Mu Kaixia's face was cloudy and uncertain, her eyes were skeletal, and she suddenly raised her voice and said: "Everyone, don't be deceived by Su Yi, who can prove that he is a big pill refining master? Who knows if he has any? Longevity Pill?"

"Mu Kaixia makes sense!"

Everyone immediately started to discuss.

Because I was too excited before, I really didn't think about this.

Su Yi's words are only one-sided, and indeed no one can prove that he is a big pill refining teacher.

"Su Yi, what else do you have to say?"

Seeing Own's words turned the situation around, Mu Kaixia laughed triumphantly.

Su Yi's expression was very calm. He had guessed that someone would question him a long time ago, and he was already prepared.

I saw him unhurriedly and unhurriedly opened [Qian Kun Jie], took out two porcelain vases, put them in front of everyone, and reminded them: "Everyone, you are all optimistic."

At the end of the speech, he opened the two porcelain bottles one after the other, and poured all the Shouyuan Pills inside into his palms.

"My God, it's really a life-saving pill, and there are twenty!"

Among the people present, many people had seen the Shouyuan Pill, and when it was determined that the Medicine Pill in Su Yi's hand was indeed the Shouyuan Pill, they immediately roared.

"What? He has twenty life-saving pills?"

All the people around were also plunged into madness.

"Why does he have so many Shouyuan Dan?"

Mu Kaixia swallowed and foamed, her face covered with haze.

Su Yining swept his eyes and saw that everyone's emotions were rising, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "Everyone, you all have seen that my lifelong pill is true. This can prove me. Is a big pill refining teacher."

Indeed, if you are not a big pill refining teacher, how can you have so many life-saving pills?

It can be said that Su Yi broke all doubts when he took the Shouyuan Dan outside.

"Su Yi, I believe you!"

"I believe it too!"

Immediately, someone made a statement.

Others also followed suit.

Su Yi smiled slightly, turned to look at Mu Kaixia, and sneered: "Old thing, what do you have to say now?"

Mu Kaixia's face was sullen, her hands clenched together, and she creaked.

Being speechless again by Su Yi's counterattack, the killing intent in his heart became more and more intense.

However, Su Yi couldn't help it.

Can only suppress this anger in the bottom of my heart.

"Old stuff, don't accept it. Sooner or later, I will ask you to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!"

Su Yi snorted and continued: "In addition, I can also help decipher ancient characters, whether it is Yinkewen or Jinque, with 100% accuracy, and it only takes a few minutes. Of course, it also needs to be charged. Some spirit crystals."

For him, deciphering ancient characters is much simpler than refining Medicine Pill, and it is a moving eye.

You can not only earn Lingjing, but also keep the deciphered things for your own use, so you can simply start a business.

"Do you still decipher ancient characters?"

There was a sensation all around, and everyone's faces were filled with shock and incredible colors.

You know, the difficulty of deciphering ancient characters is even greater than the difficulty of refining Medicine Pill.

In the Xuantian Continent, there are few great pill refining divisions, but there are at least hundreds of them.

But there are almost a handful of people who know how to decipher ancient characters.

What makes them feel incredible is that Su Yi is clearly less than twenty years old, but has extraordinary accomplishments in multiple Realms!

Not only is he strong in combat power, he also knows how to refine Medicine Pill, and he can decipher ancient characters.

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