Into Unscientific

Chapter 733 How could we forget the Diaoyu Islands? (Thanks to the MITMAttack leader!)

Many, many years later.

As the rabbits' national power grew, the files related to the rabbits' development of nuclear weapons were gradually unsealed.

Among the many incidents recorded in the archives.

This meeting on the first day of the Lunar New Year is undoubtedly the top priority for discussion and attention from all walks of life.

Even at the end, because the specific information about the participants was not fully disclosed, a very controversial topic emerged on the Internet:

Does the so-called description of "33 experts and scholars applauding in unison" include Li Jue, the director of the base at the time?

Some people think that this description includes Li Jue. After all, Li Jue is a technical leader and can also be regarded as an expert.

Opponents believe that, excluding Li Jue, the experts here must be atomic energy practitioners with professional knowledge.

To this end, there have been a lot of analysis of Party-issued videos, but under such videos you can usually see another sentence - "It's all my fault, Grandpa Yuan Guoliang, for letting you eat too much".

Of course.

At this time, everyone at the scene did not know that the discussion about this meeting would be held from a very strange angle. Almost everyone's focus was on what Li Jue said.

That is.

Three bombs exploded!

Suddenly, Lao Guo's eyes in the audience became a little dazed.

Tell the truth.

If you told him four years ago that rabbits would break through the research and development barriers of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs at the same time four years later, he... no, it should be said to everyone at the scene - even Lu Guangda, Qian Bingqiong, Qian Wushi Such a top boss would never believe a single word.

Are you kidding me?

Breaking through Category III nuclear weapons in four years?

To know.

If compared according to the test time of the breakthrough principle, it took seven years and three months to break through the atomic bomb across the sea, four years and three months for the United Kingdom, eight years and six months for Gaul, and the fastest furry bear was only four years and three months. months.

If an atomic bomb is like this, let alone the subsequent hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs.

Lao Guo's mentality is relatively optimistic, but even his expectations are just thinking about whether he can successfully test an atomic bomb the year after tomorrow.

The result was unexpected.

Such an unbelievable miracle actually happened in front of them?

Where does this miracle begin?

Oh, I remembered, it was the fire at the Way Kiln Factory in Guide County

Think of this.

Even though the meeting at this moment was extremely important, Lao Guo couldn't help but take a break:

If I had not taken Cai Shaohui to Director Huang to ask for those fishes, and had not found the notice from Cambridge University, what would have been the development of the story?

I'm afraid Xu Yun is already a few months old by now.

At the same time as Lao Guo's thoughts were diverging.

Li Jue on the stage also looked around the scene and quickly picked up a small notebook from the table:

"Okay, comrades, please be quiet for a moment. Our time is tight and we still have some information to hand over."

Li Jue just finished speaking.


Everyone in the audience quickly calmed down and sat upright.

Li Jue coughed slightly when he saw this, cleared his throat, and said:

"First of all, I would like to inform you about the specific locations of the three nuclear tests, which are the test explosion sites of nuclear weapons."

"Everyone should be familiar with the atomic bomb. The test explosion site is located at the Malan base in Lop Nur. The infrastructure construction there has been basically completed."

"In a sense, the Malan base has met the conditions for an immediate explosion - Comrade Lu Guangda has confirmed this once on the spot."

Hearing Li Jue's words.

Lu Guangda, who was sitting below and to the right of Li Jue, nodded cooperatively.

Mentioned many times earlier.

The rabbits have three cores in the atomic bomb research and development process, namely the 221 base responsible for theoretical research and production, the 504 factory responsible for supplying enriched uranium, and the Malan base located in Lop Nur.

Back then, Xu Yun and Lu Guangda went to the Malan base to conduct a small-yield nuclear test, and a chicken was discovered during the experiment.

Also years ago.

Lu Guangda went to the Malan Base again and inspected the current construction status of the base. He finally determined that the Malan Base was basically ready for nuclear testing - but some small details still needed to be optimized.

Malan base is the easiest nuclear explosion site, so Li Jue just mentioned it in passing.

After introducing the hydrogen bomb, Li Jue said:

"As for the neutron bomb test site, the organizational designation is an uninhabited island located on the southeast coast."

"This uninhabited island is within the high seas and covers an area of ​​about 3.97 square kilometers. There are no residents living on the island. There are only some small buildings built by fishermen themselves to take shelter on the island during typhoons when fishing."

Say it.

Li Jue motioned Zhou Cai to spread out a map and drew a circle in a certain direction in the southeast area.


An old expert who was leaning forward squinted his eyes for a few seconds, and suddenly let out a soft moan:

"Director, the location of this island seems a bit close to Treasure Island?"

"That's right."

Li Jue nodded and affirmed:

"It is only about 170 kilometers away from Treasure Island, but it is not within the so-called 'jurisdictional area' of Treasure Island - so even if it wants to find support from across the sea, it cannot."

"Of course, the purpose of choosing this area is not to shock the treasure island, but because the micro neutron bomb is too small."

Hearing Li Jue's last words, Xu Yun couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at him.

Pretend, pretend again, do you think anyone believes you?

Regarding the organizational positioning of the neutron bomb experiment, this time it is a good move towards the treasure island.

To know.

Unlike atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs are absolutely clean nuclear weapons - they will not destroy too many buildings and facilities, and the radiation dose is instantaneous and will not cause long-term radioactive pollution.

At the same time, this neutron bomb, which is larger than the design, is small in size and low in power. The actual yield is only a few hundred tons, about a few tenths of that of a little boy.

That's right.

Hundreds of tons, no less than ten thousand words - the 'mission' of this thing is very clear, regardless of power, it just needs to prove that the rabbits have mastered neutron bomb technology.

And also because of the low power.

If this miniature neutron bomb is tested in the western region, the radiation parameters that the rabbits want them to discover may not be captured across the sea.

Therefore, after organizational discussions, it was finally decided to set up the location on a small island in the southeast region.

This island is not very far from Neon and Treasure Island, and it can basically guarantee that the test explosion will be detected by both parties at the same time.

In addition, as Li Jue said.

There are no residents living on this island, only some small shacks used to shelter from typhoon storms. There is no need to prepare an evacuation plan, just some financial compensation.

Then the old expert who was the first to speak out looked at the map again, and the doubts in his eyes became more serious:

"Strange. Why does this island seem a bit familiar? It's longer from east to west and narrower from the south."


The old expert suddenly realized something and turned to look at Li Jue:

"Director, how big did you say this island is?"

Li Jue showed him a row of white teeth:

"3.97 square kilometers."

The old expert's pupils suddenly shrank.

No wonder.

No wonder he feels familiar.

It is longer from east to west and narrower in the south. It looks a bit like a cashew nut, plus the size of the island.

The appearance of this island is strikingly similar to the Diaoyu Islands further out!

If he remembered correctly.

The appearance of Diaoyu Island is also the same, and its area should be only about four square kilometers.

Today, the Diaoyu Islands are still in the hands of the other side of the sea, but China wants to take back this island that belongs to it all the time.

be honest.

If you just look at the area of ​​the islands, the Diaoyu Islands are not actually ranked high among the domestic islands.

The Diaoyu Islands only cover an area of ​​3.91 square kilometers. Not to mention Qionghai Island and Baodao, they are not even among the top twenty islands in the Zhoushan Islands.

But on the other hand, its political status is very important.

In most people's minds, Diaoyu Island is an isolated island in the East China Sea. It is highly regarded for its rich resources and superior geographical location.

But in fact, the real Diaoyu Island is not an isolated island.

According to the official definition, it consists of the entire archipelago and its surrounding waters, located between China mainland, Baodao and Neon, with a total of 72 small islands.

As for the pictures of the islands that the public sees in news reports and the Diaoyu Islands mentioned by old experts, they are actually the largest islands in the archipelago.

In order to raise awareness and enhance awareness, the media generally calls it "Diaoyu Island", and the people also have nicknames such as "Diaoyutai" and "Diaoyu Mountain".

The specific location of the Diaoyu Islands is between 25 degrees north latitude and 123 degrees east longitude. It is an important barrier on my country's eastern coast.

In ancient my country.

Not only did fishermen often come to the Diaoyu Islands to fish and live, the imperial court also often sent troops to station here.

This has been part of China's territory for a long time.

The Central Plains Dynasty's control of the Diaoyu Islands officially began in the Southern Song Dynasty. In 1171, the imperial court appointed naval general Wang Dayou to guard Fuzhou and supervise military operations.

Since the southeastern coast at that time was often invaded by so-called "barbarians", in order to protect the enemies from the country's borders, Wang Dayou sent a large number of soldiers to garrison on the surrounding islands.

At that time, the garrison focus was on Kinmen Island, Penghu Islands and Taibao Island, and the Diaoyu Islands were the farthest naval base at that time.

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the Diaoyu Islands were completely controlled by the imperial court.

During the Hongwu period, Ryukyu became a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, and envoys were sent to pay homage every year. The Diaoyu Islands were a must-stop for Ming Dynasty troops and diplomats to visit Ryukyu.

However, in 1894, after the Qing government's Beiyang Navy was completely destroyed, control of the sea was completely lost.

At this time, Neon occupied the Chinese waters such as Baodao and Diaoyu Islands, and ruled for about half a century.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War.

Neon, which announced unconditional surrender, returned all Chinese territory including the Diaoyu Islands - these were clearly described in the Cairo Declaration and the Yalta Declaration.

However, across the sea, a situation has been set up on the Diaoyu Islands, reviving the territorial dispute that should have been settled decades ago.

They first stationed troops on the Diaoyu Islands for more than 20 years, and then handed over the jurisdiction of the Diaoyu Islands to Neon when they evacuated.

The so-called national game is vividly displayed on this small island.

The value of the Diaoyu Islands to the other side of the sea is that the dispute between China and Neon cannot be settled, so there is no time to take care of it, let alone worry about the emergence of a community in the Far East.

The value of neon lies in Japan's hope that through confrontation, it can eventually transform itself from a restricted country after World War II with only the Self-Defense Forces to a normal country with a national defense force. Only by taking this step can neon military power be able to rise again.

The value to China is that it is a key area to break through the first island chain. If it is occupied by others, the eastern part will be blocked, and it actually has to be fought for.

So it’s still the same sentence.

Your enemy may be bad, but never think that they are stupid - the military strategy across the sea is indeed very sophisticated.

So on the surface it is an issue of territory and sovereignty, but in essence it is a historical necessity for the game between new powers and established powers.


In this era, the rabbits do not yet have the ability to recapture the Diaoyu Islands.

But this is only temporary.

Another purpose why the rabbits chose the unnamed island that is somewhat similar to the Diaoyu Islands as the neutron bomb test site this time is to tell the other side of the sea and Neon:

If the Diaoyu Islands are not returned, then it will not be as simple as testing a micro neutron bomb on a small island similar to the Diaoyu Islands.

do not forget.

Neutron bombs only kill people and do very little harm to buildings.

This is not a deterrent, but an expression of determination - because the Diaoyu Islands are originally our own territory.

You've lived in my house for so long, and it's considered good that I haven't asked you for rent.

This is the value of nuclear weapons, it allows people to straighten their backs and speak loudly.

At this moment.

It was not only this old expert who realized the intention of the superiors in selecting the site, but also other scholars at the scene.

The atmosphere at the scene became lively again.

As practitioners in the production of nuclear weapons, there are all of these people on the scene. Whose lifelong dream is not to personally take back the territory that was taken away?

So even though this neutron bomb test was just a simple rehearsal, it still aroused the emotions of many people.

But this time.

Li Jue had no intention of suppressing this emotion. Instead, he followed the atmosphere and dropped a big bomb again:

"Comrades, after talking about neutron bombs and atomic bombs, we should also talk about hydrogen bombs."

"With the efforts of Comrade Yu Min and others, our hydrogen bomb has completed the miniaturization design. In addition, in the Zhuxian project, we also mastered many practical aspects of waverider technology."

"In other words, we have practiced the flight trajectory of small, or mini, missiles."

"So this organizationally planned hydrogen bomb test explosion is somewhat special. It is not intended to be carried and airdropped by bombers, but"

"Conduct a two-bomb combination test that lasts for thousands of kilometers."


Thanks to the leader of MITMAttack for the reward, the boss is confused, no, the boss is generous!

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