Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 947: World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree Promoted

Su Yi ignored the evil worm's reaction and asked Lin Shuyi, "Senior, how to absorb the evil worm's energy?"

Lin Shuyi retracted her gaze and said, "Let your extinct Fire Yang tree use its roots to insert into Ke Zhenqing's body, and she should be able to absorb it by herself."

"So simple?"

Su Yi raised his brows and said to the World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree: "Mie Mie, give you a chance to Ascension Cultivation Base to absorb the energy of evil worms."

"Thank you Master."

The World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree was overjoyed, extending a long slender rhizome directly into Ke Zhenqing's body.

Immediately, a blood-red liquid flowed along the rhizome into the body of the Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree.

With the continuous inflow of liquid, the aura of the World Extinguishing Fire Yang Tree is rising steadily.


Abruptly, the evil worm let out a scream.

At the same time, Ke Zhenqing's body was trembling as if convulsing.

The occurrence of this situation undoubtedly proves that the World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree can really absorb the energy of evil worms.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The screams of the evil insects gradually weakened, and the aura of the World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree became stronger and stronger.

The next moment, the screams of evil insects stopped abruptly.

But the World Extinguishing Fire-Sun Tree seemed to have broken through a critical point, and a huge coercion escaped.

Yuan Siying and others were caught off guard, and those who were oppressed backtracked one after another.

Su Yi's body also shook slightly, but soon returned to normal.

"Su Yi, the evil worms have been completely wiped out, and your world-killing fire-sun tree should also be promoted." Lin Shuyi walked to Su Yi's side and said with joy.

Su Yi's expression was shocked, and he took a look at Mieshi Huoyang Tree. Seeing that she was indeed a bit taller than before, he asked, "Mie Mie, have you been promoted?"

The World Extinguishing Fire Sun said excitedly: "Master, I have been promoted to the Second Stage of the Phantom Realm! However, there are still some Impurities that need to be cleared."

The evil worm not only contains a huge amount of energy, but also contains some evil Impurities. If it is not cleaned up in time, it will have a bad effect on him.


Su Yi frowned, and when he was about to inquire about it, he saw that the World Extinguishing Fire Yang Tree suddenly broke two branches from his body.

These two branches pierced into the ground, and with a burst of red light, they grew rapidly, and in a flash, they turned into two blood plants seven or eight meters high, exuding a very strong evil aura.

When they saw these two blood plants, Yuan Siying and others were shocked, and they all became vigilant.

"Mie Mie, did you transfer Impurities to these two blood plants?" Su Yi guessed.

"Yes Master."

The World Exterminating Fire Yang Tree said: "The evil impurities contained in the evil insects are too many, and I can only remove them this way."

"This method is still good."

Su Yi nodded and threw out two punches without warning, killing the two blood plants on the spot.

Blood plants and evil worms are similar things, and both like to suck human Blood Essence back to feed themselves.

Naturally, such evil things cannot be kept.

Killing the blood plant, Su Yi took the World Extinguishing Fire-Sun Tree back [Lin Lang Jie], and then came to Ke Zhenqing's side.

At this time, Ke Zhenqing's face was pale as paper, with a weak breath, and he was completely in a coma.

"City Lord Tan, quickly send Captain Ke back for treatment." Su Yi reminded.

Ke Zhenqing was under the control of evil insects, and he broke many bones. If he did not get treatment in time, his life might be in danger.


Tan Guangyao arranged manpower and quickly left here carrying Ke Zhenqing.

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