"Boss, don't believe his nonsense!" Biyun Brocade Silkworm's eyes were full of horror.

Andingxuan smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I see, Su Yi will not do stupid things."

This sentence is tantamount to warning Su Yi not to do anything to Biyun Brocade Silkworm.

"Little maggot, come here." Su Yi couldn't wait to step forward and grabbed the Biyun Brocade Silkworm.

Muran, the system's voice resounded.

"Touch the Biyun Brocade Silkworm, extract the talented pupil technique, and the host obtains the pupil technique [destroy method]."

[Breaking Eye]: When using it, a vertical eye appears in the eyebrow, shooting a shattering gloomy light. It can open strong barriers and destroy the supernatural powers of space. It can only be used once in a day.

"Get it!" Su Yi was overjoyed.

With the 【Destroying Method】, you will no longer be restricted, and you can return to Blue Star at any time.

"Su Yi, are you okay?" Biyun Brocade Silkworm asked blankly.

After Su Yi caught it, without even looking at it, he suddenly became excited, just like a neuropathy, too weird.

"Did you pretend to have a bellyful of shit? It's soft, it makes people feel sick to touch." Su Yi looked disgusted, and threw the Biyun Broken Silkworm to Andingxuan. Like rubbish.

He had no good feelings for Biyun Brocade Silkworm, and now that he had extracted his abilities, he had no use value.

"Damn it!" Biyun Brocade Silkworm was about to explode.

He is also a divine beast anyhow! How could Su Yi treat it like this?

Is there still humanity?

At this time, Biyun cracked the brocade silkworm kept cursing Su Yi in his heart.

After extracting the power, Su Yi was in a good mood, facing Andingxuan, and said cheerfully, "Senior, are you full?"

"The technology of my barbecue is not very good. It was burnt just now, so I didn't eat it much." Andingxuan said a little embarrassed.

"Let's continue." Su Yi said, took out a table and two chairs, and then took out other Demonic Beasts and a giant watermelon.

When seeing the giant watermelon, Andingxuan's eyes suddenly brightened.

After Su Yi invited Andingxuan to sit down, he cut the watermelon and let Andingxuan taste first, and then began to barbecue.

Andingxuan ate a piece and was full of praise.

Behind, the two of them were chatting while eating barbecue, and slowly became acquainted with each other.

Feeling that the heat is almost there, Su Yi asked, "Lao An, how long have you been here."

A melancholy appeared on Andingxuan's face, and he sighed and said, "It has been tens of thousands of years."

"Tens of thousands of years?" Su Yi asked in amazement, "Can you live for so many years?"

No matter what level of Practitioner, even peak powerhouse, there is a life limit.

Unless you keep taking Shouyuan Pill, you will definitely not live for that long.

Andingxuan explained with a smile: "This is a special space. As long as you are here, you don't have to worry about the passing of your life."

"So that's it." Su Yi nodded, and then said: "Lao An, have you been here for so many years, are you very lonely?"

"That's for sure." Andingxuan sighed, "It's not because I'm too lonely, and I won't get you here to chat with me, but it's a pity that you will leave soon."

Su Yi thought about it and smiled: "Lao An, since it's so boring here, why don't you go with me, I will take you out to travel, and see the great rivers and mountains outside!"

Andingxuan is a one million kilograms of extreme power repair, if this is brought back to the Blue Star, it will be invincible.

What fierce beast, what foreigner, directly punched it.

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