In the depths of this forbidden place, the fog became heavier and heavier.

As the night chilled their shen, the visibility gradually became lower and lower, and in the end, even everyone could only see a few meters around themselves at most.

The fog here does not seem to be ordinary dense fog, and it is mixed with strange power, even if it is cold at night, you can only see a distance of more than ten meters, and it is a blur even farther away.

“···· Stay!···”

“Huh? What sound, do you hear it? ”

Demon Ye, who was silently advancing behind Ye Han, suddenly heard a strange sound and couldn’t help asking.

“Yes? Didn’t hear it”

Jumo said strangely.

“Did the master hear me?”

Ye Han said expressionlessly: “It’s just an unwilling grievance!” Leave it alone! ”

Saying that, Ye Han exuded his demon power, and it was strange to say, that strange voice also stopped at this time, as if afraid of Ye Han’s strength.

The group moved on.

After this, that strange voice never sounded again.

After another period of time.

“Abominable! How come this road seems to have never been completed.”

“Shut up, Jumo, you guy can be quiet!” Demon Ye said irritably.

I don’t know why, as they continued to move forward, the demon night’s hearts felt more and more turbulent, and it seemed that there was a fire in their hearts that kept rising.

“Your hearts are upset!”

Night Cold and Jumo, who were arguing, suddenly heard the sound of Night Cold, only to find that Night Cold in front had stopped at this time.


That’s right! It seems that something has been wrong since entering this place, especially after hearing that voice just now.

Being reminded by the night cold, the demon night also noticed that something was wrong with them.

“Master, is it the reason for that grudge just now?”

Ye Han did not continue to answer their questions, but began to close his eyes.

As he closed his eyes, everything around Ye Han began to be isolated by him.

The fog and the sound began to disappear from the night cold mind little by little.

Slowly, the figures of the four of them began to appear in Ye Han’s mind.

In the consciousness of the night cold, there was a strange dark purple energy floating around the figure of the demon night, and it was constantly seeping into their bodies.

That should be what makes the demon night’s mood fluctuate.

Turning to look at himself, he found that this energy also existed around him at this time, but it was constantly blocked by his own powerful demon power, and he could not get closer.

Looking away, Night Cold began to follow these energies to find their source.

In the end, Night Cold found a humanoid shadow above the four people’s heads, and at this time, they were constantly releasing that strange energy towards Night Cold.

Got it!

Ye Han opened his eyes at once.

Raising his hand to the sky, a circular deep vortex appeared in the palm of Ye Han’s hand, exuding a strong suction force.

At this time, in the eyes of the demon night, the suction did not seem to have any effect on the surroundings.

But where they couldn’t see, there was a stream of energy that began to be continuously inhaled into it.

Finally, a huge shadow struggled to appear around Night Han’s palm, and then was sucked into it, and the vortex stopped.

“Ah! Damn it! ”

Vaguely, they seemed to hear a mournful wail in the demon night.

“It’s really worthy of being the master!” When they saw this scene, they all complimented the night cold.

But at this time, Ye Han did not pay attention to them, but carefully perceived his own changes.

Well? I didn’t expect the grievances to have this effect.

After absorbing the grievance spirit into his body, Ye Han felt that his demon power had become more profound.

You know, ever since Ye Han discovered it when he broke through to the Demon Emperor last time, because casually devouring monsters would cause his demon power to be mixed, he has been consciously refining his demon power.

Otherwise, the mixed demon power will not only not make you stronger, but also affect your own growth, and the difficulty of breaking through the demon emperor last time is the most obvious example.

If it weren’t for the special soul of his own, he would have failed to break through at that time.

Therefore, ordinary monsters now cannot enhance the demon power of night cold at all, but on the contrary, they must be quenched and then absorbed.

Otherwise, if you only give it up and absorb it directly, it will make your demon power more complicated.

Therefore, Ye Han is more and more eager for the existence of pure demon power.

So far, apart from the pure energy that was absorbing Tsubaki’s survival power, Yehan had never encountered an existence that could be directly absorbed by his current self.

It seems that this place is really not ordinary!

Night Cold thought to himself.

After solving the grievances that had been following the four people, the four continued to walk towards the depths of the fog.

There were no more attacks along the way.

Finally, after everyone passed through the layers of fog, a bright light began to appear in front, and after walking along the light, passing through a layer of existence like a diaphragm, everyone came to a completely different place from the outside.

It is full of lush flowers and plants, and at a glance, there is the breath of life everywhere, and compared to the outside, it is simply two worlds.

At the end of the line of sight, it can be clearly seen that in the middle of this space, there is a hill standing tall.

The four of them quickly set their destination on the hill in the middle.

In a short time, the group arrived in front of the hill.

In fact, it is no longer accurate to say that it is a hill at this time.

Looking closer, Ye Han and the others found that this was clearly a small mountain range that was hundreds of meters high.

Just when the night cold was about to explore this mountain.

A huge demon gas bomb shot straight at Night Cold from the mountain range.

The night cold directly opened the enchantment and shrouded all four of them.

The demon gas bomb fell on the enchantment, and after a loud noise, it was directly blocked.

Closing the enchantment, Yehan looked at the top of the mountain, from where the attack just now came from.

At this time, perhaps seeing that his attack was not working, the attacker began to hold back.

The mountains began to shake continuously, shaking the mountains for a while, and rolling stones flew down.

Jumo quickly spread its wings and took off, carrying the three of Ye Han and flying into the air.

The shaking of the hill continues, and with the violent shaking of the hill, the stones on the mountain continue to fall.

The earth and rocks fell more and more, and gradually began to reveal a different color.

“Is that…, tortoise shell?”

Demon Ye said a little surprised.

After all, if it was a turtle, it would be too big, and as the earth and rocks rolled down, the tortoise shell was exposed more and more.

Now Ye Han and the others can clearly see what kind of hill this is, it is completely a huge chocobo demon covered with dirt.

The place where the attack was launched just now was the head of the turtle demon that had just come out.

Looking at this turtle demon, Ye Han found that this turtle demon was not the same as the turtle demon in his impression.

Although it also has a hard turtle shell that covers the whole body, it has long whiskers and long horns, which is completely a demon with a turtle shell.

This reminds the night chill of a creature from a legend in a previous life: the long turtle.

It’s exactly like that kind of thing.

Hey! I didn’t expect this kind of existence, it seems that the things in it are really extraordinary.


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