Demon world!

At this moment, the Bone City has been completely wrapped by the barrier.

All the monsters are now terrified, because as the three monsters begin to release their spiritual pressure, they tear open the black cavity.

More and more spiritual pressure poured in from Hueco Mundo.

At the same time, there seemed to be a kind of black energy spreading, spreading continuously towards the surroundings, and gradually enveloped the entire Bone City.

It even continues to expand.

As for the ground beneath their feet being swallowed up, all the monsters are still wondering what this is.

Yet in darkness.

A void suddenly appeared, grabbed a monster and bit its neck in one bite.

Then blood spurted out, and before the surrounding monsters could react, other Hollows appeared directly from the void one after another.

Just one bite to catch the monster in front of you.

These voids appeared so quietly that they didn't react at all now.

Only when more Hollows appeared did some monsters react and resist.

But the results of the resistance were not so ideal.

Only some powerful monsters can block Hollow's attacks, while other weak monsters have no power to fight back at all.

All that awaits them is death.

"What a monster is this!"

"Are they monsters too? Why does it feel like it doesn’t look like it!"

"Don't think about it, the most important thing now is to escape!"

It's too late for the monsters to escape now.

Qumaru looked at the Hollows who had begun to rush into the monster world, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes."It's too late for you to escape now. I blame you for choosing to surrender to that one." Guy's subordinate!"

"All monsters who dare to surrender to the dog monster clan should die!"

With the influx of a large number of Hollows, the scene in the Corpse City now really looks like the Corpse City.

In just a blink of an eye, corpses were everywhere.

At the same time, the demon world's outer team also felt that something was wrong..

After all, with such a large amount of spiritual pressure pouring in, although they are protected by the barrier, the fluctuations of spiritual pressure cannot be transmitted to the outside, but they cannot feel the vibrations of the demon world.

"Why did the demon world start to shake inexplicably!"

"The direction where the earthquake was felt seemed to be the direction of the Bone City!"

Everyone looked towards the direction of Corpse City.

The outside team gathered immediately and prepared to go to Corpse City to check the situation!

At this time, the overlap of Hueco Mundo had begun to expand to the outside of Corpse City, and part of the Hollow had passed through Corpse City. The city's overlapping Hueco Mundo appeared directly outside.

Then it rushed to all directions of the monster world.

All living things can be swallowed in the eyes of Xu, and monsters are more delicious than humans.

Because they have souls that are more delicious than humans.

In the devouring instinct Driven by the demon world, they can't wait to eat all the delicious cakes in the demon world.

However, in this process, the demon world is not without monsters with special powers.

One of the monsters with a talent is to penetrate the barrier and successfully escape from the corpse. Escaped from the city.

Originally, it wanted to take its friends to escape with it, but after seeing the terrifying Hollow, it did not dare to delay for a moment and rushed out. It ran away in the direction of Inuyao City desperately.

There were two Hollows behind it. Chase it.

But its speed is not slow and it flees all the way to the gate of Dog Demon City.

There are more monsters coming and going here. Looking at this guy running away, the monsters feel very strange.

It is What's wrong?

Why does it look like I'm being hunted?

"quick! Run! Go and tell the people from the outside team that there are... there are terrible things……"

Before he finished speaking, the two demons appeared directly at the gate of Dog Demon City and instantly attacked the two passing demons.

Devour the opponent instantly in one bite.

When the blood exploded, the smell of blood filled the air, causing the monsters at the gate of Dog Monster City to instantly become confused.

"What a monster is this!"

"Run! Run!"

Several dog demon patrols from the outside team rushed forward.

However, the result was that they were torn to pieces in an instant. Although they resisted for a while, there is still a big difference between the power of the monsters and the power of the Hollow.

Especially these ones The Hollows who began to enter the demon world were all powerful Hollows in the center of the virtual circle. How could ordinary monsters be their opponents?

After seeing that even the dog monster was no match, the other monsters became even more panicked.

But fortunately, it was the dog monster here. City, the outer team arrived very quickly.

As the members of the outer team arrived, they immediately took action towards Xu.

The entrance to Inuyao City did not appear so chaotic.

However, from behind... billowing black smoke accompanied What came was the terrifying army of Hollows.

In the sky.

Qumaru, Songshu, and Sakebo looked at the Army of Hollows that almost swept the entire demon world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The three of them Laughing loudly

"Is this the level of the demon world? Not worth mentioning at all!"

"They are completely vulnerable to my Hueco Mundo army!"

"Don't get too happy too soon, the goal now is to capture Inuyao City as soon as possible and then enter Soul Society!"

"Where is our final battlefield!"

Song Xiu, who is still clear-headed at this moment, knows that the current situation is not a passing thing, and what really needs to be solved is the Soul Society.

Otherwise, even if he really takes over the Demon World, it will be of no use at all.

At this moment, the position of the world-breaking gate, Inu The demons were preparing to go to Soul Society and report the situation of the demon world to Soul Society.

But before they could fully open the gate to break through the world, a black shadow appeared in front of them in the next second.

"Want to tip off someone? Sorry you dog monsters, I won't let you pass!"

If the intelligence was passed on by these guys and Soul Society was on guard, then the situation would be completely different. And the person who took action this time was none other than the Death God.

The first time the Hueco Mundo overlap phenomenon started, When no one else can enter the demon world[]

Only the Death God Ghost can use its ability to directly enter the demon world.

Death ghosts who come to the demon world have only one purpose, which is to occupy the world-breaking gate. According to the rules, they cannot let the Soul Society on the other side of the door get any information.

Once Soul Society gets the news, then for Hueco Mundo, this battle will be considered a failure.

The crack door is so big.

The opponent only needs to be on guard at the other end and kill them one by one. The numerical advantage of Hueco Mundo's army will not be able to be used.

The Death God Ghost takes action. These ordinary dog ​​demons want to report the news, but they just look at it.

The phenomenon of virtual circles overlapping is constantly strengthening.

If at most half of it disappears, the virtual circle overlap will reach the theoretical maximum.

At that time, there will be many voids rushing into the demon world, and not many monsters in the entire demon world will be able to survive.

Unless you are on the edge of the demon world, it may take some time before you encounter the invading Hollows.

But in general it's just a matter of time. at the same time. modern!

Hokutomaru is also invading the Quincy base.

According to the original plan, a gap was exposed, which indeed caused many Quincy to flee towards the position where Zhongmu was responsible, but the other two positions had gathered a large number of powerful Quincy!.

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