
Wu Deacon reluctantly followed Su Yi into the tunnel.

The Practitioner did this kind of thing, which made him feel a little ashamed.

[Smart Chariot] After shrinking, it also entered the tunnel.

Su Yi sealed the entrance, then took out his mobile phone and called Liu Qianer.

"Sister Liu, what's the situation on your side?" Su Yi asked first after the call was connected.

"It's almost the same as before, but the Sect Leader from Thunder Mountain seems to have left the source city." Liu Qianer said.

"You actually left?"

Su Yi was a little unhappy.

Originally, I was thinking of going to Source City in a few days and eradicating all the powerful people in Thunder Mountain. Now the plan was frustrated.

Su Yi sighed and continued: "Sister Liu, I want to build a signal tower in the Forbidden Area of ​​Death, and I need your help."

"no problem."

Liu Qianer agreed in one fell swoop.

The Liu family is in this line of business, and the equipment for building the signal tower is complete.


Su Yi nodded, and then said, "Sister Liu, you guys will prepare. I will pick you up in Yuancheng in a few days."


Liu Qianer was taken aback for a moment, and said worriedly: "Su Yi, although the Sect Leader of Thunder Mountain has left, there are still many strong people in the source city. It is very dangerous for you to come here rashly."

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Su Yi smiled and said, "You can just do what I said, and leave the rest to me."

With Wu Deacon, who is the second stage of the psychic realm, is accompanying him, what is the mere thundering mountain?

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Liu Qianer agreed.

She still knows Su Yi quite well, she is not completely sure, Su Yi would not say so.

"Senior Sister Liu, I have something to do. I'll talk about it in a few days."

Su Yi greeted and hung up the phone.

Later, he called Jiang Piaoxue again, asked them where they were in Yaoguang City, and waited silently in the tunnel.

As time passed by, and the sky was completely dark, Su Yi was about to leave.

Of course, I have to explain to Wu Deacon before that.

"Old Wu, you wait for me here for a few days." Su Yi said.

"You won't let me go with you?" Wu Deacon didn't understand.

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's not easy for you to be exposed for the time being."

Wu deacon is used to deal with Thunder Mountain, and premature exposure is easy to scare the snake.

"That's all right."

Wu Deacon nodded.

The thought of staying in the tunnel for a few days makes him a little melancholy.

It's just that Su Yi has arranged this way, and he can't go against Su Yi's meaning.

Later, Su Yi took the [smart chariot] to Yaoguang City.

Under the cover of the night, he easily flew into Yaoguang City and fell into a manor without arousing anyone's idea.

This manor is where the Jiang family is located.

At this moment, a dozen people gathered in a living room in the manor, all the core members of the Jiang family.

When I learned that Su Yi was coming, I gathered here and waited.

Under the investigation of [Smart Chariot], Su Yi quickly found this living room.

"Brother-in-law, you finally came, you want to kill me!"

When he saw Su Yi, Jiang Haoran flew up and gave Su Yi a big hug.

"Okay, be reserved."

Su Yi's scalp was a little numb, and he quickly pushed Jiang Haoran away.

If Jiang Piaoxue gave him a hug, it would still be acceptable.

The two big masters came to this set, and they were a little bit shy.

"Su Yi, why did you come here suddenly?"

When Su Yi finished greeting everyone, Jiang Hongyi asked first.

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