Just when the undead people hadn't reacted, Su Yi made another move.

The Xuantian Spirit Slashing Sword swept across the air, and dozens of undead people all had their heads in different places and died on the spot.

Su Yi simply swept the battlefield and galloped away in one direction.

Thousand Feather Island has been completely controlled by fierce beasts and aliens. If you ride in the [smart chariot], the target is too big and easy to expose.

Anyway, this place is only more than 3,000 miles away from the crypt, and it won’t take long at his speed.

Behind, Su Yi galloped all the way.

On the way, I also encountered a lot of aliens, among them there was a real-spirit First Stage powerhouse. However, under the detection of [Smart Chariot], they were all evaded in advance.

An hour later, Su Yi came to a plain without any risk.

This plain covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters, and below the plain is the world of catacombs.

There are thousands of entrances to the crypt, which means that as long as you enter the plain, you can easily enter the crypt.

At this time, a large number of aliens gathered on the plain, the number reached hundreds of thousands.

However, the area of ​​the plain is too large to be completely sealed off by aliens.

In addition, due to the complex environment in the cave and the inability to use Spiritual Qi, these aliens seemed to be scrupulous and did not enter rashly, but stationed outside the entrance.

It's just that there are too many entrances, and it is impossible for them to guard them.

Su Yi wandered on the plain for a while, found a relatively hidden entrance to the cave, and entered it easily.

Inside the entrance, there is a long corridor.

Su Yi went deep along this tunnel. When he reached the end, a huge stone cave appeared in front of him. The surrounding stone walls were densely packed with hundreds of holes, which looked like a honeycomb.

Su Yi stood there pondering for a while, then turned to [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, check where these holes lead to?"

The intelligent tank sighed: "Su Yi, my detection ability is blocked."

Su Yi frowned slightly and turned to look at the surrounding holes.

It's meaningless to stay here, so I might as well choose a hole to find out.

In the end, Su Yi chose the one right in front of him.

Just when he got closer and was about to enter, three men suddenly rushed out of a hole next to him and surrounded him.

Su Yi was not surprised but rejoiced.

These three men must be people in the crypt. It is much better to find them to find out about the situation than blindly searching for them.

"Boy, which force are you from?" A fierce-looking middle-aged man stared at Su Yi and asked coldly.

"I am a disciple of Qingyun Jianzong." Su Yi said calmly.

Although the other party's attitude was bad, he didn't plan to care about anything.

After all, the current situation is full of rumors, and it is only natural for the other party to strictly investigate.

"A disciple of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect?" the vicious man murmured, and continued to ask: "You people from the Azure Cloud Sword Sect have entered the crypt a long time ago. Why are you here now?"

After hearing this, Su Yi was overjoyed.

Listening to what the other party said, Qingyun Sword Sect did not perish.

"Boy, what am I asking you?" Seeing that Su Yi didn't reply, the vicious man snorted coldly.

Su Yi smiled, "During the battle that day, Sect and I were separated."

This explanation can be considered reasonable, because when the battle is together, the scene will be chaotic, and it will inevitably be washed away.

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