Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1632 Golden Flame Holy Light Spear

"Okay." Su Yi nodded, and when he was about to leave, a ripple suddenly appeared in the surrounding space.

Soon a mask similar to the formation barrier appeared in front of him.

"What?" Su Yi frowned, and the scene in front of him suddenly became blurred.

The next moment, towering old trees suddenly appeared all around, each of which was tens of feet high.


Suddenly, these big trees shook, and Qi Qi smashed Su Yi down.

Su Yi snorted coldly, and raised his hand to hit a [Storm Hammer].

There was a loud bang.

But saw the giant hammer shadow directly smashed into pieces by a big tree.

"Damn!" Su Yi was taken aback.

Just as the surrounding giant trees smashed down, they used [teleport] supernatural powers, and instantly disappeared in place.

Bang bang bang...

The next moment, where he was originally, was smashed out of a huge hole.

Seeing this, Su Yi's scalp numb for a while.

If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been smashed to the ground at this moment, and even if he didn't die, he would definitely be seriously injured.

In addition, he also thought that in this situation, it must be enveloped by the realm of the real spirit.

As for what level of True Spirit Realm it is, I don't know.

But what is certain is that at least it is above Fourth Stage of True Spirit Realm.

Su Yi originally planned to inquire, but heard [Smart Chariot] anxiously shout: "Su Yi, the person here is the powerhouse of the Seventh Stage of the True Spirit Realm! It is five thousand kilometers away from us, so quickly break through his domain wall!"

"Hiss!" Su Yi took a deep breath.

Facing a powerhouse of the level of Seventh Stage of the True Spirit Realm, even if it is ten, he will not be an opponent.

Where did Su Yi dared to hesitate, rushed to the domain wall and cut it down with a sword.

With a click, a crack suddenly cracked in the domain wall.

The next moment, the surrounding scenes changed rapidly, and those ancient trees disappeared in a blink of an eye.

When this happens, it is a sign that the domain is destroyed.

Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Xuantian Spirit Slashing Sword is in hand, otherwise I will explain it here today.

"Su Yi, run quickly!" [Smart Chariot] reminded anxiously.

Although the real spiritual realm was broken, it didn't mean it was safe. Once the opponent chased him up, he still couldn't escape death.

Su Yi was a violent spirit, spreading her wings and shooting outwards.

But before he flew far, a bright golden light suddenly gleamed in the mid-air, and almost half of the sky was dyed golden yellow.

"What's the situation?" Su Yi's heart tightened, and he faintly felt a dangerous breath.


But at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly trembled.

The golden light fluttering in the air rushed toward a place quickly.

In the next second, a spear with bright golden light appeared in the air, which was as large as ten feet and exuded the brilliance of heavenly power.

People can't help but give birth to a thought of wanting to surrender.

"Is it the treasure of Xuantian?" Su Yi glanced at the golden spear, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

The weapon capable of producing this kind of power is definitely not what the acquired Divine Armament can compare.

But at this moment, the golden spear pointed at Su Yi far away.

A hundred thick golden light beams lased from it along with a burst of golden light, and the target was directed at Su Yi.

"Su Yi, hurry up! That golden gun is the golden flame of chaos!" [Smart Chariot] roared anxiously.

"The Greatest Treasure of Chaos!" Su Yi's heart throbbed violently, and with a move, he instantly disappeared in place.

The lethality of Chaos Treasure is extremely terrifying, and the hard steel is definitely looking for death!

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