At this point, the second wave of the dragon head's attack can be considered dead.

Su Yi slumped against the wall, feeling that the bones were scattered, and there were countless wounds on his body, especially his arms, with white bones leaking out.

The bright red blood gurgled, almost stained with blood, very miserable!

But after all, his life was saved.

Su Yi took a deep breath with a grin, opened the 【Universal Ring】, took out a cloud treasure pill and swallowed it.

After a while, she looked at Yao Ziyan.

Yao Ziyan's ability to live to the end is enough to prove the strength of her strength.

But she was also scarred by this heavy blow. At this moment, he was snuggling in the corner, gasping for breath.

"It's really amazing!" Su Yi muttered, moving his eyes to look elsewhere.

When he saw the fierce beast, his brows wrinkled deeply.

The fierce beast has been cut into several pieces, which should have died thoroughly.

However, a phantom appeared in front of him, which looked exactly like a fierce beast.

And with the passage of time, the phantom became more and more condensed, and it would not be long before it was here that it would fully recover.

"Resurrected from the dead? What means is this?" Su Yi was very surprised.

[Intelligent Chariot] explained: "Su Yi, this is a secret technique of external incarnation. Unlike ordinary external incarnations, he can transfer the soul of the body to the avatar. After recovery, it is no different from the main body. ."

"If you say that, he will never be killed?" Su Yi smacked his tongue.

[Smart Chariot] laughed and said: "How can it be impossible to kill forever? This secret technique of the fierce beast can only be used once at most. And even if it recovers, its strength will drop by a bit."

"Then there is no danger." Su Yi sighed.

In fact, he was still a little worried about doing something against him after the beast recovered.

However, since the other party can only be resurrected once, don't worry about it.

Because even if he was seriously injured, he still had the confidence to kill him.

Seeing Su Yi constantly looking at himself, the phantom of the fierce beast became a little frightened, and then shouted at Yao Ziyan: "Yao Ziyan, come and protect me!"

Yao Ziyan gritted her teeth and walked slowly towards the phantom of the beast, seeming to really want to protect the beast.

"Really dedicated!" Su Yi snorted with disdain.

When this time comes, she can hardly protect herself, Yao Ziyan still has to do her orders, it is a scumbag!

Just when Su Yi was about to withdraw his gaze, she saw Yao Ziyan, who had approached the fierce beast, suddenly attacked.

The target is the phantom of the fierce beast.

I saw a white pike shot at the fierce beast, freezing it instantly.

"Monster Ziyan, you are crazy!" The phantom beast roared angrily.

Because Yao Ziyan didn't expect Yao Ziyan to do it by herself, he didn't make any defense at all.

After being frozen, he also lost his ability to resist.

what's the situation?

Are you fighting?

Su Yi was dumbfounded.

But at this moment, Yao Ziyan anxiously shouted to Su Yi: "Hurry up and kill him, I can't hold on for long!"


Su Yi was stunned for a second, and rushed forward quickly.

The fierce beast is always the enemy, anyway, he will be killed sooner or later. Doing it now can save a lot of trouble.

"Do not..."

The fierce beast let out an unwilling roar, and was finally blasted into the head with a punch by Su Yi, completely killed.


Also at this moment, Yao Ziyan sprayed out a bloody flower, slumped to the ground, her breath was extremely weak, but there was a smile on her mouth.

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