As soon as the picture on the central control screen turned, a group of small aliens with a big mouse head appeared soon.

Only from the physical appearance, it doesn't look like a race with strong fighting power.

"No. 2, what are the characteristics of the goblin clan?" Su Yi asked.

"The goblin race is a very weak race, the overall strength is not even as good as the green turtle race. However, they are very good at making equipment, which is stronger than the dwarf race." [Smart Chariot] said.

After hearing this, Su Yi's heart moved.

He is planning to build a batch of trebuchets. Since the crafting level of the goblin clan is still higher than that of the dwarf clan, can he consider grabbing them for his own use?

Thinking of this, Su Yi asked: "No. 2, how many goblins are there on the island? What level is the strongest?"

"There are a total of two hundred goblin tribesmen, and the strongest is the First Stage." [Smart Chariot] said quickly.

"Go to the island!" Su Yi gave the order.

[Smart chariot] rush towards the island quickly.

It took less than five minutes to fly over the island.

With a click, Su Yi stepped out the moment the hatch opened.

At this time, the goblin tribe on the island were mining a mine. When they saw Su Yi Yukong flying, they all panicked.

Even if their strength is weak, they all know that Yukong Flying is a sign of a strong person in the God-through-God Realm.

Su Yi glanced down, then released coercion.

Bang bang bang...

All the goblin tribes couldn't bear it at all, they all knelt to the ground, shivering.

Su Yixu squinted his eyes, and shouted coldly: "Who is in charge, get out!"

An elderly goblin tribe shivered all over, stepped forward, looked up at Su Yi, and said with a trembling voice: "Guruguru..."

"Guru, your sister!" Su Yi snorted, released a big Lingyuan hand, and grabbed the opponent in front of him.

The face of the old man of the goblin tribe changed drastically, but he showed a strong desire to survive, and hurriedly talked about the unskilled human language, "senior, forgive me!"

"You are so good at talking!" Su Yi glared at each other and sneered.

The old goblin shrank his neck and explained: "I can speak a little, but I am not skilled."

Su Yi didn't struggle in this regard anymore, and instead asked, "How did you get here?"

The old goblin replied: "We were coerced by the blood."

"Blood?" Su Yi frowned.

The evil worm that was killed in the Rock Clan Continent before came from the blood clan.

It is rumored that the blood race is also a very cruel and powerful race. In addition to its good combat effectiveness, it also has a strong self-healing ability.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every kinsman has a healing body.

"How many people came from the blood clan? What level is the strongest?" Su Yi asked.

The old goblin thought for a while and said: "I don't know how many people they have, but at least they are more than thousands. Their strongest person is a Practitioner of the Tenth Stage of the God Realm. This person is very famous, even in the blood. The mainland is also a pivotal figure."

"It's just ants." Su Yi looked contemptuous.

No matter how famous the opponent is, there is only the Tenth Stage of the God-Telling Realm, and in his eyes it is nothing.

The old goblin felt that Su Yi was bragging, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Su Yi continued to ask: "What is the purpose of the blood race bringing you here?"

The goblin old man said truthfully: "Explore a mine to build a trebuchet."

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes reveal was filled with contemplation.

The trebuchet will not be effective against Wonju City, because the trebuchet throws stones, and the Practitioner can break it with a single spell.

From this point of view, it should be for attacking the rear base.

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