Recalling 50 years ago, using a plan to let Kikyo and Inuyasha kill each other, Naraku's heart was indescribably excited: "Inuyasha, just like 50 years ago, betrayed by Kikyo, enjoy the pain again, let the jade of the four souls completely ingowei's heart, and add pollution, only the jade of the four souls that is completely polluted is the most beautiful."

Maitreya and Coral rode mica again and flew high into the air, looking at the huge enchantment, both knew that the black witch was inside, but the two could not inch.

Coral was very unwilling: "Abominable! They have already come here, mage, is there any way to break through the enchantment?

When Maitreya heard this, he muttered to himself, and after a passage of scripture, Maitreya's eyes were firm: "Go on!" Mica! As

soon as the words fell, Mica plunged headlong into the enchantment again, holding on to only two breaths, and the enchantment bounced them off again.

"Although I am very unwilling..." Maitreya stared at the enchantment and said unwillingly: "But I really can't break this enchantment." Kirito

and Li Fan came down from the top of the mountain and walked slowly to the enchantment, and Kiritou did not reply: "I can feel the evil aura full of filth, and the jade of the four souls..."

The arrival of the two was just seen by the coral, and after Maitreya saw Li Fan, his nervous mood also relaxed: "Miss Kirito, and Li Fan." When

Mica saw Li Fan, he snorted, Li Fan looked up and smiled: "Hi, little kitten, long time no see." Mica

came down from the sky and landed beside Li Fan, with joy in her eyes and a thick resentment.

Li Fan touched Mica's head embarrassedly: "Okay, don't be so petty, isn't it time to meet."

Coral looked at the interaction between Li Fan and Mica, and thought of the words left by Li Fan in Cuizi Cave, although it did not work, but it was always a kindness, and stepped forward and bowed: "Thank you."

Li Fan was stunned, and then it was clear that this was the first time he had met her, and waved his hand: "You're welcome, I haven't been able to change anything, have I?" "

Coral was silent, his instinct to save the whole clan was life, and he blamed himself for not understanding Mica's intentions....

Maitreya looked at Kirito: "Miss Kikyo, why did you come here, is it for the black witch?"

With outsiders around, Kikyo returned to that cold appearance and said to Li Fan, "Do you want to go in with me?"

Li Fan was petting the cat, where there was time, his head did not turn back: "Busy, go by yourself, call me for something."

Kirito did not stay, easily entered the enchantment, Maitreya listened to the conversation between Li Fan and Kirito, and guessed the relationship between the two.

He said, "That... Li Fan, you have a very good relationship with Miss Kirito.

Li Fan tilted his head and glanced at Maitreya: "It's not good, a dead person, what does it matter if it's good or not." "

Coral, the corners of Maitreya's mouth twitched when he heard this, Li Fan really spoke directly, but is it really good to say this about an undead? Ge Wei is right, Li Fan is a very strange and unreliable person....

In Nippori Village, Gomi resisted vigorously, but his body was almost at its limit, and Inuyasha turned a deaf ear to Gowei's almost begging to let him escape.

"What a joke!" Inuyasha had lost Kirito, and he didn't want to lose Gowei again, 50 years ago as it was now.

If he had believed at the time, he would not have misunderstood Kikyo, and perhaps Kikyo would not have died, at least not with a grudge against himself.

"Stupid!" Inuyasha roared, "How could I have left you and run away!" The

voice in his head changed, it was a man's voice, very familiar, it seemed to be Naraku's voice: "Kill Inuyasha!" Govi still failed to hold on and loosened the bowstring.

In the enchantment, inside the wooden house, Tsubaki said with a flat face: "That one named Inuyasha, it seems that he hopes that he will be killed by that woman."

Naraku laughed when he heard this, and Tsubaki felt a little unbearable, and his face was displeased: "Naraku, you are really excessive." The reincarnated Kikyo kills his beloved man again. "



Naraku's body suddenly shattered from his chest, and Kikyo held a longbow and looked at Tsubaki.

Tsubaki looked incredulous: "Kikyo! "

The appearance of Kikyo interrupted Tsubaki's spell casting, and the death of Naraku's puppet also temporarily stopped the manipulation of Gewei.

Kikyo was in front, and Tsubaki was even more puzzled: "What's going on, aren't you reincarnated and reborn?" Krato.

Kikyo didn't look at Tsubaki the whole time, still looking coldly at the jade of the four souls that was tainted by evil qi: "Tsubaki, is it your curse on Gewei?" Just by your power, it's useless.

Kikyo's disdain made Tsubaki very unhappy, and demon lines gradually appeared in his left eye socket: "Don't underestimate me!" Kikyo, I'm not the same person I used to be when you defeated me.

"Needless to say, it's already clear at a glance." Kikyo said with mockery in his tone: "Tsubaki, you sold your soul to the youkai in order to preserve your youth forever." Outside

the enchantment, Maitreya said with a worried face: "How can I say that Ge Wei and you are also friends, how can you see death and not save it!"

Coral also helped: "That is, we don't need you to make a move, as long as you help us break the enchantment, with your strength, it shouldn't be difficult!"

Li Fan's brows frowned slightly, he didn't want to make a move, but promised Kirito, she didn't speak, he would definitely not interfere.

Li Fan was very entangled in his heart in the face of the request of the two, whether to make a move, let's make a move, and it would destroy Kirito's plan to come here.

If you don't make a move, it seems that I am sorry for Gewei's protagonist group, TV and DVD, I still owe Gewei's favor....

Just when Li Fan was entangled, Inuyasha jumped over with Gewei, and seeing that Gewei was okay, Maitreya and the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ge Weiqiang raised his spirit, shot an arrow, and the enchantment shattered.

In the enchantment, Tsubaki felt that the Jade of the Four Souls was being purified little by little, and stopped mocking the identity of the deceased of Kirito.

With a look of disbelief, he exclaimed: "Did that woman do it!"

Kirito's expression remained unchanged: "I said, with your strength, you can't curse Gewei."

Tsubaki's heart was confused, and he said unconvinced: "Less verbose! It's all to blame for your sudden appearance! The

breaking of the enchantment, Tsubaki felt even worse, seeing Inuyasha's arrival, Tsubaki's face changed: "Inuyasha... Did Gowei's arrow miss it! Hearing

this, Kikyo frowned, an arrow shot at the door, and another arrow came out, nailing Tsubaki's cuffs to the door, Tsubaki turned around and exclaimed: "Kikyo, what are you doing!" You said it wouldn't matter!

"What did you just say!" Kikyo spoke in an indifferent tone, with murderous intent: "You want to borrow Gowei's hand and kill Inuyasha!"

Tsubaki was stunned and said sarcastically: "What's wrong Kikyo, does it remind you of bad memories?" That's right, I made Gowei shoot Inuyasha with an arrow. Just like when you killed him.

Kikyo forcibly endured the anger in her heart, what happened back then, Kikyo had to hurt Inuyasha for the sake of righteousness, which was something she was extremely reluctant to mention.

But Tsubaki in front of him actually let the events of that year play out again, Kikyo was angry, murderously locked Tsubaki, and grabbed Tsubaki's hair.

Pulling hard: "Tsubaki, no matter what you do to Gewei, I don't intend to hinder you!" However, if you dare to do something to Inuyasha, I will slaughter you then!"

Tsubaki listened to Kikyo's threat, pulled out an arrow, and inserted it backhanded, Kikyo let go and retreated, Tsubaki roared angrily: "I won't be afraid of you!"

Kikyo looked at Tsubaki flatly, and his body slowly faded: "Remember, what I just said was not to scare you." "

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