Kaido watched the video from the sky.

I looked at the subordinates below who were eager to try.

Take advantage of what you see and hear domineering when you hear them whispering to each other when they are communicating with each other.

He couldn't believe it.

Are these subordinates really so stupid?

Is it really so stupid?

I really want to let my stick hit them.

Give them a good education of love.

Are you kidding.

Own thunderous gossip.

When did it become the Master's whip?

Even more outrageous is that.

Luffy is a rubber physique that can withstand the next thunderous gossip.

With all his strength thundering gossip, he can block it several times and still can't die.

People can open and hang.

You little Karami.

What a hell?

Even if you only use half a set of thunderous gossip.

You're all going to die of lust.

What's more, it's still a full set.

Are you kidding.

Kaido sat there in silence, making the air pressure in the entire venue a little low.

"Whitebeard is dead, the red-haired Shanks has become the sustainer of this world, that guy can't stop the progress of our legion, so at that point in time, it was right to join forces with Big Mom to destroy the world, subvert the world, and plunge the whole world into war to rewrite the rules, but I only didn't expect that the parable from twenty years ago turned out to be true. "

He sighed a little.

Obviously, his heart is full of hatred and obsession with himself.

However, at this moment, the video in the sky has all vanished.

Even if it's in advance, it doesn't help.

Because Luffy, that guy is the legendary child of prophecy.

He always appears in front of him in unexpected ways.

This sense of powerlessness to break the shackles of fate made him feel unusually suffocated.

"Why, why did I exist in this world, and why didn't I see through the power of this heavenly firmament!".

He was not reconciled.

But there is nothing to be done.

He wanted to roar.

But he can only hide this dragon chant in his chest.

The whole person began to become a little confused.

Even if he is the most powerful man in the world.

When he saw a hairy boy.

Through a short period of growth.

It surpassed his own efforts in the past 20 years.

He is proud of his physique and toughness.

Smashed by the opponent's blow.

Even if you finally touch each other with the pride in your heart.

In the end, I still can't win.

There was a faint sense of anger in his strong man's heart, and he couldn't evacuate.

Everyone was a little anxious when they saw Kaido like this.

They were worried that Kaido's Dao heart was unstable.

So they shouted that they still had to carry out that plan.

Kaido waved his hand slightly, put the flask in his hand to his lips, and took a long sip of wine.

He needs to calm down.


Luffy, who was standing at the bow of the ship, looked at the video in the sky, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

The eyes will be filled with sadness unconsciously.

He watched as Kaido took that punch at the last minute.

He didn't think he was any better.

On the contrary, I feel that Kaido's deeds are too regrettable.

It's a pity.

After all, they have different positions.

That's why they are born and die.

Zoro sensed that Luffy's situation was wrong.

Sanji, like Zoro, has been observing Luffy's situation.

The two of them stood up at the same time, and when they saw each other, they smiled inexplicably.

Sure enough, the most reliable guys on the ship are Zoro and Sanji.

Of course, Sauron is a little more reliable than Sanji.

Because Sanji is this guy when he has a problem with women.

will always behave extraordinarily pulling the crotch.

Sauron, on the other hand, has no such problem.


At least not before Wano Country.

Sauron rubbed the knife gently.

"I really want to go to war with Wano Country. "

A smile appeared on the corner of Sanji's mouth.

"I'd like to see how much my demonic feet have strengthened. "

Luffy looked back at the two of them.

The solemnity on his face suddenly changed into a smile.

"Then our next destination will be Wano Country, let's get there, and set off !!


Zoro stared at Luffy.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That's right.

Luffy, this guy will always be Luffy.

Even the so-called rubber fruit has become a nika fruit.

Nothing will change.

This guy is also extra reassuring at this point, Luffy will always be the stupider Luffy.

His presence will bring light and liberation to the whole world.

He was just the captain of his Sauron's heart.

At this point, he inexplicably has a manly empathy with the co-captain Ember next to Kaido.

Being able to meet someone who makes you willing to die with you.

What an important thing.


"The video has been played. "

"Congratulations to Kaido for getting a random reward for video playback. "

"Dragon Gate. "

"The dragon gate exists in ancient myths and legends, the carp jumps over the dragon gate, becomes a real dragon, the so-called real dragon, can turn over the river and the sea, affect the sun, moon and stars, not only can call the wind and rain, affect the weather, cause tsunamis and earthquakes, etc., the power gap between the real dragon and the pseudo-dragon is extremely large, but the existence of the dragon gate can allow the user to temporarily obtain the power of the real dragon level when crossing the dragon gate, and with the increase of the user's own strength, the power of the incarnation of the real dragon will also be enhanced accordingly. "


The moment the reward is issued.

Kaido is stupid.

He looked at the heavenly gate that appeared in the palm of his hand.

This is the legendary Dragon Gate.

A legend that does not exist in the world of One Piece.

It is also an existence that has an endless attraction just by looking at it.

Even for a strong man like Kaido.

This is also something that cannot be described and cannot be looked at, and it is mysterious.

He carefully held the small dragon gate in his hands.

The thick fingers are compared to the tiny gantry.

There is a big difference.

But the moment the finger touched the dragon gate.

He found himself in another dimension for some unknown reason.

He turned into a koi fish.

And in front of him was the towering dragon gate.

All he had to do was jump over the dragon gate from the sea and cross the dragon gate.

Kaido's mind was filled with the idea of the impossible.

Soon, however, it remained in his heart.

There was a lot of resistance.

A teenager-type personality that has been born since he was ten years old.

Told him.

Nothing in this world is impossible.

We dare to do anything that destroys the world.

So why a gantry.

We can't cross it.

Accompanied by the pride in the heart.

Kaido inexplicably remembered his actions against the sky.


thought of using one of the tricks I'm most proud of.

Fight Luffy.

And did not choose to use the strongest immovable king move.

There was a lot of pride in his heart.

That's right.

I am a person who has always had to go against the sky.

How could he be frightened by a towering dragon gate.

Not even once.

That's twice.

Three times.

Even if it's 10 million times.

I'm such a heroic character.

There's no way you'll be scared!

I saw that the pride in his heart pushed him to jump from the sea.

Although it did not succeed in crossing the dragon.

But he understood.

I'm not far from crossing the dragon gate!

The speed of time

in the gantry is not the same as the speed of time outside.

After all, Dragon Gate belongs to Wonderland.

Therefore, even if you spend 10 million years inside the dragon gate, it will only take ten seconds outside.

Soon the crowd saw Kaido open his eyes.

The momentum on his body suddenly changed dramatically.

What shocked everyone was not that Kaido's power had increased.

Rather, Kaido's cloudy eyes began to clear.

Like, yes.

Back to him as a teenager.

That's right.

Kaido's experience is a perfect interpretation of this sentence.

May you go away for half your life.

He is still a teenager when he returns.

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