Into Unscientific

Chapter 770 Showing swords to each other!

".Do you dare to answer?"

Hearing Wang Anyi's words.

Sugawara Keisuke's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Wang Anyi seemed to be asking him if he dared, but in fact he was mocking him. He was not qualified to bear the consequences.

do not forget.

There is a father above Neon's head now.

Nowadays, ships from various countries, including Mao Xiong, are docked nearby. If a collision accident occurs due to this kind of thing, a hundred Sugawara Keisukes will not be enough to detain Nasser.

After all, the current situation is so delicate that even unreasonable gangsters like this across the sea have to be careful.

Even in a sense. Note that in a sense, the other side of the sea is actually happy to see the rabbits successfully experiment with intercontinental missiles - provided that the data module can be obtained from the other side of the sea.

This is a psychology that focuses more on consequentialism, that is, the other side of the sea does not consider how the rabbits will break through the technology for the time being, and discusses it solely in the range of intercontinental missiles.

Because the Rabbits have mastered intercontinental missiles, they represent the top three in the world of nuclear weapons.

Both mathematics and history clearly tell everyone a truth - triangle is the most stable form.

And although the rabbits belong to the red camp, their relationship with the furry bear is quite complicated, far from being as simple as the furry bear having a little brother.

If the other side of the sea can get the data cabin, then all the secrets of the rabbits will be exposed to the other side of the sea. In this way, even if the rabbits master the intercontinental missile technology, the overall situation is still under the control of the other side of the sea.


The other side of the sea will not allow open friction to occur under any circumstances. The only target everyone is fighting for today is the data cabin. (Note: This is actually one of the reasons why the opposite side of the sea did not take further action after the data cabin was snatched by us in the original history. The game between big powers is very complicated)

And the other side.

Seeing Sugawara Keisuke fell into silence, Wang Anyi did not let go of the neon man's thoughts at all. He waved his hand:

"First officer, target neon command ship, move forward at five strong speeds, full ahead!"

The first mate of ship 101 is a bald man with a height of 190cm, tall and strong, with simple facial features. He looks like an honest and honest man without any evil intentions. He was startled when he heard this:


be honest.

From the day he joined the army, the first officer had the consciousness to sacrifice his life for the country.

If he really reaches a desperate situation, he will definitely drive the ship towards the enemy as heroically as his ancestors did without any hesitation.

But the problem is

The two sides haven't started fighting yet. They are just talking. Why is it that the captain is about to die together with the other side?

Seeing this, Gui Zhaolin on the side quickly tugged on the first mate's sleeve and lowered his voice:

"Are you stupid? Are you going to do it if I ask you to do it? Can you turn around and make a gesture to scare people?"

"Didn't you see that this guy Lao Wang can even speak English? - This guy is talking to the white-skinned people next to the Japanese!"

The first mate was stunned for a few seconds, and then he finally understood what was happening.

But before he had time to tell the helmsman to turn around, a somewhat dry but understandable Chinese message sounded from the communicator in Wang Anyi's hand:

"Mr. Wang, please don't be impulsive - I am Sandor Hanprey, we have met before."

Wang Anyi nodded slightly and made a gesture to the first mate not to move:

"It turns out to be Consultant Hanprey. I didn't expect you to come too."


Sandor Hanprey's laughter soon sounded in the communicator. It sounded harmless to humans and animals, but Wang Anyi knew that this was a difficult opponent to deal with:

"Mr. Wang, to be honest, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. You have deceived everyone this time."

"Mr. Sugawara just stayed in the cabin for a long time, his mentality was slightly unbalanced, and his words were offensive to China."

"Here, I would like to apologize to Mr. Wang and others involved on his behalf. I hope you can forgive him for his unintentional mistake."

Although Sandor Hamprey is not specifically responsible for China affairs like Brown, he can serve as the East Asian Affairs Advisor of the Seventh Fleet, and his attainments in the Chinese language are still qualified.

According to the original historical trajectory.

He will put a lot of pressure on the rabbits for many years to come, and this old white man can be seen behind some major events.

He did not return to East Asia until he was ninety-one years old, leaving behind hundreds of neon illegitimate children, and died three years later.

Therefore, he can communicate in Chinese without the help of a translator.


Upon hearing Sandor Hempry's words, Wang Anyi immediately snorted coldly:

"Counsellor Hanprey, we are all soldiers. I think there is no need to say some false lies. Everyone knows whether Mr. Sugawara is intentional or not. Time will tell whether what I say is true or false." (Note: Some comments said that the fishing boat collided with the patrol ship because I went too far. Please search for the keyword Zhan Qixiong.)

"Now let's bring the topic back to where it started, Advisor Hanprey. We are currently performing a special mission. This mission involves our country's national defense and security, and has a significant and far-reaching impact."

"Now, as the project leader, I am warning all parties not to interfere with our country's experiments, and please withdraw from this sea area immediately!"

Hearing Wang Anyi's cold warning, Sandor Hempry still smiled:

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, but I find it hard to agree with your request."

"The sea area we are in is the high seas. According to the international law of the sea, it does not belong to the jurisdiction of any country or region."

"As long as a safe distance is maintained between boats, even supporters of sweet tofu and salty tofu in your country can walk side by side here."

"At the same time, your so-called nuclear weapons experiment affects not only the people of the mainland, but may also affect surrounding countries."

"We are just entrusted by countries around your country that do not have the ability to conduct long-distance voyages to come and witness the entire process of research and judgment."

"What's more, as a member of the Earth community, we have the obligation and right to supervise the entire process, are you right?"

Wang Anyi snorted again:

"In this case, I have already said what I need to say. It is your business to listen or not."

"I would like to remind you all again not to interfere with our experiments, otherwise you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

Whether it was Wang Anyi or Sandor Hanprey, their questions and answers were all routine.

Wang Anyi is not stupid enough to think that a few serious warnings can persuade these people to retreat. Their purpose of accompanying them for thousands of kilometers is very clear, and they will not care if you show off your face with a heavy expression.

Similarly, Sandor Hamprey is not naive enough to think that Wang Anyi will believe his own words.

This exchange between the two parties is just to establish a moral high point. As for what will happen next, everyone knows very well:

After the missile enters the sea, the forces across the sea and other forces will definitely be "kind" and "help" the rabbits salvage the data cabin as soon as possible.

When the rabbits come to ask for it, they either pretend to be stupid and say they haven't found it, or they take out another tattered box and say regretfully "I'm sorry, we have tried our best to save it".

Some people's gangster behavior never changes.

Then Wang Anyi stopped being polite to Sandor Hanprey. After the exchange between the two parties was completed, he immediately hung up the communication.


After hanging up the communication, Wang Anyi looked at Gui Zhaolin:

"Lao Gui, where have our other three surveying ships arrived?"

Gui Zhaolin took a simplified map of the surrounding sea areas recently surveyed and drew three circles on it:

"That's about it."

Wang Anyi stretched out her head and took a few glances, with a thoughtful expression in her eyes.

According to organizational arrangements.

Shen Kuo and other three survey ships will sail 15-20 nautical miles to the southeast, northeast, and southwest, and then assume a posture of waiting for the missile to fall.

At present, the three ships are sailing fairly smoothly. It seems that the following ships have not done anything particularly extraordinary for the time being. They must be worried because their destination is unknown.


Just as Wang Anyi was deep in thought, Zhao Ming, the telegraph commander who had left before, hurriedly walked into the command room:

"There is a special situation."

Wang Anyi turned to look at him:

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Ming pointed to the telescope in his hand and said:

"We just discovered a submarine."


Wang Anyi frowned slightly and asked:

"Didn't you report this news before? I remember it was Kangaroo's Oberon-class submarine and so on!"

Wang Anyi suddenly realized something, and her expression became a little serious:

"Which country's submarine? What model?"

Zhao Ming took a deep breath:

"The one on the other side of the sea, if nothing else goes wrong, it should be the Triton."

Wang Anyi's eyes suddenly narrowed:

"Good Sandor Hempry."

Triton number.

This is a nuclear submarine that was put into service three years ago. It has two S4G nuclear reactors, two thrusters, a length of 136.3 meters, and can carry 170 people.

To know.

The Triton completed an underwater circumnavigation during Operation Sandblast two years ago. This was the first time and the first time that a ship has ever completed a full underwater voyage.

In other words.

This was obviously the Triton's initiative to surface and let the rabbits discover the traces.

As soon as Wang Anyi and Sandor Hanprey finished communicating, the nuclear submarine on the other side of the sea took the initiative to surface. The meaning is self-evident.

This is a provocation


Seeing this, Wang Anyi touched her chin and turned to look at Gui Zhaolin:

"Lao Gui, shouldn't it be time for us to show off our swords? So that these idiots don't look down on us."

Although Gui Zhaolin is a political cadre, his decision-making courage is no less than that of a general. He nodded immediately after hearing this:

"I agree, show your sword."

Seeing that Gui Zhaolin also expressed his stance, Wang Anyi immediately waved his hand:

"Chief Qing, inform Comrade Kaineng that they can resurface!"

Zhao Ming immediately saluted:


at the same time.

The command room of the Bailu destroyer.

Sandor Hamprey was admonishing Keisuke Sugawara in a serious tone:

"Mr. Sugawara, you are still too emotional when doing things. With all due respect, you neon soldiers seem to have this problem. What is the Showa spirit?"

"This kind of spirit may have good effects on the battlefield, but in peacetime like this, it is easy to be caught in pain."

Keisuke Sugawara was standing opposite Sandor Hanprey with a pale face at this time. As a senior member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, he also realized what a big mistake he had made.

The relationship between China's Baodao and Neon has always been a top priority in Asia-Pacific affairs. From a long-term policy perspective, Baodao and Neon belong to the same link in blockading the mainland.

In this case, I mentioned the Battle of Songhu that year. It was indeed easy to cause dissatisfaction on Baodao.

After all, the situation on the island during this period was equally complicated. There were many corpse-eaters, but there were also some heroes who had fought against the neon.

My words at this time can easily cause some unnecessary variables.


However, after all, Sandor Hempree had a pretty good relationship with Keisuke Sugawara. Seeing Keisuke Sugawara sweating profusely, he couldn't help but sigh slightly, and his tone softened a bit:

"Mr. Sugawara, although your remarks can easily arouse the dissatisfaction of a third party, your starting point is still worthy of praise."

"It's just that there are some things that, as long as you do them properly, you can embarrass the other party without breaking your skin."

"For example, now."

Speaking of which.

Sandor Hamprey couldn't help but look at the sea outside the command room.

If nothing else happens, or as long as the Chinese people are not blind, they should have seen the floating Triton by now, right?

This is a nuclear submarine capable of challenging the entire Chinese fleet. At the same time, it immediately sank into a silent state after it surfaced. With the current sonar level of the Chinese, it is impossible to find the location of the submarine.

And I’m afraid the Chinese people will never know

This time, in addition to the Triton nuclear submarine, two other Thresher nuclear submarines and a Ray-class attack nuclear submarine were sent to the other side of the sea.

Of course.

The reason why these three nuclear submarines appeared here was not simply because of the Rabbits' nuclear tests - after all, before today, the other side of the sea did not pay such attention to the Rabbits' announcement.

Among these three nuclear submarines, the Thresher nuclear submarine originally performed submarine missions in the South Pacific. The Manta-class attack nuclear submarine was a surveillance submarine sent against the Mao Xiong and did not carry nuclear weapons.

Among the three, only the Triton was a mission submarine dispatched for the Chinese experiment, coming from the Guam base not very far from here.

However, it is this coincidental arrangement that better reflects the horror across the sea. At this time, there is only one country that has the ability to express the real-time response to globalization. This is indeed undeniable.

Think of this.

Sandor Hamprey subconsciously picked up a glass of champagne from the side and shook it in front of him.

"The Chinese people should be sweating profusely by now."

However, just as Sandor Hempry took a sip from his wine glass, several foreign objects suddenly appeared in Sandor Hempry’s sight:

I saw three very small 'flying sticks' appearing out of nowhere and quickly falling into the sea in three places far apart.

Sandor Hempry was stunned for a moment.

What's that?


I heard that some seabirds do have the ability to dive into the sea to hunt, but it’s a pity that we haven’t seen this much in the past.

I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to encounter this scene today.

Sandor Hamprey's mood became more and more wonderful - the predator seabird was like the other side of the sea, and China was the fish that would be pecked.

So he couldn't help but hum a little song from his hometown, and was ready to wait for the seabirds to fly out of the sea.

But a few minutes later.

What floated on the surface of the sea were not seabirds, but three black submarines.

at the same time.

A white man in his thirties hurriedly broke into the command room:

"Sorry, Mr. Hanprey, the Chinese used some tricks to discover our three silent nuclear submarines!"

"They launched an anti-submarine missile warning, and the ship had no choice but to float up!"

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