What Ye Han didn’t know at this time was that just when he set his eyes on Kirito, someone was playing with his idea.

Western Musashi Country!

“Tread! …………”

In the woods, a group of people are galloping, and at this time, if anyone is here, it is easy to find that these guys who are rushing are not people, they are all youkai with human body size, but maintain some of the characteristics of youkai.

Judging from the dog ears or dog noses and dog tails exposed on these guys, these are all dog demons——— dog monsters that are not weak!

Yes, these are the dog monsters sent by Lingyue Immortal Ji to track down Yehan and his monsters, and the target of their trip is Thunder Mountain, where Orochimaru and Bogang have fought a great battle.

Since the last time it was mentioned by the killing pill, Ling Yue Immortal Ji began to pay attention to Ye Han and the forces under him, and I have to say that the biggest difference between the powerful monster and the lone monster is that if there is anything, often just move the thought, there will be countless hands 29 to act for themselves.

And now, Lingyue Immortal Ji, who commanded the entire dog clan, undoubtedly satisfied this.

Therefore, when she set her eyes on Yehan, Lingyue Xian Ji quickly learned all the news about Yehan that the outside world could know.

It was at this time that Ling Yue Immortal Ji discovered that in addition to being more active recently, Ye Han and the monster forces under his command had not traced anything about them before, as if they all appeared out of thin air.

To say that they were all newborn monsters, Lingyue Immortal Ji would not believe it no matter what.

Intuition told Ling Yue Xian Ji that there must be something hidden in this.

Therefore, this is why the dog monsters have this action, that is, they send their own youkai to find and investigate Yehan and his youkai.

And after getting the order of Lingyue Immortal Ji, this group of dog demons set out directly from the country of the west and headed towards the country of Musashi, for the monsters, rushing will never be a headache for them, not to mention, the country of the west and the country of Musashi are neighbors connected to the country, which is even more convenient.

So, within two days, this group of dog demons entered the territory of Musashi Country, and began to investigate the sudden appearance of the youkai forces (that is, the forces under Yoruhan).

Of course, Lingyue Immortal Ji sent these dog demons not to let them deal with Ye Han and his forces.

The task given to them by Ling Yue Immortal Ji was only to investigate the night cold and the monster forces under her that seemed mysterious and abnormal in her eyes.

Because, only by figuring out the details of the night cold can Lingyue Immortal Ji start the next move.

Otherwise, in the face of the night cold that Shen Yiong could not see the end, even Lingyue Immortal Ji would only have a dry stare.

But it’s a pity that what Lingyue Immortal Ji thinks is still too simple, not to mention the demon night with uncertain whereabouts and the night cold with spatial ability and mysterious whereabouts.

Even the monsters under Yehan will use the enchantment to hide at all times, so even the canine monsters with excellent human finding ability (smell) have not even touched Yehan’s shadow after coming to the sky.

There is no way, in the end, the dog demons can only choose to come to the place where the demon appeared in Thunder Mountain to see if they can find clues.

After all, according to Sesshomaru, when he was chasing and killing the youkai named Bogang, the other party quickly rushed to support! I believe that there must be a stronghold in this vicinity, otherwise, it would never have been possible to come in such a timely manner!

The dutiful canine demons tried their best to track the night cold, and they didn’t know it, and in the dark, a pair of eyes were already on them.


In the woods, the canine demons had just left, and the footsteps became fainter and eventually became almost inaudible.

“Huh! Dog demon, interesting! ”

Looking at the distant dog demons, Naraku’s eyes flashed red, the corners of his mouth hooked, and his face couldn’t help but show a gloomy smile, which was really chilling.

Compared to before, Naraku, who appeared again now, became even more gloomy, and his body exuded a cold and evil aura.

There is no doubt that this change only appeared after Naraku fought the night cold!

Previously, Naraku was afraid of Hitomi’s spiritual power, and after discovering Hitomi’s whereabouts, he designed a trap and wanted to get rid of Hitomi, but unfortunately, due to Yehan’s intervention at that time, Naraku’s conspiracy not only failed, but was severely taught by Yehan, who came to the door later.

This meeting not only let Naraku learn about the existence of Yoruhan, a homologous youkai, but also made him feel unimaginably humiliated.

Naraku, who has been conscious of being extraordinary since the day of birth, experienced the sorrow of the weak for the first time!

This makes Denarok even more eager to be strong!

Because, Naraku felt that only a stronger force could wash away his shame in the night cold.

If Naraku hadn’t met Yehan before, he only wanted to collect all the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls, and then use the power of the Jade of the Four Souls to achieve his goal of becoming a real monster.

Then, now Naraku, he wants to turn himself into a real youkai by devouring the night cold!

However, Naraku knew that he could not be Yehan’s opponent now, so he could only choose to endure until he gained enough strength.

It is precisely because of this that after Naraku recovered from his injuries, he was like a poisonous tongue, hiding in the secret, constantly devouring monsters and collecting the jade of the four souls, while paying attention to the movements of the night cold at any time.

However, what he didn’t expect was that before the night cold appeared again, he accidentally found the canine demons who were also looking for the traces of the night cold.

“Maybe you can use it…”

A gloomy and cold voice came out from under the baboon, and the next moment, the black demon qi swept through, and the next moment, Naraku’s figure disappeared in the air with the demon qi!


Thunder Mountain!

Because of the great war that happened before, it is now completely impossible to see what it used to be.

Cracked earth! The huge pothole, the entire Thunder Mountain seems to have been ploughed again, desolate, this is the scene that the dog demons who came to Thunder Mountain saw.

Because it had been some time since the great war had occurred, now here, except for the potholed traces of the battle, nothing else existed, and things like smells or clues had long since dissipated.

However, the canine demons did not come here to look for clues.

The dog monsters agreed that since the other party could quickly gather their subordinates for support, then there must be a gathering place for monsters nearby.

Although I don’t know if this gathering place is still there, the dog demons who have no other way can only die as live horse doctors

Therefore, after the dog demons came here, they directly scattered and began to search for the nearby mountains with Thunder Mountain as the center.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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