"get out!"

Su Yi waved his hand.

"Thank you senior for not killing!"

Several of You Chengji's people fled from the land, and disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.

Su Yi then took out two Poria flowers and gave them to Xuzhou.

I made an agreement with Xuzhou before, as long as we find enough Poria flowers, we will exchange two plants with Xuzhou.

"Su Yi, what do you need?"

Xu Zhou asked with joy.

"Senior, these two Poria flowers are given to you." Su Yi smiled faintly.

Xu Zhou spoke for him twice, although he didn't change anything, but after all he expressed kindness.

Sending two plants is nothing.


Xu Zhou was stunned for a moment, but when he reacted, he saw that Su Yi had returned to the [smart chariot] and left here quickly.

"Thank you!"

Xu Zhou silently thanked him in his heart.

"Who is this guy? Too strong, right?"

"It seems to be called Su Yi? I have never heard of this person before. Is it the disciple of that big Sect?"

"I guess he must be Bluestar's local Practitioner."

"Will the Bluestar local Practitioner have such terrifying combat effectiveness?"

Soon after Su Yi left, fierce discussions sounded around, and everyone was speculating about Su Yi's identity.

But at this moment, three men suddenly walked out of the tunnel, the same three who had been beaten up by Su Yi before.

"Hey, why isn't that guy here?"

One of them didn't see Su Yihe [Smart Chariot], and was a little at a loss.

"You won't let him run away?" another person guessed.

"With so many people, even if they have wings, they can hardly fly!"

The third person spoke with confidence, and then asked the people around him about the news.

After learning that Su Yi had killed You Chengji with a punch, the souls of the three were almost frightened, and they were as sluggish as sculptures on the spot.


On the other side, after the [Smart Chariot] drove more than ten kilometers, Su Yi asked him to stop.

After being promoted to the advanced form, the speed of the [Smart Chariot] Ascension has been greatly improved, but it will take at least one day to reach the source city.

Su Yi's original intention was to rush to the source city as soon as possible, so he planned to enable the [Smart Chariot] to turn on the flight mode.

"No. 2, turn on the flight mode!" Su Yi gave an order and installed all the spirit crystals he had just obtained on the [Smart Chariot].


[Smart Chariot] Immediately switch the flight mode, the original form of the base vehicle will soon become an aircraft.

Then he soared into the sky, as if shocking, showing the speed to the fullest.

"Damn! So fast!"

Zhang Tianhua was shocked on the spot.

He has been in an aircraft many times, but this is the first time he has seen it at a speed like the [smart chariot].

"not bad."

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.

The flight mode of [Smart Chariot] is a bit faster than the speed of using [Flying Wings].


An hour later, the source city has appeared within the detection range of [Smart Chariot].

Su Yi hurriedly ordered, "No. 2, search for it to see where my family and friends are?"

The purpose of returning to the source city this time is to save people.

Before saving, it is natural to lock the position first.

"Su Yi, they are all trapped in the martial arts field of the First Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Yuancheng." [Smart Chariot] quickly replied.

"Is anyone injured?" Su Yi asked anxiously.

What he fears most is that the people of Thunder Mountain and Biluo Sect can't find him, and get angry with others.

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