"Yeah." Su Yi nodded.

A fool would refuse such a good opportunity.

"Great!" Taiwu Jingui was very excited.

After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for a partner, and finally saw the hope of resurrection.

Su Yi reminded: "Old dirty, now I am not Li Danhong's opponent, so I have to wait for a while."

"Understand." Taiwu Jingui expressed understanding.

Su Yi continued: "Since our cooperation has started, should you give me things?"

Words are without proof, but seeing is believing.

What if you fool him with nothing?

This has to be guarded against.

Taiwu Golden Tortoise hesitated and said, "Su Yi, it is not impossible to give you something in advance, but you must swear an oath."

Su Yi was guarding against him, and he was also guarding against Su Yi.

"Yes." Su Yi agreed happily.

Taiwu Golden Tortoise took out an oath stone and said to Su Yi: "We will swear against it."

The Oath Stone is also called the Heavenly Dao Stone. Once an oath is made on it, it will be restricted by the Heavenly Dao. Anyone who violates it will be condemned by God.

"You actually still have an oath stone, there are so many good things." Su Yi smiled.

"Since you know each other, I won't give more introductions." Taiwu Golden Tortoise said: "As long as you find the oath, the cooperation will take effect immediately, and I will give you things."

"Okay." Su Yi didn't hesitate at all, and then made an oath of cooperation with Taiwu Golden Tortoise.

Taiwu Golden Tortoise was also refreshed, and then took out a storage bag and delivered it to Su Yi's hand, "Su Yi, everything is in it."

Su Yi couldn't wait to open the storage bag and check it out.

The first thing that catches the eye is a lot of spirit crystals, the number is close to one million.

Beside this pile of spirit crystals, there is an ore that is several meters in size and exudes fierce Sword intent, which is the origin stone of the sword.

"So big?" Su Yi was inexplicably surprised.

The origin stone of the sword in the storage bag was several times larger than the one given to him by Andingxuan.

If this is all left to Xiao Jian to absorb, maybe he can be promoted to the Tenth Stage of the True Spirit Realm in one fell swoop.

Su Yi took a sigh of relief and checked.

Compared with the spirit crystal and the origin stone of the sword, he cares most about the [Ten Shadow Fighting Technique].

Soon, he found a piece of yellowed parchment in a corner, with dense golden ques engraved on it.

Su Yi took it in his hand, took a look, and asked Taiwu Golden Tortoise: "This is the mysterious power?"

"Yeah." Taiwu Golden Tortoise nodded and said: "Su Yi, can I translate it for you?"

"It shouldn't be troublesome." Su Yi took the parchment and walked to the side of the stone cave, avoiding the golden tortoise, and opened the [False Eyes] and [Ming Wu Zhi Pu].

If Taiwu Golden Tortoise translates, it is inevitable that there will be no mistakes.

On the contrary, if you decipher it yourself, the accuracy is 100%, so you can rest assured of cultivation.

Seeing Su Yi's behavior, Taiwu Golden Tortoise was a little dazed, and muttered, "What does Su Yi want to do?"

At this time, the [Smart Chariot] flew out of Su Yi's pocket, came to Taiwu Golden Tortoise, smiled and said, "Old dirty, Su Yi can decipher it by himself."

"Huh?" Taiwu Golden Tortoise was stunned.

The text on the parchment is a golden que, which is extremely difficult to decipher.

It took him hundreds of years to reluctantly decipher it successfully. Can Su Yi do it too?

[Smart Chariot] Then he said: "Su Yi's deciphering speed is very fast, and it should be possible to decipher it in a few minutes."

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