Into Unscientific

Chapter 807: Work at full capacity!

Half an hour later.

Looking at the cooperation agreement with the official seal in front of them, Xu Yun and Lin Fei'an both breathed a sigh of relief.

This agreement represents the formal establishment of the cooperation between the two parties, especially for Xu Yun, which instantly reduced a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

Although there are still many processes to go, these things basically have nothing to do with Huadun Biotech.

Whether it is logistics, distribution or insurance, Zhengda Tianqing will handle it all. Huadun Biotech now has only three things to do:

First, make every effort to produce products and prepare enough supply for shipment.

Second, wait for the GMP and GDP review from the EU. There should be specific notifications in this regard. After Bayer guarantees that there will be no political means involved, these two reviews should not have any problems.

After all, the production workshop of a roach killer was previously the factory of Futalin. If Novartis had not moved out of Luzhou, Huadun Biotech would have had almost no chance of getting a factory of this level.

Compared with a roach killer, the production requirements of Futalin are much higher.

In addition to the above two points, the company needs to consider the time of listing - there is actually nothing to discuss about this.

Europe and China are both in the northern hemisphere, and the seasons are the same. At most, there are differences in climate. In this case, of course, it is chosen to export to Europe in summer, which is the most active time for Xiaoqiang.

It is now the end of March. The operation time of the traditional China-Europe shipping route is about 28-35 days, which varies from place to place. It is possible that some places exceed 40 days.

So ideally, Huadun Biosciences should be able to complete the review and supply in early June, so that it can be distributed in early July. After a period of word-of-mouth fermentation, it can probably wait for a small climax of product sales in early August.

If some accidents occur during the period, resulting in a slow efficiency, the theoretical time limit cannot exceed the beginning of July.

Otherwise, although the product will not be unsold, the profit will definitely be far less than before.

For today's Huadun Biosciences, every extra euro or knife music earned can make its original accumulation a big step faster.

"Okay, Dr. Xu."

Lin Fei'an then carefully put away the contract and said to Xu Yun:

"I hope we can keep in touch for a long time in the future, and synchronize any situation or problems in time. I won't bother you anymore."

Xu Yun also nodded to Lin Fei'an and made a gesture of invitation:

"I'll see you off."

After becoming the chairman of Huadun Biosciences, Xu Yun's emotional intelligence in dealing with people has been more or less improved. Although his behavior is not that of a domineering president, at least he doesn't need others to give him hints on what to do when dealing with things.

Then Xu Yun sent Lin Fei'an out of the meeting room, and the two said goodbye at the door.

After that, Xu Yun returned to the front of the conference table, took a deep breath, and said to everyone:

"Dear directors, everyone has just seen the contract in my hand, which also represents our company's first step in the overseas market."

"In the future, in addition to the Chinese currency, we can also make money from foreigners. Congratulations!"

Xu Yun just finished speaking.

The applause of the crowd rang out from the bottom, polite and reserved but not without enthusiasm, which was a very standard business scene.

The applause lasted less than ten seconds and soon disappeared. Xu Yun put down the contract and continued:

"But this contract does not mean that everything is settled. We still have some links to deal with next."

"For example, Director Qian, your production workshop has a heavy task."

"Next, the factory area must further increase the production of "One Roach Killer". It must not be a situation where it is only supplied to foreign countries but not to domestic countries. After all, China is our root."

"If there are any production requirements, you can make a list later and we can talk about it separately."

As soon as Xu Yun finished speaking, a middle-aged cadre sitting at the bottom sat up straight:


This person is Qian Guanglin, the person in charge of the One Roach Killer Factory. He was originally the production manager of an integrated circuit company under the USTC New Venture Fund. At most, he managed more than 2,000 people.

Later, due to the enterprise restructuring, he was transferred to another assembly plant and worked for many years, with extremely rich production experience.

When Huadun Biotech was founded, Zheng Zu nominated him as the director of the production plant. He has performed very well in several previous production increase events. Now, after the board of directors' resolution, he has been granted a certain amount of employee stock options. At the end of the year, he will probably get a year-end bonus of 700,000 or 800,000 yuan. He can barely be regarded as a marginal senior executive of the company.

Then Xu Yun nodded to Qian Guanglin, and then looked at Lu Xiao who was sitting on the other side:

"Dr. Lu, let's discuss the MR launch next."

Hearing Xu Yun's words, the expressions of everyone in the audience suddenly became extremely serious.

Whether it is the current performance of the company or the company's composition structure, Huadun Biotech is destined not to be a simple insecticide company. Its ultimate goal must be to become a high-tech enterprise, or more precisely, a technology giant.

If you want to become a technology giant, you must have one or more top technologies, and at the same time, you need to establish a high-end "personality" to let others know that you are a technology company.

Otherwise, once the inherent impression is formed, it will be very troublesome to reverse it.

Just like Chery in China, many people will think of Chery QQ when talking about this company, but it is actually very good at tractors, harvesters and construction machinery, and even builds aircraft engines.

The current MR modeling "Yongle Dadian" project is obviously an excellent opportunity to establish its image.

Therefore, even though the business had nothing to do with him, executives such as Zheng Zu and Gu Qunqing still suggested that Xu Yun put the matter on the board of directors for discussion.


Seeing the eyes focused on him, Lu Xiao pushed up his glasses slightly and stood up from his seat:

"Dr. Xu, fellow directors, everyone should already know about the hardware or resources for this MR modeling, such as supercomputing and open source databases."

"So what I want to discuss today is mainly about human resources, site and scale planning."

Say it.

Lu Xiao picked up a few pieces of paper from the table and showed Xu Yun the contents:

"The official data introduction of "Yongle Dadian" is that there are 11,095 volumes with a total word count of 370 million, which means each volume has about 33,000 words."

"At the same time, according to the existing reprint data of "Yongle Dadian", the text in the book is in Taige style official script. Before I came here, I simulated modeling and scanning using Taige style of the same size."

"According to extreme estimates, scanning a volume of "Yongle Dian" requires a 16-core neural network engine to perform 25.4 trillion operations. At the same time, the equipment requires 7 cameras, a LiDAR, and 2 structured light depth sensors to assist."

"The manufacturing process of R1 requires 14nm, and the TTL is around 35mm."

Looking at Lu Xiao who was talking eloquently, Xu Yun roughly understood what he meant.

The Academy of Sciences had only provided production resources before, but what Lu Xiao mentioned at this time was what kind of equipment they would use these production resources to complete the scanning of "Yongle Dadian".

This is like the ancient emperor giving you money and food. As a commander, you also need to train sergeants who meet the requirements. If it is a special unit such as heavy cavalry, you also have to produce suitable armor and weapons.

After Lu Xiao finished his introduction, Gu Qunqing, who had been silent for a long time, spoke:

"Dr. Lu, if it's what you want, how much money do we need to invest in the production of scanning equipment? How long will it take to get the finished product out?"

"The production process should be very fast, about half a month."

Lu Xiao first answered Gu Qunqing's last question, then touched his chin:

"But the specific cost is more troublesome. This kind of equipment, including the research and development of algorithms, is at least required."

I saw a little hesitation on Lu Xiao's face, and finally gritted his teeth and reported a number:

"12 million. In addition, this set of equipment does not have commercial properties. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a one-time product."

Hearing this, Xu Yun subconsciously looked at Gu Qunqing.

Lu Xiao's words may sound a bit complicated, but the actual meaning is still very obvious:

This set of 12 million MR equipment was independently developed for "Yongle Dadian". There are many algorithms, codes and structures that cannot be used in subsequent products. In the future, if Huadun Biotech wants to launch MR equipment suitable for the public, it will still Additional investment in research and development is required.

In other words, 12 million was invested in the scanning and modeling of "Yongle Dadian" alone.

This is actually not difficult to understand. After all, both the book list and the scene (National Museum) of "Yongle Dadian" are fixed this time, and the equipment for the public needs to be modeled in real time, and the scenes are even more bizarre and difficult. It's a world of difference.

In the whole process, at most some of the open source technologies from the Academy of Science and Technology can be continuously applied. There is basically no possibility of reuse of Huadun Biotech's investment.

Investing 12 million in half a month is indeed a blood-selling expenditure for a new company like Huadun Biotech.

To know.

Now Xu Yun, the chairman of the board, only has more than 100,000 in cash in his wallet. There is probably no other protagonist in science and technology literature who has less words than Xu Yun.

Not an exaggeration.

With Huadun Biotech's current cash flow scale, it is impossible to transfer this money while ensuring production, and a loan is necessary.


Then Gu Qunqing thought for a while and asked Lu Xiao:

"Dr. Lu, is there any specific item for this 12 million yuan expenditure?"


Lu Xiao nodded quickly, picked up another detailed catalog in front of him, and explained:

"Of which 4 million is the cost of purchasing the R1 process from Cambrian. Chen Yunji from Cambrian is my junior brother. Oh, Dr. Xu also met him when I returned to China."

"This price is the lowest price he gave me. If the company is worried about this, it can also ask Ziguang, Changdian, and Huachuang. I can guarantee that the price will not be lower than 6 million."

"Of the remaining 8 million, 3 million are used for Spatial Computing, which is spatial computing design, including optical vector simulation and design of grating waveguide structures, field tracing, etc."

"Another 4 million yuan is spent on accelerating the research and development of the equipment framework. In a normal project, the cost of this part is about 30,000 yuan a day and about 450,000 yuan in half a month. To put it bluntly, this process is to keep modeling the reality. If it is accelerated, the cost will also be linear. Added – after all, the background we want to build is the National Museum.”

"As for the remaining 1 million, my idea is to give the R\u0026D department a bonus after completing the task. Of course, if the company feels that this part of the expenditure is too high, it can also reduce it or remove it directly."

Xu Yun asked his assistant Tang Li to bring the catalog to him, read it, and then handed it to Gu Qunqing:

"Aaron, what do you think?"

Gu Qunqing's brows knitted together slightly at this time. He used to be engaged in drug sales, and this was his first time exposed to today's high-cost Internet research and development projects.

12 million, to be honest, is not that small. Some pharmaceutical companies may not have such high R\u0026D costs for a whole year.

However, Gu Qunqing was a senior management talent who had served as continental VP. At this time, his courage and vision allowed him to make a decision:

"I have no objection. If the project department reviews the amount correctly, I agree to spend the funds."

As the company's COO, Gu Qunqing has always cooperated with Xu Yun in a tacit understanding - Xu Yun is in charge of scientific research, and Gu Qunqing is in charge of the company's business operations. The original Tweeting press conference was one of Gu Qunqing's classic operations.

This is also one of the concepts that Xu Yun has always pursued, leaving professional matters to professional people.

Maybe Xu Yun will become an old mall fox with empty eyelashes in a few decades, but at least for now, compared with Gu Qunqing, there are still obvious differences in business operations and judgment between the two parties.

Therefore, after Gu Qunqing gave his opinion, Xu Yun's inner balance was almost tilted.

Then he looked at Academician Pan again, and saw his mentor also nodded slightly.

Xu Yun suddenly felt at ease.

Gu Qunqing and Academician Pan both agreed, and Xu Yun himself also tended to agree, so the current situation was very clear.

Xu Yun took a deep breath and said to Lu Xiao:

"Dr. Lu, since we have taken over this responsibility from the Academy of Sciences, we naturally have to show some of our own things and sincerity."

"So I agree to the 12 million funding!"

"After the meeting, I would like to trouble you to prepare a detailed budget. After the independent directors and the audit department review it, we will immediately coordinate the loan."

When Xu Yun mentioned the loan, he glanced at Zheng Zu. The God of Wealth from the new fund nodded knowingly.

Nowadays, Huadun Biotech is completely a high-quality customer. Not to mention low-interest loans. Some banks with greater pressure on repayment business may even provide interest-free loans. After all, there are many companies running away these days.

Lu Xiao on the side saw this scene in his eyes, and his whole body suddenly became energetic:

"Mr. Xu, thank you for the trust of the board of directors. Please rest assured, I promise to complete the task on time!"

After saying that, Lu Xiao clenched his fists subconsciously.

This was the first tough battle he fought after joining Huadun Biotechnology. At the same time, Xu Yun also gave him clear trust and support in terms of funding, although it was not so simple as to have the idea of ​​dying for a confidant. , but Lu Xiao was indeed ready for a big fight in her heart.

all in all.

At this point, everything that should be prepared for today's pre-war meeting is almost ready.

Now that the pace has been set, all that remains is

Work begins at full strength, pointing to the day of commencement!


Thanks to longwaytogo and the naughty whip-leg boss for the reward, our alliance leader has passed the 50th place!

I looked at the word count and found it was already 4.59 million words before I knew it. I originally planned to finish it with one million words, but I didn’t expect that it would be here now.

It's almost the end of the month. Please give me some monthly votes for this book at the end of the month for the last time. It's really the last time.

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