Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1870 Ancestors of the Mogao Clan

Su Yi's mouth suddenly widened, "Are you too a beetle? Is the skeleton on the island yours?"

"How did you know?" Taiwu Golden Tortoise said softly.

After years of weathering, his skeleton has long become like a rock, and ordinary people can't see the clues. How did Su Yi learn about it?

"You don't need to know this." Su Yi smiled, and then asked: "It is rumored that you are very strong. Even among the peak powerhouses, you are a top-notch existence?"

"Of course!" Taiwu Golden Tortoise said proudly.

Su Yi squeezed his nose and said meaningfully: "Since it is so strong, why did you fall into this field? Was it beaten?"

The golden tortoise was silent, with a hint of resentment flashing in his eyes, seeming to suppress the anger in his heart.

For a long time, he said: "This is my own business, you'd better not inquire, let's still talk about the transaction."

Being beaten up like this is not something worth showing off, and of course I don't want to tell Su Yi.

Su Yi said, "I'm very interested. If you don't tell me, there is no need to negotiate a deal."

This matter also has some connections with him.

The following Heavenly Dao assessment might run into this opponent.

It is necessary to know something in advance.

"Little guy, curiosity killed the cat, have you heard this sentence?" Taiwu Jingui said coldly.

"Shao Te dumb me, don't you like to talk, if you don't, I will leave." Su Yi said with a sullen face and angrily.

"This kid is a bit steely!" Taiwu Golden Tortoise murmured secretly and laughed: "It's okay to tell you, I was beaten like this by Duobao Danhong."

It's hard to meet a partner like Su Yi, but you can't easily miss it.

"Duobaodanhong?" Su Yi raised his brows, pretending that he didn't know anything, "Duobaodanhong is so powerful? What's her background?"

Taiwu Golden Tortoise gritted his teeth and said: "Duobao Danhong was originally named Li Danhong, a sea clan peak powerhouse! He has six chaos treasures."

"Li Danhong is from the Sea Clan?" Su Yi was startled.

He has slaughtered many Sea Clan people. If Li Danhong knows, will he retaliate against him?

One more thing, since Ding Zixuan is the Queen of the Sea Clan, does it have anything to do with Li Danhong?

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then asked again: "Why does Li Danhong want to kill you?"

Taiwu Golden Tortoise looked angrily and gritted his teeth and said: "Li Danhong, this bitch is trying to get my heart in exchange for the Mogao Clan's Nine Heavens Pavilion blood crystals."

"Mogao?" Su Yi was stunned.

Why is the Mogao clan involved again? Why does the Mogao want to be too black and beetle's heart?

Also, what is the Blood Crystal of Nine Heavens Pavilion?

Things seem to be getting more and more confusing.

Su Yi asked, "Why does the Mogao want your heart?"

Taiwu Golden Tortoise, with a lingering look, whizzed and said, "Mogao wants to use my heart to revive one of their ancestors!"

"The ancestors of the Mogao clan are very powerful?" Su Yi gave a test.

Taiwu Golden Tortoise eyes reveal the color of fear, "The ancestor of the Mogao tribe is a real peak powerhouse, and the strength value even exceeds the level of extreme strength repair!"

"Exceeding the limit of strength repair?" Su Yi was shocked.

Exceeding the limit force repair, it also represents a breakthrough of one million kilograms of force value.

If this is resurrected, how can you go to the Mogao clan to snatch the divine spirit crystal mine?

Furthermore, with the enmity between him and the Mogao clan, the other party would definitely not let him go.

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