"Sister Yuan, don't worry first."

Su Yi soothed, and then said, "How many strong people have been dispatched by the Sea Clan?"

Even if you want to save people, you must first understand the situation.

"The Sea Clan has gone to a dozen people, and the strongest is a Third Stage Practitioner. In addition, there are a lot of Sea Demonic Beasts to assist." Yuan Siying said quickly.

"Sea Demonic Beasts?"

Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

As the name suggests, Demonic Beasts is a type of Demonic Beasts, which can be lifted by just touching it.

In addition, if you feed it to the ancient dragon at the center of the earth, it can also help its Ascension level.

As for the Sea Clan person of the Third Stage of the Phantom Realm, he was not caught by him. To put in one’s eyes.

With the strength of him and the World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree, under the joint hands, it can be easily killed.

What's more, there is Jin Hongxuan beside him.

Even if Jin Hongxuan hasn't fully recovered, there is no problem in killing the Third Stage of the Phantom Realm.

"Sister Yuan, I'm just outside Sanqing City. Come and find me." After understanding the situation, Su Yi was relieved.

"Okay, we will go out soon!" Yuan Siying was very excited.

Although Qixing Island is also a big Sect, after the boundary passage is destroyed, Sect's powerhouses are all trapped on Qianba Island.

At Blue Star, no one can help them except Su Yi.


Su Yi nodded, and then hung up.

Then asked Jin Hongxuan, "Senior, how is your injury?"

It stands to reason that there is no problem with him and the Huoyang Tree.

But I was afraid that the Sea Clan would send a strong one.

For precaution, I decided to bring Jinhongxuan.

"It's restored to seven or eight. Although it has not reached its peak state, it has at least the strength of the Seventh Stage of the Phantom Realm." Jin Hongxuan thought for a while and said.

"Good!" Su Yi was overjoyed.

If Jin Hongxuan had this kind of strength, there would be no problem going to save people this time.

"Su Yi, what's the matter?" Jin Hongxuan asked.

Su Yi informed about the rescue of the two people on Qixing Island.

"No problem, I'll go with you." Jin Hongxuan immediately agreed.

Speaking of it, his relationship with Chiba Island is pretty good, and he has been to Chiba Island as a guest.

Since Qianba Island is in trouble, it is natural not to sit back and watch.

"If there is a senior, you will be more confident."

Su Yi smiled, and then said to the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, you send people to the Death Forbidden Area, and then come back to pick me up."


[Smart chariot] agreed.

Later, Su Yi explained to Zhang Canyang and the others, and got off the car with Jin Hongxuan.

[Intelligent Chariot] Soared into the air, flew quickly towards the forbidden area of ​​Death, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

At this time, an aircraft flew down in front of them.

Look at its logo, it is the aircraft of Qixing Island.

After the hatch of the aircraft was opened, Yuan Siying and Lin Shuyi walked down quickly.

When they saw Jin Hongxuan there, both of them were stunned.

"Brother Jin, why are you with Su Yi?" Lin Shuyi asked strangely after regaining her consciousness.

Isn't Jin Hongxuan in Yanyue City? Why are you here, still with Su Yi?

"Something went wrong and was forced to leave Yanyue City."

Jin Hongxuan smiled without explaining too much.

"Jin senior will go with us to save people this time." Su Yi said suddenly.


Lin Shuyi and Yuan Siying were inexplicably surprised.

Jin Hongxuan has the reputation of a swordsman, and is known as the first person in the realm of the gods. With his help, there is no problem in saving people.

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