At this time, Su Yi asked, "Master Wen, where are you and Mao senior's family?"

Leaving Windwing City, I will head to the Death Forbidden Area. I will not return for a long time in the future. Before I leave, I will naturally take Wen Haomiao and Mao Jiazhi's family away.

Wen Haomiao said, "Lao Mao and I are alone, without family."

"That's OK, let's leave now." Su Yi nodded.

According to the agreement, Zhou Qingnan should now arrive at the Nancheng Gate with his family, and they will definitely be anxious if they do not show up.

South City Gate.

Zhou Qingnan and his family came here as expected.

However, the South City Gate at this time was a mess and chaos.

There are many unconscious guards lying on the ground, not to mention, a large number of people are pouring out of the city.

This includes the motorcade of the City Lord's Mansion.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Qingnan and others were a little confused.

After inquiring about it, I learned that Windwing City had entered a fierce man.

This person is extremely terrifying, and acts unscrupulously, killing people if they don't agree with each other.

Many people were beheaded back and forth, including the two captains of the Thunder Mercenary Corps.

The people in the City Lord's Mansion ran away in a hurry after learning about this situation.

"It's not Su Yi?" Zhou Qingnan was suspicious.

But this idea was quickly dispelled. The two captains of the Thunder Mercenary Group, one is the First Stage of the Phantom Realm, and the other is the Tenth Stage of the Soul Realm, how could Su Yi be able to kill them?

"Qingnan, what shall we do?"

A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Zhou Qingnan asked anxiously.

His name is Zhou Sheng, the current Patriarch of the Zhou family, and Zhou Qingnan's father.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Su Yi first." Zhou Qingnan thought for a while and said.

Today's Windwing City is becoming more and more chaotic, and also more and more dangerous. Taking advantage of the chaos to escape is the best choice.

However, we have discussed with Su Yi before, and even if we want to leave, we must first notify Su Yi.

"Lao Zhou, are you at the South City Gate?"

After answering the call, Su Yi's voice came.

Zhou Qingnan said quickly: "Su Yi, we are here, when will you come?"

"I'm on the road, and I'll be there in less than five minutes." Su Yi said.

"Okay, we are waiting for you."

Zhou Qingnan hung up the phone, took a long sigh, and said to Zhou Sheng: "Father, Su Yi will be here soon, let's wait a while."


Zhou Sheng's expression became much easier.

In less than five minutes, Su Yi brought people here.

The two parties exchanged a few words, and after getting to know each other, they walked out of the city gate together.

Unexpectedly, before taking a few steps, he killed a group of people obliquely, all in an aggressive appearance.

"It's a member of the Thunder Mercenary Group!"

The faces of the Zhou family changed wildly.

Although the two captains of the Thunder Mercenary Group didn't kill them, there were still many strong men remaining.

Looking at the other person's expression, it was obvious that he came with bad intentions.

Su Yi glanced, but a cold smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't want to die, hand over all the valuable things on your body!"

The people of the Thunder Mercenary Group came to the front, and one of the rough-faced men yelled.

With the killing of the two captains, the Thunder Mercenary Group fell apart.

In the future, he would not be able to gain a foothold in Windwing City, so he wanted to get a vote before he left.

Everyone in the Zhou family looked at one person, sighed helplessly, and then began to take things out.

Hand over something, maybe there is a chance to survive.

If you don't pay, they will all be killed in the style of the Thunder Mercenary Corps.

"What a coincidence, we met again."

But at this moment, Su Yi walked out from the crowd with a playful smile on his face.

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