Su Yi sensed that the fist of the Titan Skeleton was covered with a thick layer of silver light, faintly forming a silver vortex.

The vortex contains terrifying spatial power, even comparable to spatial turbulence.

Su Yi originally planned to make steel, but when he saw this whirlpool, he didn't plan to take a risk.

Immediately, he used the [Scene Clone], after the body became invisible, he used the magical power of [Teleport] and disappeared in place.

Just as Su Yi just disappeared, the giant fist of the Titan Skeleton smashed Su Yi's body.

With just a light touch, Su Yi's clone was instantly shattered into fragments.

"Haha! Damn it this time, right?" Song Zhenying laughed presumptuously.

But just less than a second after he was happy, he felt a violent sound of breaking through the sky and a terrifying aura of destruction.

"Someone attacked!"

The smile on Song Zhenying's face solidified.

It was Su Yi who did the sneak attack.

As early as when he teleported to behind the Titan Skeleton, he summoned Xiaojian and realized the concrete object, and then used the strongest killer [body and sword].

Song Zhenying and Qi Ling turned their heads and swept their heads.

In the line of sight, a giant long sword that was ten feet long and exuding brilliant brilliance shot in the air.

Before the sword arrived, a terrifying aura of destruction swept over first.

"What the hell is this?"

Song Zhenying and Qi Ling were completely shocked, and they couldn't even react.


The giant long sword cut through the sky and instantly penetrated the body of the Titan skeleton.

Destruction Sword Qi raged, directly shattering the huge body of the Titan Skeleton into fragments.


Su Yi recovered his body and flew to the ground. The scene before him suddenly changed and quickly returned to the original place.

This also shows that after Song Zhenying's spirit and device spirit were killed, their domain was also dissipated.

Su Yi glanced at the Haotian Mirror floating in the air, released a large Lingyuan hand to grab it in front of him, and swept his gaze towards the stone pillar.

At this time, Song Zhenying, who was tied to the stone pillar, had not yet died.

However, the Qi orifices are bleeding, and the aura is wilted to the extreme.

"Who are you?" Song Zhenying looked at Su Yi blankly, and shouted with all her strength.

He has never seen such a powerful human Practitioner!

When there is only the realm of the gods, it can completely crush the real spiritual realm, unheard of, it is really terrifying.

"What does a dead man know so much for?" Su Yi's mouth was sneered, and he walked forward slowly.

Knowing that Su Yi had acted murderously, Song Zhenying was full of horror and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me! I am willing to surrender you!"

"Are you worthy?" Su Yi snorted coldly, and smashed Song Zhenying's head with a fist.

Just after Song Zhenying's death, the Star chain wrapped around his body turned into a little bit of starlight, and finally disappeared.

Su Yi then raised his head and looked at the Tongtian Stone Pillar.

[Smart Chariot] curiously asked: "Su Yi, what are you looking at?"

"No. 2, is this stone pillar really useless?" Su Yi said casually.

[Intelligent Chariot] Knowing that Su Yi had the idea of ​​creating the Heavenly Stone Pillar, he smiled and said, "The Heavenly Stone Pillar is very hard. If it can be built into a Divine Armament, it would be quite good. But according to its shape, it can only be built into one. stick."

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