Into Unscientific

Chapter 724 Deng Jiaxian’s Questions (Part 1)

"Reporting to the factory director, according to the news from many branch venues, most branch venues have completed three rounds of serving food."

"Even the 12th branch with the largest number of people and the slowest progress has now completed two rounds of food supply."

Hear the report from his assistant Zhou Cai.

Li Jue pondered for a moment and continued to ask:

"What about the food supply? Is there any problem?"

Zhou Cai shook his head quickly and opened a page of the telegram in front of him:

"The main factory has been maintaining contact with the head chef. At present, both fillings and pre-wrapped dumplings are enough to meet the needs of the comrades."

"For example, we have prepared more than 24,000 kilograms of beef. As of the time I received the telegram, there is still about 60% of the inventory remaining."

"According to our expectations, most comrades can only survive the fifth round - some people may not even survive the fourth round."

Li Jue nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, more than fifty minutes have passed since the official start of the meal. Li Jue almost every once in a while wants to know the information of other branch venues.

After all, despite the orderliness in the main factory, this is mainly because there are few people in the main factory - there are only more than 80 tables in total.

In later generations, many villages held a village banquet, and the number of tables could easily exceed 100.

The other branch venues are different.

For example, the branch venue in Factory 12 has 532 tables and a total of more than 5,500 people.

If there is a problem in any link, the impact will be hard to say.

If the comrade in charge of delivering food fell down or bumped into someone during the serving process, then it would be fine, but if the employees as a whole ate faster than the base originally planned, one end would finish the dumplings at the other end. If it hasn’t been harvested yet, it may have a certain impact on everyone’s enthusiasm.

The base has prepared so much meat, not just to spoil everyone's enjoyment.

Fortunately, the base preparations are sufficient, and it seems that nothing major will happen now.

After all, the entire expected rounds of the base are four to five, but anyone who has ever had a banquet knows that the most stressful time of serving food at a banquet is not at the end, but in the middle.

Now that the middle section has been successfully passed, the remaining pressure will naturally be much less.

Think of this.

Li Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief, pointed to an empty seat next to him and said to Zhou Cai:

"Xiao Zhou, thank you for your hard work. Can you sit down and have something to eat?"

Zhou Cai shook his head gently, and rarely rejected Li Jue:

"Forget it, director, this New Year's Eve dinner is really important to the base, I'll just keep watching."

Seeing Zhou Cai's resolute attitude, Li Jue thought for a while, picked up an iron lunch box from the side, and put some dumplings into the lunch box:

"Then bring these dumplings with you. They have just been served and are still warm."

Zhou Cai subconsciously rubbed his empty belly and took the lunch box with a naive smile.

After Zhou Cai left.

Li Jue sighed slightly, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the dumplings and started eating.

Although Zhou Cai was standing and sitting, in fact, Li Jue had just come back - as the general manager of the base, he didn't have much chance to rest on this occasion today.

For example, they have to call the capital to report the situation, confirm the party arrangements at each venue with the person in charge of each branch venue, and also go to each table in person to express condolences to the comrades.

After finishing one thing, he was actually more tired than Zhou Cai.

After picking up more than a dozen dumplings in one go, Li Jue just burped with a strong meaty aroma, and then looked at Xu Yun who was sitting beside him:

"Xiao Xu, how was your meal?"

Xu Yun just saw Li Jue eating happily and didn't bother him. Now he heard this and pointed to the plate in front of him:

"It's very enjoyable. I've eaten more than 20 of them."

Under normal conditions, Xu Yun can eat about thirty-five dumplings in one breath. However, the fire in the dungeon still had a relatively large impact on his body. Now he still has some problems with his lungs and stomach, so after a meal Twenty or so dumplings are enough for rice.

Li Jue nodded when he saw this, and then looked around:

"By the way, where is Professor Yang?"

Xu Yun pointed to the three empty seats opposite him and explained:

"Professor Yang's appetite is not very good. He is full after eating a dozen or so."

"Although we were indoors, the temperature was a bit low at night, so Teacher Yuan and Teacher Zhou sent him back to the hospital first."

Li Jue snorted and nodded in understanding.

The more than 80 tables at the main factory are divided into indoor and outdoor parts. The outdoor part has a greenhouse to block the wind, and the indoor part mainly houses some seats that cannot fit outside.

Among them, whether to sit indoors or outdoors is not classified according to the position, but according to the individual's physical condition - gay women with sick patients and children sit indoors, and gay men with normal health sit outdoors.

At the same time, the quality of the dishes on each table is also the same. Although some tables have several bottles of wine, these drinks are all brought by the employees themselves.

However, although the indoor conditions are better than those outside, there is neither air conditioning nor floor heating these days, so the so-called "better" is really just a little.

Yang Kaiqu's physical condition at this time was not able to sit for a long time in this situation, so after Yang Kaiqu had eaten enough, Yuan Guoliang and Zhou Kaida sent him back to the hospital.

Then Li Jue stuffed two more dumplings into his mouth, drank a big mouthful of hot dumpling soup, and wiped his mouth when he was done:

"Xiao Xu, then I'll leave first."

"Set off?"

Xu Yun was stunned for two seconds, pointed to the prepared stage outside and said:

"Director, where are you going? The party is about to start. I heard that there will be a cross talk tonight called "I am really a technical leader."

Hearing this, Li Jue patted several iron lunch boxes beside him and said:

"Of course I'm delivering food."

Xu Yun blinked:

"Sending food?"


Li Jue's expression seemed very calm, and he said calmly:

"Send dumplings to the comrades in Guangda and Lao Guo's group. There are also some comrades who are on duty overtly and covertly. They haven't eaten yet."

Xu Yun was suddenly startled.

But soon, a look of surprise appeared on his face.


Mentioned earlier.

The base currently has a total of 18,234 employees. 17,283 people were supposed to be present today, but due to various problems, 17,275 people were actually present.

And if you should be present, there is naturally a saying that you should be present.

The more than a thousand employees who "shouldn't" be present are mainly the R\u0026D team led by Lu Guangda and others, as well as several absolutely core production areas, plus comrades standing guard.

However, although these comrades were not present, they still had to eat what they should eat.

Therefore, the base has planned several groups of meal delivery personnel in advance. Each group is led by the base management to personally deliver meals to those comrades who did not attend the New Year's Eve dinner.

In terms of his position, Xu Yun is actually the management who should lead the team, but it is not convenient for him to move around because he is sick, so the organization did not notify him of this matter.

However, the lack of notice from the organization is one thing, and what Xu Yun himself thinks is another matter.

Seeing Li Jue who was about to get up and set off, Xu Yun quickly called him out:

"Director, wait a moment, I'll go with you too!"


Li Jue raised his eyebrows and said in confusion:

"Xiao Xu, it's windy and snowy outside, and you're sitting in a wheelchair and it's inconvenient to move around. Why did you run over and join in the fun?"


Xu Yun sighed, glanced at the other people eating dumplings on the table, and said quietly:

"Director, if I don't go with you today, I will never have the opportunity to join in the fun in my life."

Li Jue was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then fell into a rare silence.


If you, or everyone in the base, is the owner of a house, then Xu Yun is undoubtedly a guest from afar.

Although this guest brought many gifts to the host that could change his life standard, a guest is a guest and he will eventually leave.

Therefore, although it is rude for guests to cook and help wash dishes, no matter how rude it is, it is much better than leaving regrets.

Figured this out.

Li Jue suddenly exhaled a breath of thick air and patted the armrest of Xu Yun's wheelchair:

"In that case, Xiao Xu, come on too."

Seeing this, Xu Yun rubbed his hands, and then left the table with Li Jue with the help of Mou Fangdong.

There were not many people delivering meals with Li Jue this time. Apart from Li Jue, Xu Yun and Mou Fangdong, there were only four people. They were Peng Huanwu, the deputy director of the base, and the three accompanying guards.

Another group of people delivering meals to the outpost was led by another deputy director, Cheng Kaijia. In addition to leading scientific research at the base, he also had a part-time job in the military defense system.

Earlier, in order to facilitate Xu Yun's consulting duties, the base specially modified a 212 Jeep for him, that is, the passenger seat was removed, and at the same time, an iron plate was placed on the ground in the back row that could be pulled out horizontally to form a small slope with the ground. Xu Yun and his wheelchair can be pushed directly into the back of the jeep along the slope. There is no need to lie on a stretcher and cover it with a white cloth like before.

So it's quick.

Xu Yun got into the jeep with the help of Mou Fangdong, and followed Li Jue's transport truck to the second branch factory.

Fifteen minutes later.

With the slight vibration coming from the car, the jeep stopped steadily:

"Chief, the second branch factory has arrived."

Xu Yun once again got out of the car with the help of Mou Fangdong and looked up at the factory area in front of him.

In the past period of time, Xu Yun actually visited the Second Branch Factory a lot.

However, the time he comes to the Second Branch Factory is basically in the morning. Although it may be at night when he leaves, in most cases the Second Branch Factory has night shifts, so the entire factory area is relatively bright.

But today is different.

Most of the workers went to have New Year's Eve dinner today. Out of a simple sense of economy, it was naturally impossible to leave lights on everywhere in the entire factory.

So this was the first time Xu Yun saw the "no makeup" of the Second Branch Factory.

At this moment.

There was only one thought floating in Xu Yun's mind:

"It's so dark."

Not sure if he heard Xu Yun’s complaints, Li Jue smiled and clapped his hands:

"Okay, it's so cold outside, let's not stand around, turn on the flashlights, let's go to workshop six!"


As soon as he finished speaking, several flashlight lights quickly appeared around Xu Yun.

Then the group of people used the flashlight to head straight to the location of a certain workshop.

When it comes to the Second Branch Factory, many people may think that it is really a small factory, but the internal structure of the Second Branch Factory is actually far less simple than that of an ordinary brick and tile factory.

To give the most straightforward example, the number of employees.

There are more than 4,000 employees in charge of production in the Second Branch. Let’s not talk about functional classification. In the future, do you think a middle school with 4,000 to 5,000 people will cover an area?

When Xu Yun was in high school, there were more than 3,000 students in the high school section of the school, and the campus area was almost 100 acres of land - it was just a county-level middle school with no special buildings.

In addition, it was difficult to find the way in the dark night, so Xu Yun and the others walked for more than ten minutes before they found their target workshop.

Hmm. Or to be precise, this should be a production park with iron gates and walls.

Then Peng Hengwu personally stepped forward and knocked on the iron door, and someone quickly came out of the guard room.

Peng Hengwu stepped forward and muttered a few words to the other party, who then stepped forward and opened the iron door.

Li Jue and his entourage walked into the door one by one. As they approached, Xu Yun discovered through the light that today's 'doorman' was still an acquaintance - the one who grabbed his face and pulled up his pants when Xu Yun first went to the theory department. An old Zhou.

Li Jue and Lao Zhou were obviously old acquaintances. After entering, he patted Lao Zhou on the shoulder:

"Comrade An Ding, thank you for your hard work."

Lao Zhou just nodded to Li Jue expressionlessly, and carefully locked the iron door behind him after the last person entered.

"Comrade An Ding."

After entering, Li Jue looked at Lao Zhou and asked:

"What furnace number are Lao Lu and the others in now?"

"Number seven."

A very hoarse voice came out of Lao Zhou's mouth. Just by hearing this voice, you knew that he must be a man with a story:

"Director, let me take you there."

Li Jue nodded:

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Then, under the leadership of Lao Zhou, the group quickly arrived in front of a building over four meters high - according to the understanding of later generations, this building actually meets the definition of a 'workshop'.

I saw Lao Zhou taking out a key from his body and quickly opening the door.

The moment the door opened, a burst of light came out along with the roar of some machines.

Lao Zhou, Li Jue and others were not surprised and walked into the door.

The No. 7 furnace mentioned by Lao Zhou covers a large area. At first glance, it seems to be about three to four hundred square meters.

When Xu Yun and others entered, there were probably dozens of workers busy working in the building.

Various tools are hung on the walls of the building, some metal pieces are scattered on the ground, and the air is filled with a slight smell of welding (actually the smell of metal shavings).

In addition, at the very rear of the building, there is a cylindrical device about two meters high.

People No. 3 and 5 were working on something around the equipment. Among them was Lu Guangda, who had just parted with Yang Zhenning yesterday and hurried back from Jinmen.


The housework has finally been taken care of. It should be over for now. I’m exhausted both physically and mentally. Now I’m going to bed. I’ll really start updating tomorrow.

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