After completing the sixth pass, the little boy quickly opened the seventh stone gate without any hesitation.

The moment the stone gate opened, a vision suddenly emerged.

However, the building that was originally only three meters high suddenly grew wildly, and in a blink of an eye it rose to a height of more than twenty meters.

what's the situation?

Everyone was a little dazed, and Qi Qi looked towards Shimen.

The first thing that catches the eye is a thigh as thick as a tree trunk. The skin on it is dark blue, covered with dense hair, like a weed.

What is this?

Everyone was stunned. Looking up along this thigh, what appeared in the line of sight was a blue giant ten feet tall.

"Shall we want the other big guy next?"

The faces of Shao Tianlei and others became unusually ugly.

Before they played against each other, they were shocked by the huge size of the blue giant.

"Foreign race?" Su Yi said softly.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, this is a Titan tribe. Judging from his height, he is only a juvenile Titan tribe."


The corners of Su Yi's mouth widened involuntarily.

The juvenile body is ten feet tall, but when it comes to adulthood, will it be worth it?

"No. 2, do the Titans cultivate spiritually or forcefully? How strong is it?" Su Yi asked with a sigh of relief.

It is their team waiting for the meeting, and the opponent is the Titans, so it is necessary to find out the strength of the Titans.

[Intelligent Chariot] quickly said: "The Titans are all strength repairers, but their strength value is quite terrifying, even if they only have a young body, their strength value should be around 30,000 kg."

"It's really powerful!"

Su Yi's face condensed slightly.

The strength value of 30,000 kilograms is even far higher than that of him.

Of course, as long as you use [Jingzhe Qichang] and [Tiger Tiangang Boxing], his strength value will instantly soar to a level of nearly 50,000 kilograms, which is enough to crush this Titan tribe.

Originally, he didn't intend to expose the [Seven Changes] hole card so soon.

But the current situation can't help him.

If you don’t expose [Jingzhe's Seven Changes], you need to use the Qi of Chaos.

Comparing the two, he hoped to keep the chaos.

"Cannon fodder, hurry up and play."

Seeing that Su Yi and others did not move, the little boy urged.


Su Yi eyes reveal the color of determination, strode towards Shimen.

Shao Tianlei gritted their teeth and followed Su Yi closely.

When the Su Yi five entered the formation, the Titan giant lowered his head and glanced at them, his eyes clearly showed extreme contempt, seeming to treat the Su Yi five as ants.

"Brother Shao, are we going to die here?"

The moment Zhu Haoxuan was swept by Titan's gaze, the corners of his mouth trembled with cold sweat.

"do not know."

Shao Tianlei shook his head, "It's up to Su Yi to survive."

So far, they have passed two levels, each time it was Su Yi's efforts to turn the tide.

Facing the terrifying existence of Taita Giant, a deep sense of powerlessness surged in his heart, and he could only pin his hopes on Su Yi.

Zhu Haoxuan glanced at Su Yi secretly.

From the first time he saw Su Yi, he looked down on Su Yi a bit.

I never thought, but now I have to rely on Su Yi to save my life, and my heart is a bit complicated.

"Su Yi, how do we deal with him?"

Gu Taiqing had already manifested the concrete object and was ready to fight.

It's just that, even if you want to do it, you have to follow Su Yi's arrangements.

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