The guidance of the

Jade of the Four Souls!!

Li Fan's heart shook when he heard this, and the bellflower in front of him seemed to be different from what he saw in the anime.


Kikyo threw a piece of orange on the fire: "You are a variable in this world, in the peeping of jade, I can see your existence, but everything about you cannot peep."

Li Fan was even more frightened, and Kirito's words made him have an indescribable fear, not about strength, but a feeling of being seen through.

Do you know anything when you wake up and say that I am a guest in another world?

Li Fan looked at the bellflower and added vigilantly: "And." You have always stressed that I am a variable, what exactly do you want to say to me?

Kirito's expression did not change in the slightest, and he smiled slightly: "I am the guardian of the jade of the four souls, the jade of the four souls is very magical, the person who gets the jade, the more positive the righteous, the more evil the evil capital....

But jade is an extremely unstable existence, once there is a dark side, the jade of the four souls will magnify the dark side infinitely, so

..." Kikyo smiled bitterly: "As the guardian of jade, I am sacred to outsiders, but in my opinion, it is sad..." Li

Fan listened silently, remembering Kirito's life, Kirito's fate was indeed heartbreaking, and his gaze towards Kikyo was a little unbearable: "You want to change all this?" Kirito

looked at Li Fan with sideways eyes, in the firelight, Kikyoto was very beautiful, and in this beauty, endless loneliness and helplessness were hidden.

I have a plan and need your help.

Kikyo looked at Li Fan so quietly, Li Fan looked at him, her eyes were very clear, revealing expectation, remembering her sad fate, Li Fan nodded: "Please say, if you can do it, I will help you!"

Kikyo smiled, smiling warmly, as if her smile could wipe out all the bad emotions in the world.

Great, with your help, my certainty is greater, but my plan has a rough idea, I can't tell you now, please forgive me.

Although Li Fan was curious, he didn't ask, remembering that he fed the demon with his body, Li Fan was extremely strange, and the ghost spider could give birth to Naraku after sacrificing to the monster.

How to sacrifice yourself or yourself? Could it be that Naraku was born because the ghost spider was crippled at that time?

Li Fan was puzzled, if he hadn't felt his changes, Li Fan would have thought that his sacrifice had failed.

Kikyo is a woman with her own coldness, seeing that Li Fan does not speak, thinking that he is angry, but her plan cannot be said to anyone.

Once spoken, there is an eighty percent chance that the plan will fail, she can't afford to lose, she will do whatever it takes, if she loses, she will never have a chance to do it again.

Are you angry?

Li Fan was thinking about something, Kikyo suddenly spoke, so that he couldn't help but be stunned, looked at Kikyo strangely, and Kikyo looked at him again: "You..."

My name is Li Fan.

As soon as Kikyo spoke, Li Fan introduced himself coldly, Kirito was stunned, and smiled: "Li Fan, it's not that I don't tell you my plan, but once I say it, there will be an eighty percent chance of the plan failing... I can't afford to lose..." Li

Fan didn't care whether Kirito said or not, nodded, and said, "I didn't care, but I still hope that if I can say it, you still tell me better."

Kikyo nodded and looked at the forest in the night: "The dark wizard came to check on the Jade of the Four Souls a few days ago, and then I left the village and began to carry out my first plan.

Li Fan listened quietly: "Need my help?" "


Kikyo nodded and said, "I only have half a year to layout, the time is a little too late, I hope you can go to the underworld, there is an elixir called (Soul Returning Grass) in the underworld river, I need it."

Li Fan frowned, not to mention whether he has the strength to break into the underworld, even if there is, you think that the underworld is opened by your family, and you can enter if you want?

As if seeing Li Fan's thoughts, Kikyo smiled and said, "I found an extremely terrifying force deep in your body, which seems to be related to devouring. "

Is it my demon power? No, with Kirito's spiritual power, even she felt terrifying, what kind of power was this? Engulf?

Li Fan looked at Kirito puzzled, who still looked at the forest in the night: "I don't know what kind of power it is, but it definitely doesn't belong to this world, it is likely to be a power from your original world, maybe you can enter your heart to check it."

Li Fan was also very curious about this, but how to enter his heart, he did not hesitate: "How to enter the heart?" "

It's very simple, you just have to calm down and sink your mind into your heart.

When Li Fan heard this, he slowly closed his eyes, his consciousness gradually probed into his heart, and he tried again and again, and suddenly, a heaven-shaking beast roar suddenly came from the bottom of his heart.

Li Fan frowned, looking for the direction of the voice, a Qi Tian giant beast stood proudly between heaven and earth, and the giant beast had two horns.

The eyes are like a bright moon, the limbs are like the Optimus Pillar, a pair of wings emit a dazzling golden light, and the body muscles are full of explosiveness.

The most special thing is the mouth of the giant beast, which occupies more than one-third of its body size, and the huge mouth has no fangs.

Just when Li Fan was stunned, the thought of the giant beast came: "I swallow the sky, I have seen the master!" "

Swallow the sky!!

Li Fan was shocked: "You said you swallowed the sky?!" The legendary Heaven Devouring Beast! "

Yes host.

Devouring Heaven answered Li Fan's words very certainly, Li Fan was stunned for a while, he was just feeding the demon with his body, how could he fuse into a Heaven Swallowing Beast!

As if seeing Li Fan's thoughts, the Heaven-Devouring Beast said: "I am not a combination of monsters, I was born in chaos, and when the master traveled through time and space, I brought out and recognized the lord."

Li Fan was even more shocked: "How did I cross over, and besides, you are a heaven-devouring beast, how can you recognize me as the master?" "

How the master crosses, I don't know how to swallow the sky, how I confess the Lord, I don't know if I swallow the sky.

How do you not know anything....

Li Fan complained and said, "Then do you know how to go back?" The

Heaven Devouring Beast was silent for a while: "This is a world that is isolated from one side, and there is no exit.

"It's not strange that Li Fan heard this, because this is just an anime world, and it's strange if there is an exit."

After chatting with the Heaven-Swallowing Beast for a long time, Li Fan knew that because of the action of feeding the demon with his body, the monster entered the body and woke up the sleeping Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

And the ability to devour the sky is to devour everything for my use, and when the heaven-devouring beast becomes an adult, even the Chaotic Heavenly Dao can be devoured.

According to legend, in ancient times, there were three thousand avenues and 9999 trails in the world, each of which was a world, due to the appearance of the heaven-swallowing beast.

Swallowed the 9999 trail, and finally swallowed 2550 of the three thousand avenues, achieving the most powerful devouring road in the world.

Because it was too against the sky to devour a thing, the Heaven Devouring Beast had to choose to sleep, but laid an egg before falling asleep.

The sleeping of swallowing the sky was no longer born, and the original remaining 50 Avenue also became 49, and then there was a later (Avenue 50 escaped one).

What escapes is the devouring that can destroy the world.

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