
Su Yi became excited too.

He is also very fond of things that can help [Smart Chariots] get promoted.

Later, he brought the mechanical heart into [Universal Ring] and led everyone out of the formation.

The little boy walked to Su Yi's side and looked at Su Yi with a big smile, "Cannon fodder, you are very good, I did underestimate you before."

Su Yi frowned, "Can you change my name?"

No matter who it is, it is uncomfortable to be called cannon fodder by others.

The little boy pondered for a moment and said meaningfully: "Before you have cleared the ten levels, you are still a cannon fodder in my eyes. If you want my respect, you can show me your strength."

Su Yi nodded helplessly, "All right."

Take a step back and broaden the sky.

Without absolute strength, there is really no qualification required.

Reality is often so cruel!

"You guys take a break first."

The little boy urged, then turned and walked towards the fifth stone gate.

Su Yi squinted at the little boy, but there was a whisper in his heart.

The little boy is very eager to get through the ten formations, and he doesn't want to waste any time at all.

But he didn't quite understand it.

Isn't it a bit haste to do this?

Wouldn't it be easier for them to break the formation if they were allowed to rest for a while and restore some state?

Su Yi thought for a while but didn't figure it out, so he didn't get tangled in this aspect.

On the other side, the little boy has opened the fifth stone gate.

Everyone looked towards Shimen, but saw a three-meter black giant ape standing inside.

However, compared with ordinary alien beasts, there is still a big difference.

Because this great ape is covered with a layer of black rock, it looks more like it was carved out of a piece of rock.

"This great ape is a bit weird." Su Yi murmured.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, this great ape is not an alien beast, but a rock spirit."

"Rock Spirit?"

Su Yi suddenly became interested, "Please make it clear."

[Intelligent Chariot] explained: "To put it simply, a single stone automatically produces wit."

Can stones also produce wisdom?

Su Yi had gained insight, and asked, "How strong is Yan Ling?"

[Intelligent Chariot] said: "Yanling does not have a cohesive spirit and cannot use Spiritual Qi. It can be regarded as a strength repair. However, his strength value is very large, and his defense is comparable to the defense of Divine Armament, so it is very good. It's not easy to deal with."


Su Yi nodded slightly.

According to [Smart Chariot], Yan Ling is indeed very strong, but facing the five Practitioners of the Fourth Stage of the Phantom Realm, he will definitely not be an opponent.

"You guys hurry in." The little boy yelled at the third team.


The people in the third team didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed into Shimen quickly.

The next moment, they each manifested their concrete objects, and they fought with Yanling.

The five members of the third team are all Fourth Stage Practitioners in the phantom realm. The overall strength is exceptionally strong. With the joint efforts of the five, Yan Ling was quickly suppressed.

However, Yan Ling's defensive power is indeed strong, and can even resist the attack of concrete objects.

Although at an absolute disadvantage, he was not killed immediately.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and Yan Ling couldn't stop the frenzied bombing and was besieged to death.

Although Yan Ling was killed and the fourth team had no casualties, they were not happy.

The reason is simple, its own Spiritual Qi consumption is too large.

Without the support of Spiritual Qi, the next level may not be able to completely retreat.

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