"Okay, I know what to do!" The butler immediately agreed after hearing Shen Lian's words.

Then the housekeeper greeted the other guards to leave, and he stayed to set up a trap with Shen Lian.

This method of designing traps was seen by Shen Lian from ancient books.

He originally just wanted to learn this skill, but he didn't expect that it would come in handy today.

Under the command of Shen Lian, several guards followed Shen Lian's method, and soon they dug out potholes one by one under the ground. Each pothole was several meters deep. There is a huge danger.

After Shen Lian finished arranging the traps, he said to the butler: "Steward, you take the rest of the city lord's mansion to the location of the mine to ambush, waiting for an opportunity! 99

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"" After finishing speaking, the butler turned around and led people to ambush at several hidden locations around the city lord's mansion.

After the housekeeper made arrangements, Shen Lian and he followed the traces of the person who came yesterday to find it.

On this land, there are footprints and bloodstains everywhere, and the footprints are very messy and easy to identify.

Obviously, yesterday's battle must have been very intense.

Shen Lian searched all the way, and soon came to the side of a river, next to the river was a mountain col, covered by many trees, Shen Lian judged based on the direction of the footprints, those people probably left from the mountain col, because The terrain of that col is very complicated, and there are many trees, so it is easy to hide the trail.

"Housekeeper, what is that place? Let's go and have a look." Shen Lian turned to the housekeeper and asked.

"Okay." The butler nodded and led Shen Lian towards that place.

Soon, the two came to the col.

The terrain of the col is flat, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there is only a small stream in the middle. If you walk out from the side of the stream, it is easy to expose the target. Therefore, Shen Lian chose to detour from the left side of the stream.

Shen Lian came to the side of the stream, stood beside the stream, and felt it carefully.

There is a slight fluctuation of Spirit Power here, although it is very subtle, but it cannot be concealed from Shen Lian.

"It seems that we were right in chasing, they left from this direction." Shen Lian whispered.

Seeing Shen Lian standing here, the housekeeper asked suspiciously, "Shen Lian, what did you find?"

"You can feel it carefully." Shen Lian said.

"Yes, the air here does have the aura left by this person. Although it is very weak, it can still be detected. This direction is exactly where the Nangong family belongs, and it seems that it is the mine they attacked at night." 99 Steward said.

"Let's go, let's continue chasing after, I want to see what the hell they are doing." After Shen Lian finished speaking, he rushed forward, followed by the housekeeper.

It didn't take long before he arrived near the Nangong family's clan.

"Sure enough, it was made by these scumbags." The butler said angrily.

"Let's go back first, this place is not suitable for hands-on." Shen Lian said.

"En!" The butler nodded, followed behind Shen Lian, and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as Shen Lian returned to the City Lord's Mansion, the housekeeper told Shen Lian what he had found out.

"It seems that the guy from the Nangong family is really not easy." Shen Lian sighed.

"What's so great about that guy, in terms of strength, I'm much stronger than him, if he dares to fight with me, I promise to defeat him! The butler said with an arrogant expression.

Shen Lian ignored him and thought about the next countermeasures on his own.

The housekeeper did not dare to disturb Shen Lian, so he silently left the room and ordered the guards to continue ambush.

However, the housekeeper has already made up his mind in his heart that as long as he catches those thieves, he will not let them go!

After the housekeeper left, Shen Lian sat in the room quietly thinking about the next thing.

Shen Lian was thinking, how should he deal with this Nangong family?

This Nangong family is not only high in strength, but also because the Nangong family is the most prosperous family in the entire Eastern Wasteland, and they have a large number of mineral veins and Spirit Stones veins.

Although these veins of Spirit Stones are not precious, they are a huge asset.

This is also the reason why Shen Lian has never taken action against the Nangong family.

After all, they are the people of the Eastern Wasteland, and they are from other places, and taking action against them will inevitably attract the attention of the people of the Eastern Wasteland.

If the people of the Eastern Wasteland develop a hostile attitude towards them, then trouble will follow.

Shen Lian thought about it, but couldn't think of a good solution, so Shen Lian simply suspended the idea.

Next, Shen Lian planned to take a good night's sleep, recuperate his own state, and wait for the arrival of the Nangong family.

However, after Shen Lian rested for a few days, the housekeeper suddenly came to report that a group of mysterious people had broken into the mine.

"Oh?" Shen Lian's eyes opened instantly upon hearing this.

"Let's go, let's go and see!" Shen Lian said, got up, got dressed, and ran outside with the housekeeper.

Shen Lian ran fast all the way, and soon left the mine, and then followed the housekeeper to the outside of the mine.

At this time, they discovered that the people from the Nangong family had already controlled the entire mine.

Seeing such a scene, the butler immediately became anxious, "These bastards dare to break into the mine privately, it is a heinous crime, I must let them die without a burial!

The housekeeper roared and rushed towards those mysterious people. At the same time, more than a hundred guards behind him also rushed out.

He was the first to shoot, and the butler also used all his powers to use Spirit Power (good Zhao), aiming at the head of a mysterious person and blasting it.

The butler's attack, powerful and domineering, swept out like a flash flood, and suddenly enveloped the mysterious person.

The mysterious man was smashed to the ground by the butler's punch, and with a scream, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

The housekeeper saw that the guy had succeeded in one blow, so he immediately rushed to another mysterious person, preparing to give a fatal blow.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed towards the housekeeper like lightning, blocking him directly.

Shen Lian watched the butler and the mysterious man fighting, but did not intervene, only to see the mysterious man spit out blood by the butler's fist, then got up again, continued to attack the butler frantically, and said something in his mouth , seems to be cursing the housekeeper.

Seeing the mysterious man's movements, Shen Lian couldn't help frowning.

"What is he doing?"

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