[Smart Chariot] Secretly sighed, "Lao An is still too young in front of Su Yi!"

Su Yi deceived a large piece of soil with a few fruits, and finally got thanks from Andingxuan.

It can only be said that Su Yi Huyou's ability is getting stronger and stronger.

When Andingxuan wiped out the things on the table, Su Yi took out some fruits, the corpse of Demonic Beasts, and a bottle of life essence, "Lao An, these things are also given to you."

He lied to Andingxuan a piece of soil, which made him feel a little bit sad, so he wanted to get something more to make up for it.

"They were all given to me?" Andingxuan was surprised.

Su Yi smiled and said, "I've always been outspoken with my friends. These are all for you."

Andingxuan was moved, and then took out a palm-sized crystal clear stone from his storage bag, "Su Yi, you are so generous, I can't be stingy anymore, this sword's origin stone is given to you."

"The origin stone of the sword!" Su Yi was inexplicably surprised.

Happiness came so suddenly that it became a little trance.

The origin stone of the sword is an excellent thing for Xiao Jian to promote.

Although this piece in front of me is not big, it is enough to promote Xiao Jian to the real spirit realm!

It's really a surprise!

Originally, he felt that he owed Andingxuan, but it was just a random act that could be exchanged for such a generous return.

Sure enough, good deeds will be rewarded.

"Lao An, the origin stone of the sword is very important to me, so I'm not welcome." Su Yi excitedly included the origin stone of the sword in the [Qiankun Ring].

"A little gadget is not enough." Andingxuan smiled and waved his hand, and then said: "Su Yi, I will go back for nothing else."

Su Yi quickly said, "Lao An, didn't you say you want to leave for me? When will it start?"

It has been many days since he left Blue Star, and he was really worried about the safety of the rear base, so he was eager to go back soon.

Andingxuan explained: "The only way to get out of here is to open a gap through Biyun Cracked Brocade Silkworm’s destruction method, but Biyun Cracked Brocade Silkworm can only be used once within three days. So, if you want to leave, , We have to wait three days."

After hearing this, Su Yi started to think.

Three days are too long, and he doesn't want to wait forever.

Since the Biyun Brocade Silkworm cannot use the Destruction Method, he can only do it himself.

After all, he has already extracted the smashed law order.

At this time, Biyun Cracked Brocade Silken laughed triumphantly, "Su Yi, did you hear that? If you want to leave here, you must rely on me, why don't you beg me?"

"Please?" Su Yi looked contemptuous.

Biyun Brocade Silkworm snorted coldly: "I warn you, don't look at me with this kind of eyes, treat me with respect! Otherwise, I'm not happy and won't help you leave."

[Intelligent chariot] Persuaded: "Su Yi, if a man can bend and stretch, you can be soft, don't be inferior to it."

Although Biyun Cracked Brocade Silkworm didn't speak well, the facts lay before him. If you want to leave, you really need Biyun Brocade Silkworm's help.

Su Yi was unmoved, and sneered: "A maggot eating shit, who pretended to be superior to you? Daddy still needs your help? Eat your shit!"

"Hey!" [Smart Chariot] sighed deeply.

Taking a step back and broadening the sky, why can't Su Yi stand it?

Biyun Brocade Silkworm was furious, "Su Yi, is this what you said? Don't regret it! Don't cry and beg me!"

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