After learning these three news, Su Yi fell into deep thought.

Things are much more complicated than he thought.

It is understandable that the sea queen wants to take the treasures in the secret realm as her own.

Because if it was him, maybe he would do the same.

However, there were twelve other aliens who entered the secret realm, including a strong man from the Seventh Stage of the true spirit realm.

Where does the sea queen's self-confidence come to wipe it all out?

Su Yi thought about it, and finally decided to enter the secret realm.

Now that I knew that the White Light Chiyan Beast was on the Queen of the Sea Clan, I had to touch it.

There is another reason for having to go in.

There is a human face scorpion in the secret realm. If he does not go to rescue him, he will definitely be killed by a foreigner.

Nan Nuan and Andingxuan are both human face dragons and his friends.

With this relationship, of course they can't watch their tribe being killed.

Later, Su Yi put the celestial secret black and cattle into the fragments of the world, put the [smart chariot] into his pocket, and flew into the mountain crevasse.

There is a teleportation formation in the rift.

After a few seconds, he was teleported into a mountain forest.

Su Yi's eyes were swept away.

Behind him stood a huge silver light gate, which should be the exit of the secret realm.

It is surrounded by tall trees and dense weeds.

What surprised Su Yi was that whether it was a big tree or a weed, there was a trace of Spiritual Qi fluctuations.

Obviously, these trees and weeds can already be called spiritual materials.

Su Yi would definitely be ecstatic if he changed to before.

But with the soaring strength, these ordinary spiritual materials have been difficult to get into his magic eye.

Su Yi retracted his gaze and turned to [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, can you use the detection function?"

"Yes." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

Su Yi was overjoyed, "Explore where the aliens have gone."

After three seconds, [Smart Chariot] replied: "They were divided into three waves and went to three different places. The Sea people went to the front, the French people and the five Yemo people went to the left. The blackheads went to the right."

"Parted?" Su Yi started to ponder.

The aliens were divided into three waves, and they should have gone searching for treasures.

This is also an opportunity for him.

Because if the other party gets together, it is difficult to start.

If separated, they can be defeated individually.

But who should we start with first?

Su Yi entered the secret realm for three purposes: to obtain treasures, rescue the human face flood, and capture the white light red flame beast.

If you want to make a priority, you must first save the face.

But he didn't know where Daoist's face was.

But one thing is certain, most of the three places that aliens go to are the treasure house guarded by the human face flood.

"Which one is it?" Su Yi was a little embarrassed.

Once the wrong choice is made, it will definitely be too late to rush to other places to rescue.

[Smart Chariot] asked strangely: "Su Yi, what are you thinking about?"

Su Yi said casually: "I'm thinking where the human face is."

[Smart Chariot] laughed and said: "Don't think about it, it must be the place where the blackheads went."

"How did you know?" Su Yi frowned.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "When I was exploring before, I heard from the Blackheads that the treasure house they went to had a powerful Lixiu guardian. Isn't the human face scorpion just Lixiu?"

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