Saying that, Ye Han took Yu Luo to the open area in the middle of the quiet room, closed his eyes slightly, and sensed the direction where the black monster snake was.

The place where the Douya King is buried is not in this world, but a different space attached to Inuyasha’s world, so even the night cold that has begun to gain insight into space cannot accurately find out its location.

But now it is different, there is a secret connection with the night cold to get the black snake has entered that space in advance, and the night cold can directly open the spatial passage connecting the two places in Okazaki City with the location of the black snake as the coordinates.

“Found it!”

Soon, Ye Han accurately located the location of the different space, opened his eyes, Ye Han stretched his hands forward, directly against the open space in front of him used his own spatial ability, visible to the naked eye, the space in front of Ye Han began to ripple in circles, and then a small black dot appeared, and the black dot began to get bigger and bigger, forming a pitch-black portal in a blink of an eye.

“Let’s go!” Seeing that the passage was opened, Ye Han called softly, and then stepped directly into it.

At this time, Yue Luo in the rear, after seeing the night cold open the space passage the whole time, was already shocked beyond words at this time, after all, this ability to involve space is too powerful, at least Yue Luo has not even heard of it before.

“With this level of strength, no one in the demon world is an adult’s opponent!” Yu Luo’s mouth couldn’t help but mutter, the longer he stayed by Ye Han’s side, the more Yue Luo was shocked by Ye Han’s strength.

Originally, because of the forced grudge of being forcibly resented by Demon Night, he had long disappeared, and even began to be more and more glad that he could have the opportunity to follow such an existence, as Demon Night once said, Yu Luo’s heart had even begun to thank Demon Night a little.

Yu Luo’s mind was obviously a little delayed, at this time, the passage in front of him had a tendency to shrink, seeing this, Yue Luo quickly jumped into the passage, following the footsteps of the night cold.

In the space where the tomb of King Douya is located.

On the edge of where the little black snake was, the door of space opened here, and Ye Han’s figure stepped out of it, and after a while, Yuluo also walked out of it, and after Yuluo came out, the spatial passage was also closed.

Without waiting for Yue Luo to be shocked by the scene in front of him, Ye Han spoke: “I’m going to do something here, your task is to prevent others from approaching here, understand?” ”


Yoruhan knew that as his side grew bigger, he would definitely alarm Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, who were also in this space.

Therefore, the necessary blocking is essential, of course, Yura alone can stop Inuyasha and Sesshomaru at the same time, especially in the face of killing at this time. Luo can be said to be no opponent at all.

Therefore, after thinking a little, Ye Han directly took out the bone erosion knife that he had been cultivating with demon power, and handed it to Yue Luo: “Take this bone erosion knife!” ”

“My lord! I won’t let you down! ”

Yu Luo carefully took the demon knife in Ye Han’s hand that exuded a strong red demon aura as soon as he took it out, and then knelt down on one knee and said seriously, his expression full of determination.

After all, strictly speaking, this is the first time that Yehan has given Yura a task! At this time, Yuro had already decided———— no matter what, he would not let people take a step closer to this vicinity.

After responding, after seeing that Ye Han did not have any other tasks to explain, Yue Luo quickly jumped away from here with a flash, and turned to arrange it around, after all, although there was already this demon knife that Ye Han gave at a glance, it was known to be very powerful, but Yue Luo’s most familiar way of fighting was undoubtedly to control hair, so Yu Luo still decided to use the ability to control hair first, and arranged tight hair cages around, and if it failed, then use the demon knife given by Ye Han.

After Yue Luo left, Ye Han also began to prepare, after all, there are countless dead monsters here, except for those monsters that have caused the dead souls to dissipate due to too long, the number of dead souls here is still very amazing, want to kill all the dead souls here, even if Ye Han must be taken seriously, it is not easy to complete………..

Hold your breath and condense, the demon power condenses, the night cold began to mobilize the demon power of the whole body, in the blink of an eye, a burst of purple demon power began to frantically emanate from the night cold’s body, as the purple demon power continued to appear, a gust of wind began to roll up around, and the figure of the night cold also began to slowly float into the air,

As the preparations were completed, Ye Han directly used his ability to draw the dead souls sensed by himself around him.

With the movement of the night cold, balls of light emitting pale white light slowly began to emerge from the well-preserved monster bones.

After these balls of light appeared, they floated directly in the direction where the night cold was, and then they were inhaled into the body by the night cold.

And because there are too many balls of light, Yehan’s figure is gradually overwhelmed by the light emitted by the surrounding balls of light, and only a strong light can be seen in the entire area.

At this time, if someone can look down from above, they can find that the area where the night cold is located continues to light up one by one, and then constantly assembles in the area where the night cold is located, and this range is still expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye over time.

At this time, the battle between Inuyasha and Orochimaru on the other side also entered a fierce stage, Inuyasha while constantly dodging the attack of Orochimaru, but also began to try to use the iron broken leaves in his hand to attack the giant dog-shaped Orochimaru body 1.3, but unfortunately, it had no effect, and the tattered iron teeth could not even cut the skin of the killing pill.

So angry that Inuyasha wanted to directly throw away the iron crushed teeth in his hand and fight directly with his own claws, but the good Inuyasha also knew that a weapon that could be valued by Orochimaru should not be so bad, so he still insisted on constantly trying to dig the power of the iron broken teeth.

“Huh? What is that? ”

At this time, Ah Li, who had been watching the battle on the side, suddenly found that a white ball of light lit up on a monster skeleton that was not too far from the corpse of the Douya King, but before Ah Li could see it clearly, the ball of light quickly floated towards the distance, which surprised Ah Li for a while. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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