After half an hour, Su Yi, Luo Junnan and others finished their explanations and returned to the stone house, and then took the [smart chariot] and flew away from the forbidden area of ​​Death.

"Su Yi, which direction shall we fly?"

On the way, [Smart Chariot] asked.

"When you get to the edge, check it out. No one will fly in any direction." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

Outside the Death Forbidden Area at this time, the Thunder Mountain and other forces must have arranged eyeliners.

But Death's forbidden area is wide and vast, and it is impossible for the opponent to block all the places.

Just find a place where no one is watching and leave.

"Listen to you."

[Smart Chariot] Nothing more.

An hour later, the [Smart Chariot] flew to the edge of the Death Forbidden Area, searched along the edge for a while, and finally found an unguarded place and flew out.

"No. 2, is there no one around?" Su Yi asked.

"Within my detection range, no one is seen." [Smart Chariot] quickly replied.

Su Yi faintly felt that something was wrong.

Other places in the Death Forbidden Area are guarded, but there are none here. There will be no traps, right?

However, the [Smart Chariot] has been explored a long time ago, and if there is an ambush, it would have been discovered long ago.

This makes him feel very strange.

But at this moment, an unexpected change occurred!

The [smart chariot] in flight seemed to crash into a water curtain, and the surrounding space suddenly rippled with layers of ripples.

"Su Yi, it's not good! We have entered a formation, and there are several powerful men ambushing in it!" [Smart Chariot] roared anxiously.

Su Yi's mind was startled, and he swept around quickly, but saw that there was a circle of people in black around him, and everyone's aura was unusually strong.

Moreover, what made him even more frightened was that a middle-aged man in black was floating in the midair in front of him.

It can float in the air without resorting to any means.

Realizing this, Su Yi's heart sank to the bottom.

"Su Yi, what shall we do?" [Smart Chariot] panicked.

"Watch the change."

Su Yi took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

The opponent has a Practitioner, and now it is too late to escape.

"Su Yi, the old man had expected you to come here."

The middle-aged man in black took a look at [Smart Chariot] and said with a smile: "Come down and have a chat."

When the words fell, he flew straight to the ground from mid-air.

"No. 2, drop down." Su Yi said.

Although I can't figure out the other party's purpose, but the current situation can't help but make other choices, and can only count one step at a time.

[Smart Chariot] After landing, Su Yi walked out of it.

The people in black around him stared at him sternly.

"Are you from the Shadow Killers?" Su Yi squinted and frowned.

Last time, the shadow killers he killed were also dressed in black, which is the judgment made by this point.

"You guessed it right, we are the people of the Shadow Killer." The middle-aged man in black confessed generously.

Su Yi continued: "I'm a bit weird, how did you know that I would be here?"

The other party has laid a hidden formation here, as if he had already guessed that he would leave the forbidden area of ​​Death and pass through here.

Did you receive the news a long time ago? Is there any other means?

The middle-aged man in black explained with a smile: "Through your past deeds, you can see that you are a guy who is uncomfortable with the status quo. I will judge that you will definitely leave the Death Forbidden Area in the near future. As for the trap here, because of other things There are guards everywhere, and it is determined that you will leave where no one is."

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