Ning Mo waved his hand: "Thanks, I don't want to fight monsters for the time being."

"Brother, do you look down on our team? I can understand that you want to join a high-level team, but if you join a high-level team now, others may not necessarily want you. Even if they do, they will always criticize you. It's better to be self-reliant with us!"

The captain of the self-reliant team is a very sunny young man wearing a baseball cap. He persuaded very patiently.

The female magician in the team was also very patient: "Yes, little brother, our team has warriors, tanks, mages, and assistants. You can play any position. We will gather five people and set off."

In the team configuration of the Shinra Continent, the experience of five people is the most profitable. If there are more than five people, the benefits will become smaller and smaller.

Ning Mo looked at a team of young people, full of youthful, sunny and cheerful atmosphere, which is indeed easy to infect people.

Ning Mo was deeply touched and then refused them: "No! I don't want to fight monsters for the time being."

The captain laughed heartily: "It's okay, then we'll see each other next time we have a chance."

[You rejected the masculine boy and young girl who invited you enthusiastically, and you are very happy to resist the fire ring. The training speed +99%]

Ning Mo refused not because of resisting the fire ring, but because he really didn't want to waste time fighting low-level monsters.

Then Ning Mo visited the recruitment area of ​​the Zhengyi Army. Many players lined up to sign up, and there were still many passionate men.

There were wars on the front line, and the Zhengyi Army was recruiting soldiers every day.

Wandering around for almost two hours.

Ning Mo was about to leave to see if the gem processing was completed.

Suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Ning Mo! We are really destined to be together! This time I won't let you run away!"

Ning Mo turned around and saw that it was Han Qianxue with short hair and a row of white teeth, and the inseparable Hei Bo didn't seem to be next to Han Qianxue.

However, Ning Mo speculated that Hei Bo should be hiding somewhere and watching.

Han Qianxue grabbed Ning Mo's arm as soon as she came up, as if she was afraid that Ning Mo would run away.

"Miss, men and women should not touch each other, don't pull and tug like this!"

Han Qianxue proudly said: "Then don't treat me as a woman, just treat me as your brother! Wow - your boxing gloves, my God, your boxing gloves have been upgraded!!"

Han Qianxue touched Ning Mo's Demon Claw with envy and jealousy: I knew that this Demon Claw could definitely be upgraded. If I had known this, I should have sold my equipment and competed with you for the Demon Claw!

Ning Mo didn't want to get entangled with this young lady: "Okay, stop pretending. What do you want to talk to me about? Tell me now."

Han Qianxue's eyes dodged: "Ah? Who is looking for you? I just happened to meet you. Hehe, it means we are destined to be together."

Ning Mo rolled his eyes: "I felt Hei Bo's breath ten minutes ago. You followed me for at least half an hour. It is indeed fate. I guess you probably knew that I was going to challenge the mirror image, so you followed me since I entered Zhentian City."

Han Qianxue was a little embarrassed: "Ha, misunderstanding, absolutely misunderstanding, I really didn't know you were coming to Zhentian City today. I admit that I did find you a long time ago, but I'm not shy and dare not say hello to you."

"You are shy? You kept touching my hand just now, and you forgot? Okay, tell me the purpose!" Ning Mo didn't hate Han Qianxue, but he felt that this girl was a bit annoying. She always deliberately created encounters. Ning Mo felt like he was being monitored and uncomfortable.

Han Qianxue's expression suddenly became serious: "I have asked someone to explore the way and determine the location of the soul star core on the front line. As long as I destroy the soul star core, I will become a Chinese hero, and then I can prove my ability to my father!"

Fortunately, Ning Mo had learned from his lessons and knew what the soul star core was.

The soul star core is similar to the 5g core network, sending 5G signals to the surroundings; and the soul altar is a 5G base station, receiving these 5G signals.

A core network can radiate a large area of ​​base stations, but if the core network is destroyed, the soul altar will lose its function.

This is why, once an indigenous city is captured, the indigenous sphere of influence will be greatly reduced. This is because the soul star core is generally set up in the city. Once the city is captured, the surrounding soul altars will all lose their function, and the indigenous people will naturally withdraw their troops.

Ning Mo said in a deep voice: "So, you mean, if you and I go to the native city, destroy the soul star core, and then force the native army to retreat, you will be meritorious?"

Han Qianxue said excitedly: "Yes! That's it, am I very smart!"

Ning Mo has only a vague understanding of the strength of the natives. Although there is immortal glory, there are still risks. He just killed the mirror image, so Ning Mo does not need to take risks.

"If it is so easy to destroy the soul star core, why don't the soldiers on the front line destroy it? Obviously, this is an impossible task! If you want me to die with you, then I refuse."

Han Qianxue said aggrievedly: "The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. The spies I sent have already disguised themselves to enter the enemy city, which shows that there are loopholes. As long as we talk less, we will not be recognized."

Indigenous humans look similar to humans on Earth, with only some subtle differences, but these can be solved by makeup.

Ning Mo could actually understand Han Qianxue's feelings. At that rebellious age, she had a quarrel with her father and ran away from home. Then she wanted to do something big to let her father see how powerful she was and prove herself.

Ning Mo also ran away from home before to prove that he could survive without his parents. As a result, he almost starved to death outside. In the end, his parents called the police and found him wandering in a foreign land.

Ning Mo sighed: "Han Qianxue, if you really want to prove your strength to your father, you have many ways, not this risky way; even if you succeed by chance, your father will not think it is your achievement, but will think you are trying to fish in troubled waters; and have you ever thought that if you go deep into the enemy city, Hei Bo will definitely protect you secretly, and Hei Bo's heavenly strength is too strong, it is easy to attract the attention of the enemy's strong, and then it may cause a heavenly war! The front line will enter the decisive battle stage early, how many people will die, have you considered the consequences?"

"Uh..." Han Qianxue was suddenly out of confidence.

Ning Mo continued: "If you want to prove yourself, you must have real strength and lay a solid foundation. Isn't your father the guardian of Tiancheng and the Zhentian Army? Why don't you develop a legion of your own down to earth, and then capture a city openly? Only then will your father be truly proud of you."

Han Qianxue shook her head: "No, that's too slow! And I'm alone now, where can I develop a legion from?"

"Build a guild! Find a group of like-minded people, unite together, and then when the guild grows, you can form a legion. This way, step by step, down to earth, isn't it better than your risky death?"

Han Qianxue's smart eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, building a guild is a good idea, Ning Mo, you are now known as the Nine-tailed God of Death Very loud, if you build a guild, it will definitely attract countless admirers. Why don't you build a guild and be the president? I can assist you and be the vice president! I will conquer the world with you! "

Ning Mo was speechless: "You look very feminist, and your dress is also neutral. Why are you relying on me again? What are you proving to your father? Prove that you have a good eye for choosing men..."

"Shut up! Okay! Stop talking! I know!" Han Qianxue suddenly got angry, "I don't need your help! I will build a guild and meet the legion myself!"

Ning Mo thought that if he wanted to develop and strengthen his own strength in the future, he would also need to build a guild and a legion, but Ning Mo was too lazy to do these things, so it would be better to cooperate with Han Qianxue and be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Don't be angry, I did say something a bit too much just now! How about this, you go build a guild first, if your guild can grow and grow to the top 1,000 in the world, then I will definitely help you!"

Han Qianxue held her breath and said ruthlessly: "Okay! It's a deal! It's just a guild! I, Han Qianxue, can definitely do it!"

Guild rankings are based on guild points.

Guild points are mainly obtained by participating in guild wars.

It's not easy to enter the top 1,000 in the world.

Ning Mo just wanted to stimulate Han Qianxue. If Han Qianxue really succeeded in building a guild and entered the top 1,000, then Ning Mo could cooperate with Han Qianxue.

If Han Qianxue's guild could not enter the top 1,000, then Han Qianxue would not have the face to find Ning Mo, and Ning Mo would just find trouble.

Han Qianxue left.

Leaving with greater determination and motivation.

However, Ning Mo didn't know that Han Qianxue deliberately met Ning Mo by chance, not only because she saw Ning Mo's strength, but also because she wanted to make friends with Ning Mo. Han Qianxue didn't know why she wanted to make friends with Ning Mo so much.

Maybe it was because Ning Mo took away her Demon Claw, or maybe it was because Ning Mo rejected Han Qianxue again and again. In short, Han Qianxue was angry and wanted to see Ning Mo when she thought of him.

So angry! So angry!!

Han Qianxue kept punching each other.

At some point, Hei Bo appeared beside Han Qianxue: "Miss, why are you so distressed? I can just kill him."

Thank you for the reward from Huanle Ma! Thank you for the reward from Yi!

Your reward gave me more motivation to pick up bottles under the scorching sun!!

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