
Huo Tiancheng didn't expect Su Yi to refuse, and he was suddenly at a loss.

"Get out of here quickly, dare to follow me, don't blame me for being impolite."

Su Yi gave a warning and continued to deepen into the dense forest.

Huo Tiancheng stood there hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to record the video.

He could tell that Su Yi was a decisive man.

If Su Yi is offended, he might really lose his life.

On the other side, Su Yi ran for a while in the dense forest and asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, where to go next?"

[Intelligent Chariot]: "There is a valley five miles ahead, and there are more than a hundred half-orcs gathered in it. The boundary passage should be there."

"Okay, go to the valley."

Su Yi speeded up in vain.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, there are three half-orcs in the First Stage of the Soul Judgment Realm. Can you handle it?"

Although Su Yi beheaded the half-orcs of the Body Tempering realm as simple as cutting melons and vegetables, it is unclear whether they will be the opponents of the half-orcs of the Soul Tempering realm.

After all, he hadn't seen Su Yi's true strength yet.

"Don't worry, I don't like to brag like you. I have absolute confidence in my own strength." Su Yi said with a smile.

[Smart Chariot]: "..."

Doesn't this sound like bragging about yourself?

A few minutes later, Su Yi entered among the mountains and rivers. Looking around, the peaks were undulating.

The valley is located in the middle of the mountains.

Su Yi stood at the foot of a mountain, eyes revealing pensive color.

People here are rare, the mountains and rocks stand steeply, and the half-orcs have opened up the boundary passage here, which is indeed very hidden.

"Su Yi, you have reached the valley after climbing a few mountains, why didn't you leave?" [Smart Chariot] asked strangely.

"It's too troublesome to crawl over, let's fly over." Su Yi smiled faintly.

[Flying Wings] It is not usually used, but it is suitable now.

"Fly over?"

[Intelligent Chariot] Suddenly found that it was in mid-air as he was stunned.

When I saw two thin wings waving on Su Yi's back, he said in surprise: "Su Yi, you still have supernatural powers to fly, it's a bit awesome!"

"It's just so-so."

Su Yi smiled, quickly waved his wings, and flew towards the valley.

In the valley at this time, the half-orcs learned the news of the beheading of the patrol tribe, and were waiting.

Between Muran, a figure fell from the sky.

The entire valley was also in panic at this moment.

When it was clear that the person coming was a human, all the half-orcs roared and rushed towards Su Yi.

In order to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, Su Yi did not retain his strength and released Spiritual Qi, launching a unilateral massacre.

Not to mention that the Body Tempering realm couldn't resist it, even the half-orcs of the Jupa Realm First Stage couldn't support a move under Su Yi's hands.

In just a dozen breaths, a half-orc corpse was left in the valley.

The remaining few half-orcs were already shocked by Su Yi's strength, and they rushed towards a stone cave.

"Su Yi, they want to escape from the boundary passage." [Smart Chariot] quickly reminded.

"They can't escape!"

Su Yi cast [Flowing Clouds and Wind Shadow], like a hurricane swept over, and in a flash, he chased these half-orcs in front of them.

Then there was a scream.

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