Following! At the gates of Okazaki Castle!

At this time, the sun has just risen, and the rising warm sun is shining wantonly, shining on this majestic city!

As the center of the entire Musashi Country, it is still early, but there is already an endless stream of merchants and tourists pouring into the city!

At this time, a thin man with a sharp mouth and cheeks also poured into this endless stream of people.

The loose kimono that seriously does not match him, coupled with the man’s two small eyes that are constantly spinning, a thief’s eyebrow temperament is born, which is in sharp contrast with the surrounding crowd, making the man stand out in the crowd at once!

When the crowd of people came and went saw this man, they all cast strange eyes at him, and even pointed at him, obviously surprised by the other party’s alternative!

However, at this time, the anxious looking man obviously ignored the meaning of the reaction of the surrounding crowd, and passed the many pedestrians, and 05 quickly entered the city from the city gate!

In a grove directly opposite the city gate, two scarlet rays of light lit up from under the baboons!

After the rat demon, who had been rushing all the way to the rat demon, suddenly entered the human city of Okazaki Castle in disguise, Naraku knew that he was about to approach the location of the night cold!

However, Naraku was a little hesitant at this time!

After all, according to the current situation, Yehan is hiding in this Okazaki City in front of him, and if he continues to follow like this, he may be easily discovered by the other party!

After thinking for a long time, Naraku finally decided not to continue to follow, but waited outside the city for a while, confirmed that the rat demon did not come out again, and directly flashed out of here!

After all, he was not qualified to go head-to-head with Yehan now!


On the other side, the rat demon who entered Okazaki Castle has also reported the news! It didn’t take long for Ye Han to know about this!

His stronghold was destroyed by Sesshomaru!

Undoubtedly, this is not good news for the night cold! Because, this means that the originally hidden forces under him have begun to be gradually exposed and deliberately targeted by the other party!

However, Ye Han didn’t care too much, after all, after he ordered his monsters to start moving, it already meant that it was only a matter of time before those forces were exposed, so this loss in front of him was still within Ye Han’s expectations!

However, after this incident, it also began to let the power behind the night killing pill, that is, the great clan that is famous in the demon world-the dog clan!

There is no doubt that the power of the dog clan cannot be underestimated, after all, this is a demon world clan with a deep heritage, with a strong bloodline power, generations of dog demons (referring to the killing pill their side) are all because they have pure and powerful demon power, all of them are powerful monsters in the demon world, Dou Ru, killing pills and Inuyasha are the same!

Therefore, Ye Han had to doubt that there would be an unknown background among the dog clan! This is also the reason why Ye Han has not touched these demon realm clans before!

But to be honest, Ye Han was still a little surprised that Orochimaru, who had always been accustomed to wandering alone in the demon world, would actually use the power of the dog clan this time!

Obviously, the night cold has made this noble prince feel helpless!

However, the intervention of the dog clan is indeed a trouble for Yehan!

“It seems that it is almost time to start dealing with these demon realm clans!”

Thinking of the dog clan who was still tirelessly searching for his whereabouts, Ye Han’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a cold light!

The growth of strength brings absolute self-confidence! At this time, Ye Han already had enough certainty to deal with these demon realm clans!

As for how to deal with these demon realm clans, Ye Han already had a comprehensive plan in his heart at this time, but he still needed to make arrangements!

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately passed several orders to the demon night and began to arrange it!

With the movement of the night cold, the demon world, which was already constantly fighting, became even more weird!

When the sleeping beast began to wave its bloodthirsty fangs, I believe that the entire demon world was about to usher in earth-shattering changes!


Let’s not mention the actions on the side of the night cold

There are two sides to the story! On the other hand, after discovering the location of Night Cold, Naraku did not choose to act rashly for the time being because he thought that he was not the opponent of Night Cold, but focused on searching for more Jade Fragments of the Four Souls to enhance his demon power!

And this time, the place that was targeted by Naraku is really something special!

As everyone knows830, this world has coexisted with monsters since a long time ago, and most of the monsters are brutal and bloodthirsty existences, and there is no reason at all, so attacking humans is even more commonplace.

And in order to protect themselves, humans have gradually developed the power to fight against youkai!

Witches, mages, priests, nothing more!

And these are cultivators, relying on their own cultivation of exorcism magic power to deal with the existence of demons! These practitioners, with the powerful exorcism mana they have cultivated, not to mention chopping melons and cutting vegetables, are definitely much easier than ordinary people!

It can be said that some of the best among the cultivators (Kikyo and the like) can definitely match or even eliminate the existence of some big monsters!

However, don’t forget that in this world, after all, there are still a few people who can practice, and the vast majority of people are ordinary people who do not have the spiritual power to practice!


(ps: It’s also embarrassing to just write a little cavin!) One chapter ahead today! In addition, I feel that the state is not very good recently, and the update may be less, but I should at least insist on changing it every day, and I will add more after a period of time when the state is restored! )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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