Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 417 Old Cao, Come and Eat Watermelon

"You taste it first."

Seeing Su Lin's impatient eyes, Su Yi cut a piece and gave it to her first.

Su Lin is also welcome, she was already drooling, and took a big bite.

"too delicious!"

Su Lin took a bite, still not enough, and quickly ate the watermelon in her hand.

At this moment, she felt that she had eaten such a delicious watermelon, which was several times sweeter and sweeter than those she had eaten before.

Su Yi also picked up a piece and tasted it. The sweet taste immediately hit his taste buds, making him feel refreshed.


A contented smile filled Su Yi's face, and then said, "Send Mom to come over and eat too."


Su Lin nodded, and then entered Li Caihua's room, half pushing Li Caihua out.

Li Caihua was still a little confused at this time, and even more confused when he saw the four big watermelons on the table.

When did the watermelon grow so big?

Isn't this a model?

"Mom, you taste it."

At this moment, Su Yi handed over a piece of watermelon.

Li Caihua held it in her hand in a daze, looked at the red melon flesh and the juice flowing out, subconsciously took a bite.

Suddenly, her eyes burst into light.

Ten minutes later, the stomachs of the three people swelled up, but they only ate only a quarter.

At this time, Su Yi regretted a little.

There are also apples and bread fruits that have not been shared.

But they are already a little bit supportive, and they can only wait for the digestion to finish.

"Brother, where did you get this big watermelon?"

Su Lin hiccuped and asked curiously.

"Don't ask anything else, as long as you know, this kind of watermelon can be eaten every day." Su Yi smiled.

The fruiting cycle of watermelon fruit is one day, and it only takes half a day to put it in [Linlang Ring].

That is to say, you can harvest two crops a day, twenty grains.

Even if Su Lin can eat watermelon 24 hours a day, she can't finish it.

"Xiaoyi, what about the rest?"

Li Caihua looked at the three large watermelons left on the table and said embarrassedly.

Although watermelon is good, you can't eat it all day, right?

If you don't eat it, it's too wasteful.

"Send Old Cao over to eat."

Su Yi didn't want to waste either. After thinking about it, he dialed Cao Qingqing's number.

Cao Qingqing is a foodie. Let Cao Qingqing help eat two yuan, and the remaining one can be solved by the family of three.

"Su Yi, what is the arrangement?" Cao Sunny asked.

"Old Cao, come to my house to eat watermelon." Su Yi said with a smile.

Cao Sunny: "..."

Shouldn't you eat breakfast early in the morning? What watermelon to eat.

"Su Yi, I won't go." Cao Sunny refused.

Su Yi didn't care either, hung up the phone, took a photo and sent it to Cao Sunny, and added a sentence, "It tastes great, there will be no shop after passing this village."

Cao Qingqing was shocked when he saw such a big watermelon, and hurriedly replied, "Su Yi, save me a piece, it will be here soon!"

Afterwards, Cao Qingqing rushed towards Su Yi's house at a speed of 100 meters.

It's usually five minutes away, and it's less than one minute.

"Su Yi, this watermelon is too big, right?"

Cao Sunny saw the three watermelons on the table and was extremely surprised.

Although what you see on your mobile phone is great, how can you feel the shock of seeing it with your own eyes?

"Hurry up and eat." Su Yi reminded.

Cao Sunny was not welcome. After taking a bite, he couldn't stop anymore.

After eating for a while, Cao Sunny asked strangely: "Su Yi, why don't you eat?"

Su Yi smiled faintly: "We are already full."


Cao Sunny didn't care, and continued to nibble on the watermelon.

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