then Neon's loan will not receive interest at most, and it will definitely not lose money."

"However, once our hydrogen bomb or neutron bomb explodes, then the other side of the sea will inevitably further increase arms spending."

"When the time comes, they will inevitably dump their products crazily to Neon, causing many similar domestic Neon companies to go bankrupt, while at the same time the Japanese yen is appreciating."

"The current Neon is not as risk-resistant as it will be in the future. At the same time, they have spent a lot of money on detectors. Guo Gong, guess what will happen to their economy by then?"

To the end.

Xu Yun smiled so much that he could clearly see the donkey hair stuck to his back molars.

He is really happy.

be honest.

If only China's nuclear weapons explode successfully, then the other side of the sea will only be more vigilant towards China, but they will not simply increase arms expenditures for China.

But if the explosion was a hydrogen bomb or even a neutron bomb, then it would be impossible to sit on the other side of the sea.

This is proven by history.

In the original history, the rabbits developed the atomic bomb, and the military expenditure on the other side of the sea only increased by 2% in the same year, but the information collection expenditure on China increased by 40% - this part was mainly given to the other side.

But three years after the atomic bomb, the rabbits came up with the hydrogen bomb

As a result, military expenditures across the sea skyrocketed by 35% that year, and the same trend continued for a year. This is actually not difficult to understand. If countries that are lagging behind you have mastered advanced technology, then you must increase investment to maintain your original advantages. Just fine.

If the hydrogen bomb is replaced by a neutron bomb and doubled, it should be fine, right?

Then follow the past operations on the other side of the sea.

As soon as their military spending increases, imports from Neon and Mexico will increase.

Later, the main reason why the Plaza Accord led to the appreciation of the yen was actually that Neon was used as a dumping ground for goods across the sea.

Under the crazy injection of this father across the sea, the neon soon turned into an ever-expanding puff.

On the one hand, the appreciation of the yen was on the other hand, but on the other hand, there was economic deformation, which ultimately led to the collapse of the famous bubble economy in neon history.

In the 1990s, Neon's ability to withstand economic risks was obviously much higher than it is today.

In this case, Neon also spent a sum of money to build a proton decay detector, and at the same time "supported" a loan three times larger than in history to the rabbits.

Do not know why.

Xu Yun suddenly thought of the Qing Dynasty back then - the Qing Dynasty was in danger at that time, but Cixi spent the military expenses of the Beiyang Navy on his birthday.

If Heaven wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy.

At this moment.

Xu Yun couldn't help but look forward to the scene where the neon lights expanded like puffs and exploded into a ball under the crazy injection of this father across the sea.

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