The video continues to play.


However, I didn't expect it.

It was at this time that his own son.

Yamato actually stood up.

In their conversations.

The reason why Kaido wants to destroy everything.

It was completely exposed.

Kaido was supposed to dominate all the people here.

And let them work hard.

However, when faced with Yamato's questioning why Kaido wanted to deprive himself of his freedom.

When Yamato asks Kaido why he wants to deprive the country of its freedom.

Kaido's answer was that things in this world never necessarily have answers.

Yellow-haired boy.

Kaido didn't say these words exactly to Yamato.

In fact, he was responding more to his younger self.

There are answers that he has pursued all his life without getting results.

Why is it that there are powerful people in this world who are born to oppress others.

Why can you never be caught in endless wars?

Why do you always try to please others?

He said what was in his heart to his son Yamato in front of him.

Those words like blood and tears were all addressed to the former self.

You've never been alone.

All the guys you had a good relationship with are dead.

The so-called friendship is just a façade.

All the people were scared.

You are a ghost child, so you should rely on power to dominate others.

You simply can't live peacefully with humans.

This is your fate.

When Kaido shouted this sentence.

It means that the boy who once wanted to slay the dragon has become an evil dragon.

Maybe the dragon

slayer will eventually become the curse of the dragon.

Maybe it's because fate is meant to be.

After Kaido ruthlessly shattered the dream of his son Yamato.

He had thought that this was the end of the incident.

No one will be able to stop their plans.

He couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment and regret in his heart.

In the end, the person he was waiting for was just a legendary existence after all.

He is destined to go against the sky.

When he wants to continue with his plan and wants to do what he has to do.

But he saw something incredible happening.

Luffy, this guy should have stayed honestly at the bottom of the sea when he sank to the bottom of the sea and died quietly.

Instead, he appeared in front of Kaido, riding an incredible dragon.

At that moment.

Kaido's eyes were still full of rebellion against fate.

He didn't believe Luffy would be the one in the prophecy.

But in his heart, he gradually understood.

What a terrible existence the so-called prophecy is?

Could it be that Luffy is the legendary child of prophecy?

For all of them, Luffy is a miracle.

Luffy's existence is equivalent to a miracle.

They believe that Luffy's miracle will eventually defeat the dragon.

However, no one ever wanted to stand in Kaido's perspective.

What kind of picture will it be?

Luffy is not a weakling.

He's not a fool to challenge himself.

In Kaido's eyes, Luffy is actually the destiny he wants to defeat.

I went against the sky from beginning to end.

All he has to do is defeat Luffy in front of him.

He is not going to win against a weak opponent.

Rather, it represents a powerful existence of the Mandate of Heaven.

They fought heartily on the island of ghosts.

This is the highest-profile matchup in the entire world.

Kaido is confident that he will be able to achieve the ultimate victory.

Everything was as Kaido had expected.

Luffy, this guy is strong though.

But he was only in the middle of a battle with himself.

It's just getting stronger.

He only needs one hit to be able to completely defeat Luffy.

Kill Destiny once and for all.

Thus going against the sky.

But I didn't expect it at the last moment.

And because of the intervention of others, he humiliated himself and affected the final battle.

At this point, his pupils were full of suspicion.

He began to get angry.

He was probably the only one in the world who knew exactly how to resist Destiny.

How can I become the strongest?

But because of the battles again and again, he was humiliated by the villain and won the battle.

Thus the mentality exploded.

At this time, his eyes were full of despair.

He doesn't want such a victory!


In the world of the winds of gold.


Bugarati looked at the video in the sky and fell silent.

I couldn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Bruno asked with some concern.

"Are you okay?".

He noticed that Bugalati's hand was wounded, but no blood was coming out.

What this means is self-evident.

Now Bugarati's physical injuries have healed.

But it seems that his soul has not returned.

The reason why he is still able to continue to manipulate this body now.

It's probably because of your own ability.

The moment when the energy brought by the ability dissipates.

This means that Bugarati will be completely lifeless.

He saw that Bugarati's soul had once appeared on the horizon.

When I thought I was just wrong and I could save everything.

He realized that he still couldn't do it after all.

Bruno knew that Bugalati was aware of this problem in his heart at this moment, and he suddenly spoke.

"Bugalati, Kaido is really like you. "

Bugalati smiled slightly.

Although he didn't hear Bruno's words just now.

As a result, Bruno discovered that his current situation was not right.

But fortunately, now he can hear clearly.

And said in response to Bruno.

"I'm not a Destiny villain. "

Bruno shook his head slightly.

"You know what your fate is, but you resolutely walk on the road of rebellion against fate, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have lasted that long. "

Bugarati was silent at this moment.

However, he said as if he was going to entrust something to Bruno.

"If it weren't for you, Bruno, I wouldn't be able to get here, so I'll leave it to you in the future. "

To others, it is likely that this is just a small talk between the two.

But only Bruno and Bugarati understood.

This conversation between them may well be the last word.

Bugarati had a smile on his face.

He doesn't regret it at all.

The two were silent for a long time.

Bugarati asked suddenly at Bruno.

"Do you think that there is really no way for humans to overcome their own destiny?".

Bruno's eyes were determined.

"I'm sure it will!".

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