Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1548 Two Treasure Chests In Hand

"The senior does not know that the evil cultivator is too powerful. In order to be able to kill him and save the Black Xue Jinjinglong, I can only choose the way of consumption. For this reason, my belongings are almost exhausted, and the loss is too heavy. "Su Yi sighed long, a painful look appeared on his face.

It looks like it really hurts the bones.

[Intelligent Chariot] To cheer up, "Flicker, then flicker, I like to watch you perform!"

Su Yi sighed, and then said: "As for the loss, I have roughly estimated that there are 100 divine spirit crystals, 10,000 supreme spirit crystals, ten catties of life essence, and countless healing medicines... ."

Yao Ziyan: "..."

Did you pay such a big price?

Because of the short contact with Su Yi, I don't know the number of Su Yi's roads, and I don't even know that Su Yi is talking nonsense.

The leader was dumbfounded.

Consume a hundred divine spirit crystals? Ten thousand superb spirit crystals? What a dare to brag!

Seeing that Su Yi was still talking down, the leader quickly interrupted, "Okay, don't say it."

Su Yi stopped, looked at the leader, and said seriously: "Senior, I have lost so many things. Is it natural to ask for some compensation?"

The leader said disdainfully: "Boy, don't brag, you can have so many good things?"

He wouldn't believe Su Yi's nonsense.

And he also knew that Su Yi's exaggeration must be for the treasure chest, and he would not be fooled.

Su Yi smiled and said: "If others don't, it doesn't mean that I don't have either. Don't forget that I have a tree of life and a Hongmeng stone. It is normal to have other things."

"Haha..." The leader smiled: "Even if you have, who can prove that you have lost?"

"I have witnesses!" Su Yi's expression was condensed, and he said to [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, tell me about the situation at that time."

[Intelligent Chariot] immediately said: "The situation at the time was too dangerous. Not only Su Yi suffered a huge loss, but I was also severely injured. In order to recover from my injury, I consumed a thousand Supreme Spirit Crystals. You should know, I belong to Su Yi’s private property, so these thousand superb spirit crystals should also be added to the scope of compensation."

The faucet swallowed fiercely and spit.

Good guys! Testify yourself? Is the group flickering here?

Do you really think of him as a fool?

Knowing that if you continue to entangle on this matter, there will be no results, and simply said: "Just say what you want."

He could see that Su Yi was definitely an insatiable guy, and the cooperation between them would not go on without any benefit.

Su Yi was overjoyed. He pointed his finger at the silver treasure chest and said naturally: "If I suffer a bit, I will compensate the silver treasure chest for me."

"You will suffer?" The leader almost laughed angrily and snorted coldly: "Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Of the three treasure chests, the most precious one is the golden treasure chest.

As long as he can leave the golden treasure chest, he can still accept it.

"Senior, if you say so, the bronze treasure chest and silver treasure chest are mine." Su Yi reminded.

"It's yours." The dragon head replied angrily.

Su Yi nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Next, let's talk about other compensation matters."

Leading: "...."

What's the meaning?

Not satisfied with getting two treasure chests? Isn’t it a bit of a not wanting face?

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