In the secret room, also fell into silence at this moment.

Including Su Yi, no one dared to speak, and even his breathing stopped.

I was afraid that an unexpected move would startle the dragon head and cause death.

Time passed by every minute, and ten minutes had passed without knowing it.

During this period, the dragon's head remained silent, as if it were really a dead object.

Slowly, everyone is not as nervous as before.

The fierce beast's mind became more vivid.

He is determined to obtain the three treasure chests in the formation. Since the dragon head is a dead thing, there is nothing to consider.

However, before breaking the formation, we still have to know the hidden dangers.

This hidden danger is naturally Su Yi.

"Boy, let you live a little longer, now I'll send you on the road!" The beast grinned grimly, and then winked at the four aliens.

The latter understood it and made an attack again.

But at this moment, the dragon head opened his eyes slightly.

A ray of cold light shot out from it and fell on Su Yi and the others, making them feel like falling into the abyss.

Everyone couldn't help but shudder.

At the same time, there was a strong sense of horror in my heart.

Because they all know clearly that this dragon head is definitely not a dead thing!

Jie Jie Jie...

Just when everyone was uneasy, the dragon head suddenly let out a ghost howl.

The next moment, but seeing it open its mouth and let out a sigh of relief, a silver ripple whistled out, and it reached everyone in an instant.

"The power of space!" a Yan clan screamed in shock.

How powerful is the space attack launched by the Dragon Race of the True Spirit Realm!

Everyone's heart shuddered, and they used all means to resist.

Su Yi immediately released the Qi of the Law of Chaos, wrapped it in his hands, and bombarded the past with a punch.

There was a bang.

The moment he touched it, the chaotic air on his fist was shattered.

Immediately, an extremely huge impact swept over, and Su Yi was smashed out without resistance, and hit the wall behind him heavily.

After landing, he opened his mouth and spouted a bloody flower, lowered his head and swept his head, but saw that his right hand was already bloody, and even the bones were leaking out.

Fortunately, his body is extremely powerful, and he has resisted this strike.

After taking a sigh of relief, Su Yi quickly took a cloud treasure pill, and then looked at the fierce beast and the alien.

Suffered from a space attack, their situation was also very miserable.

A huge wound was opened in the chest of the fierce beast, and blood gurgled.

However, he held a green branch in his hand, exuding a strong breath of life.

Strands of green mist fell from the branches on the wound, quickly healing the wound.

"Could it be the branches of the tree of life?" Su Yi muttered, without thinking, turning to look at the four aliens.

A gap was also opened in the body of the undead tribe, which looked more serious than that of the fierce beast.

However, he is also resistant to manipulation.

A black air surged over the wound, which also had the effect of healing.

The two Yan Clan members were in a miserable situation. They were all split in half and died on the spot.

The last remaining woman of the Dong ethnic group didn't know what method she used, except for her breath that was somewhat weak, she was intact.

"There is someone outside of Deva!" Su Yi sighed involuntarily.

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