Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 996: Invitation from the Sun, Moon and Star Palace

"Boy, you will regret saying this!"

Duanmu Yingde's nose was crooked.

When Su Yi said so, he clearly didn't treat him as a human being. For a Practitioner of the God Realm Fifth Stage, it is tantamount to a great humiliation.

"Did I speak big words? You'll know later."

Su Yi smiled, ready to do it.

But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded, "Su Yi, an aircraft is flying towards us, and there are two Fourth Stage Practitioners on it."


Su Yi gave a light huh, and turned his head to look into the distance without taking a shot at Duanmu Yingde.

Sure enough, I saw a black aircraft flying over here quickly.

"Could it be for me?" Su Yi was suspicious.

Duanmu Yingde also looked towards the aircraft, and when he saw the signs on it clearly, a smirk appeared on the corners of his mouth.

The next moment, the black aircraft flew close to the sky and fell from the sky, turning up a cloud of dust and flying all over the sky.

When the hatch opened, two men, one tall and one short, walked out.

The tall man in his thirties has an awe-inspiring look on his face, giving people a sense of arrogance.

A short man in his sixties, slightly rickety, with a goatee on his chin, his appearance is ordinary.

The two of them walked towards Su Yi as soon as they stepped into the aircraft. When they got close to Su Yi, the short man took a look at Su Yi and smiled, "You are Su Yi, right?"

"You know me?"

Su Yi frowned.

He can be sure that this is the first time he has met with the other party, so why does the other party know him?

The short old man said: "Your portrait has been plastered all over the streets of every city. Of course we know you."


Su Yi was relieved.

Yi Rong Dan's medicinal effect has disappeared, and he has returned to his original appearance, and it is normal for the other party to recognize him.

"You two are here to catch me?" Su Yi sneered.

"You misunderstood, we are not here to catch you." The short man smiled faintly.

"Then what do you come to do with me?" Su Yi was a little strange.

"My name is Shao Tianlei, and he is my junior brother Zhu Haoxuan. We all come from the Sun, Moon and Star Palace."

The short man Shao Tianlei first introduced himself, and then talked about the business, "Our Sun, Moon and Star Palace organized an all-blue star Practitioner conference, which will be held in Taijin City at the beginning of next month. The main purpose of this visit is Is inviting you to participate."

"What does the Practitioner conference do? Isn't it a competition?" Su Yi was a little confused.

In the current situation, shouldn't the construction of the rear base be accelerated?

What is the point of holding a Practitioner conference? It's a waste of time!

Shao Tianlei explained with a smile: "The purpose of the meeting is mainly to discuss how to defend against the invasion of beasts and aliens, and to establish a rear base."

"What do you invite me to do?"

Su Yi pinched his nose, puzzled.

In recent days, although he has a small reputation, after all, he is only a Practitioner in the Jupa Realm.

Shouldn't those who participate in this kind of meeting be a strong person above the phantom realm?

"Although your Cultivation Base is not high, you know how to decipher ancient texts. In addition, the technique of pill refining is quite subtle, enough to be considered a talent. In the future, the establishment of a rear base will require the help of a talent like you." Shao Tianlei said with a smile.


Su Yi understood it, and said lightly: "Senior, I'm stuck with trivial things now, and I may not be able to go."

The other party wants to establish a rear base, and he also wants to establish a rear base, so he doesn't necessarily spare time.

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