Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1516 Going to the Fallen Desert

With two loud noises, the two mines were also collapsed by the impact of the explosion.

The mining area at this time was like a purgatory on earth, with stumps and broken arms everywhere.

The air was filled with a layer of blood mist, exuding a pungent blood.

The only one who survived the disaster was Su Yi, because he had been prepared for a long time, he flew out a long way in the first time, so he was not affected.

When the explosion ended, Su Yi slowly flew back from a distance.

[Smart Chariot] Following Su Yi, he said with emotion: "Su Yi, you can come up with such a despicable method!"

"It is not an exaggeration to use any means to deal with the running dog of the beast!" Su Yi dismissed it.

Whether it is despicable or shameless, as long as it can hunt foreigners, it seems to him to be a good method!

When flying over the mining area, Su Yining glanced around, and quickly found the whereabouts of the Ninth Stage Rock Clan.

At this time, the Yan Clan people only had a small half of their body left. Although they hadn't died, they still had more air out than in air, so I couldn't see it.

"Really patience!" Su Yi murmured.

Suffering from the frontal impact of a self-detonation comparable to the Tenth Stage of the God Realm, he can still live to the present. I have to say that the Rock Clan people's defenses are indeed strong.

" are despicable..." The Yan Clan glared at Su Yi, and uttered a low growl with all his strength.

"Fool!" Su Yi sneered, raising his hand and shooting a thunderball that exploded the body of the Yan Clan.

Then he asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, which mine contains the Eight Desolate Tingyan Stones?"

Two of them collapsed at the scene, and he was really worried that one of them was that he would be busy.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "The biggest seat right in front of you."

Su Yi fluttered his gaze and fell on this mountain. Seeing that it had not suffered much damage, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, he took out the Sky Swallowing Gourd, installed 10,000 high-grade spirit crystals, and smoothly moved them into the world fragments.

When a group of dwarves saw that there was another mine, they all guessed, which foreign continent did Su Yi rob again?

After collecting the mines, Su Yi did not leave in a hurry, but started up the idea of ​​other mines.

There are a total of more than 20 mines in the mining area. If the quality is good, you can consider charging a few more.

When Su Yizheng was about to ask [Smart Chariot].

[Smart Chariot] but anxiously reminded, "Su Yi, we must get out of here. Four Practitioners from the Tenth Stage of the God Realm flew towards us."

Su Yi could think that there must be too much noise here, which aroused the other party's idea.

His current strength was not at all an opponent of the Tenth Stage of the God-Throughout Realm, not to mention the fact that the opponent came four at once.

"No. 2, withdraw!"

Su Yi entered the [smart chariot], quickly left here, and went straight to the fallen desert.


The courtyard desert is quite far away from the mining area, and on the way I encountered many aircraft driven by the rock and undead people.

The place where the other party went was also a fallen desert.

[Smart Chariot] said with some worry: "Su Yi, there are more and more powerful aliens. When you reach the fallen desert, you must be a little low-key. Don't think about the secret realm anymore."

Along the way, there were only five aliens in the Tenth Stage of the God-Communication Realm alone. It can be expected that there will be more of them in the Fallen Desert.

Most of these people left for the secret realm.

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