Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1861 has been imitated and never surpassed

"It seems that you don't intend to surrender." Su Yi snorted and grabbed the blood dragon green centipede.

"Huh?" The blood dragon green centipede was puzzled.

Since Su Yi wants to accept him as a spiritual favor, should he give him some time to consider?

Are you ready to do it in a few seconds?

Do you really want to accept him as your spiritual pet?

Or do you plan to take the opportunity to fix him?

"Wait a minute!" The blood dragon green centipede was frightened, and tried to communicate with Su Yi.

"It's late!" Su Yi didn't give the blood dragon green centipede a chance to speak at all, and smashed him frantically.

boom! boom! boom!

After hitting it three times in a row, Su Yi released his hand and exhaled a foul breath, "Comfortable!"

The blood dragon green centipede was smashed and dizzy, and there was a layer of unlovable color in his eyes.

Listening to Su Yi's tone, I really want to fix him!

The so-called accepting him as a spiritual pet is just an excuse?

Su Yi then looked at Ling Nianyao and Wukong, and chuckled: "Have you seen it? I am the genuine way to kill a dog. You two are just copycats at best, and you can't imitate the essence of it at all! "

Ling Nianyao: "..."

Wukong: "..."

Feeling Su Yi is holding the blood dragon green centipede to demonstrate to us!

"Master, I think I'm better than blue!" Wukong stepped forward a little unconvinced, picked up the blood dragon green centipede and smashed it to the ground.

With enough effort, the ground shook suddenly, and countless cracks broke out all around.

The blood dragon green centipede was completely dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Am I so humble in your eyes?

Play as you like?

Okay, I'm also the No. 2 powerhouse of the Zerg! Can't you give me a little face?

Shi can be killed but not insulted!

The blood dragon green centipede became more and more angry, and when he was about to say something, he felt lighter and was carried into the air again.

It was Ling Nianyao who shot this time, her strength value far exceeded Wukong, and she directly smashed the blood dragon green centipede into the soil.

"Is your genuine one more powerful? Or is my copy stronger?" Ling Nianyao defiantly looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi slapped his tongue, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

At this time, God of War Vajra stepped forward and said carelessly: "Pediatrics only, let me surpass you!"

When the words fell, the blood dragon green centipede was picked up by him, and then smashed to the ground fiercely.

"Enjoyed!" God of War Vajra laughed loudly.

"It's fun, I'll do it again!" Xiao Roudun clapped his hands excitedly, rushed up and ravaged the blood dragon green centipede.

Later, the powerful repairmen, such as Nun Nun and Da Mo, followed suit, and took turns to destroy the blood dragon green centipede.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help showing sympathy for the blood dragon green centipede.

At this time, the blood dragon green centipede wanted to die.

The body and spirit suffered double damage, and the heart collapsed.

"Su Yi, their method of killing a dog seems to be more professional than you." [Smart Chariot] Hehe smiled.

Su Yi's face sank, and he said with disdain: "My buddy has been imitated and never surpassed! The cottage is a cottage after all, and it will never be possible to comprehend the essence of it!"

[Smart Chariot]: "..."

I just said casually, why did you pull it up?

"Have the ability to kill me! Ten thousand years later, daddy is still a good man!" After continuous humiliation, the blood dragon green centipede finally broke out and roared angrily.

"I like your hard bones that are not afraid of death!" Su Yi curled his mouth and slowly approached the blood dragon green centipede.

"Don't fight, I am willing to surrender to you!" Seeing that Su Yi was about to do it again, the blood dragon green centipede hurriedly begged for mercy.

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