It won’t take too long to wait for the battle between the dog demon and the ocelot clan to end, probably only about a year!

Fudomaru thinks it's okay.

He didn't want to participate in any war, and he had severely damaged three of the big monsters of the ocelot clan, leaving six big monsters. The dog monster clan also had big monsters like the Seven Fangs of the Dog.

You won't suffer any loss in battle. On the contrary, with the same number of large demons, dog demons are naturally stronger.

"I know mother! Then just wait for the war to end!"

Fudomaru jumped off the roof.

Fudomaru will also have to practice hard in the next time.

Whether it is demon power or spiritual pressure, he must seize the time to improve it.

At the same time, the first task is to establish the Seireitei to arrange the barrier and expand the flow. Soul Street.

The larger the scale of Rukong Street, the more undead it can accommodate, so the greater the chance of a spirit body with the gift of death being born. Let’s start with Seireitei first!

Relying on the current palace, expand towards the periphery , It is estimated that in one month, Futomaru will be able to initially build the prototype of Seireitei.

The buildings and so on will be added slowly later.

A month will pass in the blink of an eye for youkai.

And in Futomaru When he was concentrating on manipulating the souls to build the Seireitei, a special group of undead came to Rukongai.

These undead were all monsters who died in the war in the Western Demon Kingdom.

Some of them were dog monsters.

After all, there were casualties in the war. There are also many dead dog demons.

However, if you want to enter Rukongai, there are still requirements. Not all undead can enter.

At least you must have your own consciousness, even a weak consciousness.

Otherwise, you will automatically be reborn. The passage is gradually sucked in, and finally enters the passage of the afterlife for reincarnation. And these undead souls who come to Rukongai are all conscious to a certain extent.

Yakko, Genji, and Hisao, because of Fudomaru's order, go to Rukongai every day. Patrolling the streets.

Once receiving a report of the undead, they will immediately rush to the street where the evil spirits appear, kill the evil spirits and maintain the normal operation of Rukongai.

Today, it is Yoko's turn to patrol Rukongai.

Suddenly Yezi was stunned for a moment when he passed by a house.

He stepped back and looked at the undead in the house.

"Asami, Kana, it’s you!"

The undead who were resting in the house suddenly heard Yakko's voice. He quickly stuck his head out and looked at the street. Yakko was holding a light weapon on his waist and exuding strong spiritual pressure.

He looked very heroic in armor.

He was The two people who were called out by Ye Zi were also stunned.

They ran out quickly!

"Ye Zi? Is it you? It's really you!"

Two undead dog demons wearing rags rushed out of the house.

They were very happy to be in front of Yezi.

"Why are you two here?……"Yezi was about to ask this, but suddenly realized that there was only one possibility for the spirit body that appeared in Rukongai. died!

"Are you dead?"

Asami and Kana were good friends in the dog demon clan when Yoko was young. Now seeing their good friends become undead, Yoko didn't know whether to be happy to see each other again or sad that they were dead.

"ah! We are indeed dead. This war with the ocelot clan was very difficult, and we also died!"

Asami smiled helplessly.

"But I didn’t expect to meet again here, which is pretty good! Kana on the side frowned,"

By the way, didn't Yako say that you went to serve the princess?" He's dead anyway, you don't seem to be going to the battlefield with the princess! Yezi was stunned for a moment and then said:"I did not go to the battlefield, and I didn't die either. I'm still alive!""


A living person is in the underworld? And wandering in this Rukongai?

The two looked at each other,"How is it possible? How can a living person be here?"

When it came to this topic, Yako smiled,"The people who built this Rukongai are not undead! It was Rukongai established by Master Fudomaru to protect the undead who have consciousness but do not want to die."

"Fu Doumaru?"


Asami and Kana both had question marks on their faces.

Suddenly other dog demons rushed out of the house behind them. Asami and Kana were not the only dog ​​demons hiding here.

"What you just said was that Fu Doumaru is the second son of Fairy Ling Yue, His Highness Fu Doumaru?"

"Was this place established by His Highness Fudomaru? How can it be?"

A group of dog demons were arguing. Yezi answered patiently at first, but soon became impatient.

"Leave me alone!"


The spiritual pressure exploded, and the group of undead dog demons were suddenly shocked by the spiritual pressure and pressed hard to the ground.

"You have too many questions, who should I listen to, and this place was indeed established by Master Fudomaru. Master Fudomaru has the ability to freely enter and exit the underworld!"

"The reason why I am here is because Master Fudomaru ordered me to patrol Rukongai and kill evil spirits immediately if I find them!"

As she spoke, Yako stepped aside to make way, and then pointed to the majestic Seireitei at the end of Rukongai."Master Fudomaru is in the Seireitei now. If you don't believe it, you can go and see Master Fudomaru." Confirm for yourself!"

" it okay?"

Asami asked expectantly. She also wanted to meet Mr. En, one of the two sons of the dog demon.

The fact that Fudomaru destroyed the ocelot clan's camp had already spread throughout the entire dog demon clan.

The gorgeous flame Young Master, this name has long been known to the entire Inuyou clan.

In the Seireitei, Fudomaru saw that the main body of the Seireitei had basically been completed.

Although the stations of each division had not been established, this Don't rush and take your time. Someone can successfully advance to the captain level with spiritual pressure before starting construction.

There is no need to rush now. Rather than perfecting Seireitei, it is better to expand Rukongai to accommodate more undead. There are countless undead in the underworld. As long as Rukongai can accommodate it, then There will be a steady stream of undead coming.

Just as Fudomaru was thinking about it, suddenly Genji and Hisao arrived.

"Master Fudomaru, Yako brought some undead souls to see Master Fudomaru!"

"Master Fudomaru, please meet these people!"

The two of them were talking in tandem.

Fudomaru was a little confused. What kind of undead could make them both so enthusiastic?

"Fine! Then go check it out!"

Arriving at the main entrance of Seireitei.

Hokudomaru looked at this group of undead.

"This...these are demons? ? ?

Genji:"That's right, Master Fudomaru, these are dog demons who died in the war. Some of them have passed away, but these have consciousness and did not choose to pass away.""

Fudomaru was surprised when he looked at these undead dog demons, and these undead dog demons were even more surprised when they saw Fudomaru himself. The demon pattern and crescent moon mark of the royal family are not deceiving, and Fudomaru has a strong aura of the Tengu clan. , which is extremely familiar to the dog demon clan.

"It’s really His Highness Fudomaru!"

"Was this place all created by His Highness Fudomaru? so amazing!"

At this moment, Fudomaru's eyes were twinkling as he looked at these undead dog demons.

‘Great Sage, the probability of successful fusion with these undead dog demons is not small!’

【The success rate of undead fusion is already high, and secondly, as dog demons, these undead souls are very suitable for shallow attacks]

Yezi has made a great contribution to herself this time! I brought back a group of reapers for myself...

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