"Aren't you going in?" Su Yi was a little confused.

When she met Gu Yiting for the first time, she tried her best to invite herself into the Tower of God of War.

Then why did you change your mind when it was turned on?

Gu Yiting explained: "Isn't something going on in the God of War tower? The ancestor suspects that there must be a powerful creature in it. My strength is too weak, and the ancestor will not let us enter."


Su Yi nodded.

Most of the people who enter the God of War Tower are Practitioners. Gu Yiting is only the Body Tempering realm. It would be too dangerous to enter rashly.

"Su Yi, our Gu family also has two Practitioners who have entered the God of War Tower. If you are in danger, you can ask them for help." Gu Yiting reminded.


Su Yi said, "Then I will go in first."

There are many treasures in the God of War tower, and whoever goes first has the advantage. He doesn't intend to continue wasting time.

"Su Yi, if it is too dangerous, you should dig a tunnel and hide it. Anyway, you are an expert in this area." Gu Hongzhuo kindly reminded.

After hearing this, Su Yi's face was not so good.

Digging a hole is not a glorious thing. Is it necessary for Gu Hongzhuo to bring it up on this occasion?

Su Yi nodded slightly, walked straight into the gate of God of War Tower, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The God of War tower also belongs to the space tower. After entering, it must undergo a teleportation.

Su Yi has a lot of experience in this area, and his mood remains calm.

After a while, the scene in front of him gradually became clear.

The first thing that catches the eye is a towering giant mountain, majestic and majestic, straight into the sky.

Su Yi moved his gaze and swept down the mountain. Suddenly, he found a group of people standing in front of him, most of them with strange faces.

But there are two people he still knows, they are Shao Tianlei and Zhu Haoxuan from the Sun, Moon and Star Palace.

"what's the situation?"

Su Yi frowned deeply.

Some wonder if the other party is specifically waiting for own?

You know, most of the people present have hatred against him, and if they swarm up, then he can only run away.

However, he soon discovered that it was wrong.

At this moment, Shao Tianlei and others frowned, and their faces looked ugly.

It looked like it was controlled.

"In the end what happened?"

Su Yi became more and more confused, when he was about to ask about it.

Two men, one old and one young, walked out of the crowd.

The old man was dressed in ragged clothes, crouched, and the skin on his face was as rough as tree bark.

The young man looked like 15 or 16 years old, and his eyes were as bright as Star, revealing a sharp color.

When Su Yi was looking at these two people, the other side was also looking at him.

Muran, the old man said, "The weak chickens of the first stage of the phantom realm dared to come in, and the human race is really getting weaker and weaker."

After hearing this, Su Yi's mind turned quickly.

It is not difficult to judge from the words of the other party that the strength of the other party is definitely far superior to everyone present.

In addition, the opponent is not a human race.

Combining these two points, he guessed that the young and old should be the creatures in the Tower of God of War.

As for which race it belongs to, it is not known.

"It's really too weak"

The little boy looked at Su Yi, eyes reveal contemptuous.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth opened slightly, "Is this despised?"

Although the first stage of the phantom is not very strong, it is definitely not weak.

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